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storchy neil

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Posts posted by storchy neil

  1. sparks there was three corners that had to scrape the bull bar of the benz on the wall or the trailer and me would have been at the bottom in the river


    used to be an old bloke just after the tunnel that used to get a ride into mitta Friday arvo Monday he was looking to go back out


    quite interesting he was showed me a couple off caves and drawings


    must get of me arse and take a trip down mem lane


    the water fall one day going up this bloke with caravan hugging the wall coming out wanted me to pass on the out side of him shit that road was not wide enough to pass two wheel barrows on his wife poor woman was shit scared


    told him to back up he said no you back up he wanted me to back around water fall corner I backed his caravan up because he couldn't yeh know 7ft9 wont go into 7ft 4 because his van might fall over the side van had a little grove in it


    took a mate up one day never wanted to come with me ever again his wife said cant be that bad can it she had a ball but then again with eyes closed who knows


    Monday and Friday every week two or three blocks of marble back into Sydney


    1968 50 bloody years ago if only could do it all again neil



  2. sparksdusty bullio that has to be wombean caves road I think neil


    just google it yep wom caves rd was carting marble blocks out off wom caves back in 1968 with a 36ft semi traier some great screanery up their neil



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  3. Welcome back for a Pom you caused a major search and rescue scene down here 096_tongue_in_cheek.gif.d94cd15a1277d7bcd941bb5f4b93139c.gif


    I was a thinking that Phils havering a wale of time but no in wales freezing his tits of sorry 009_happy.gif.56d1e13d4ca35a447ad034f1ecf7aa58.gif


    That 5.5 drive sounds like a pub crawl to me I won't tell 111_oops.gif.41a64bb245dc25cbc7efb50b743e8a29.gif Neil



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