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Posts posted by farri

  1. Hi Ian, I possibly could help but not sure I can do what you need...I`ve just purchased a new PC with windows10 and still have my other PC with XP online ( coming from Windows10 at the moment). Please tell me exactly what I need to do and what time of the day I need to do it.



  2. Thanks for the nomination guys, but I think I`ll pass........022_wink.gif.9d61fed85ccaec4ccc17040770c5c601.gif


    The Drifter lives on!... Over the weekend we celebrated the thirtieth birthday of our beautiful, eldest Grand-Daughter, Alison, the lady standing beside the Drifter in the photo above.


    Alison has many friends and they came from near and far, so it was a fairly big affair! the party was supposed to be held here on our property, but! due to bad weather, we had to hold it in one of the local halls... Through the night several of Alison`s friend came up to me to say hello as I`d taken them flying in the Drifter, over the years.


    Alison with her Dad, Ashley.




    This is Bryce Ward... Bryce and his wife Rebecca flew up from Ipswich, to attend. I`d taken Rebecca flying a couple of times over the years and fortunately for Bryce, on Saturday the weather improved enough for me to take him for his first flight in an Ultralight... Bryce passionately wants to become a recreational pilot so I`ve given him sufficient information for him to go for it... We might see him on this forum, shortly!









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  3. Finally!!! After several weeks of solo flying, between heavy rain squalls and strong wind, this afternoon I got to take Alison, our eldest Grand-Daughter and Brooklyn, our Great-Grand-Daughter. (Alison`s Daughter)


    Alison has flown with me many times over the years, she started flying with me at 4 years of age...Brooklyn also started with me at 4 years of age and this was her 5th flight.









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  4. mis·take






    1. An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.


    2. A misconception or misunderstanding.


    By definition, I would say there is no small mistake, a mistake is a mistake! it`s the result of the mistake that determines the outcome.


    I recall reading, in a safety magazine, 65% of GA pilots forgot to remove the chocks from the wheels of the aircraft, before they got on board and started the engine!





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  5. Mustering, as far as I am concerned is a ""commercial operation", and should not be put in same vein for our Recreational Flying stats. (sorry if it sounds hard).

    Havn`t looked at the current OPS Manual but I reckon the principal hasn`t changed! From memory, the original wording was " An Ultralight Aircraft may only be used commercially, for the purpose of instruction"...In an attempt to create a better image for our sport, AUF/RA-Aus changed the term Ultralight Aircraft to Light Sport Aircraft, also, as I understand it, a property owner may use their LSA, legally, for inspecting fence-lines and mustering...I would consider mustering to be a commercial operation when the person mustering is being paid to do it...I do get your point,though.


    We will never stop accidents ever. No person or machine is perfect and we will always make mistakes, just make sure they are small ones that don't lead to big ones.

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with you...The best we can do, is the best we can do!





  6. 13015568_10206112994650911_8665625907429197754_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne5-1.fna&oh=20cf40362c983a609b1434d412d5d0ce&oe=5D6B118C


    Paul Lindamood shared a post.


    Admin · 8 hrs


    WUFI 2019 map link below. Two days this year, October 12 and 13! If you flew in 2018 you are automatically pinned on the 2019 map. <https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=2876715>




    Paul Lindamoodto Magnificent Men & their Flying Machines


    8 hrs


    WUFI 2019 map link below. Two days this year, October 12 and 13! If you flew in 2018 you are automatically pinned on the 2019 map. <https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=2876715>





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  7. Hi Paul, 098_welcome.gif.3d5ee1df950cced34f20fdc54b4337e6.gif......I don`t know what FPV stands for! I started flying Ultralights way back in the mid-eighties due to the cost of G.A... If you`d like to know a bit more about me, take a look at "What`s Happening" in the Drifter section...Cheers and all the best!


    Franco. (Frank)



  8. G`Day cdema, Glad you decided to join this Forum and hope the next time you`re up my way the weather is better so I can take you flying in the Drifter!


    All the best with your flight test but keep in mind, that is just the beginning of the journey.





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  9. Yeah! I`ve been in the water with them many times in my life and I`ve always wondered how many times one or more of them were eying me off, never been threatened by any though!


    There was a large one about 50 mt, upstream, from where we had to get out of the tinnie and onto the bank, to work on the cable! I think we were on it`s resting spot, didn`t bother us though! The Croc spotting boat pulled up to show the tourists.


     Crocks need to be taken seriously! It`s now two years and one month since Warren Hughs, a friend, and a guy I`d been spearfishing with several times, was bitten on the head and killed by a Croc, while he was spearfishing... I took this photo, from the road, just up the road from home here, at Deeral.





  10. As I got a private message from SSCBD wondering what has happened to me because I havn`t been posting my usual photos, I can assure everyone I`m safe and well and still flying.


    The weather up here has been terrible for weeks on end, with strong wind and heavy rain but I`ve been getting some solo flying in, when it`s eased off a bit! We currently have reasonable weather today and tomorrow but rain and wind is supposed to start up again on Friday so I`ll probably go up again for a quickie, this afternoon. 


    Looking South, with Fishery Falls ahead and below.




    Sunn going down over Mt Bellenden Ker!




    Yesterday I was up at the Daintree Village, helping to lay a phone line across the Daintree River, spotted this beaut little waterfall on the bank of the River, took the photos from my Tinnie! 













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  11. Too hot for underwear? I would ask Fari, he has had the opportunity to check.

    image.png.46456906028016dbf95c5300d1f81b9b.png/monthly_2019_02/image.png.187d234eb8ca4d625b0024e80a27dea8.png" data-ratio="100">.......As I`ve got dual controls on the Drifter, on my preflight briefing, I always tell the ladies not to close their legs on the stick!!!... 020_yes.gif.aa1921c64e2c3bdae3d6eb0230ac35fb.gif ...Now! back to the footwear!



    • Haha 3
  12. This is what happened at Deeral today! Perfect Drifter flying conditions so fly we did! Recreational aviation just doesn`t get any better than this!!!


    This morning.




    This afternoon...Sarah and Tanja, both from Germany!                                                                                                                                                                             image.png.2687f5274aa5ab1ec5f1ebc7a48a151a.png

















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  13. Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of taking Tony Lanzi up in the Drifter for his first Ultralight flight! Next was to be Matthew, our eldest Grand-Son and a 13-year-old boy who Matt mentors at school, but unfortunately, just as they arrived mother nature unleashed a Thunder Storm that would have been the equivalent of a category 1 cyclone! it knocked out the power to 250 homes in the Babinda area, fortunately, we have a standby generator so we didn`t have to sit in the dark for several hours! The current forecast is for fine with very little wind for all of this week which is great but "MAN! IS IT HOT AND HUMID!"


    Tony Lanzi is a very experienced pilot who owns and flies a 1981, RG 182 Cessna,Turbo, currently based at Innisfail aerodrome...I met Tony for the first time,yesterday.







  14. Hey Frank, how is it up there? Growing fins yet? Cheers Don

    G`Day Don! Rain, Rain, More Rain, Then! Even More Rain! and it`s not finished yet! Following a very dry year for this part of the country, the dry ended in mid December... We`ve been flooded in twice already this year and it`s only the beginning of February and the Cyclone season doesn`t end till the end of April.


    I`ve had to bring the Drifter up to higher ground here at the house for the second time! it was tied down here for the best part of last week...This morning there was a break in the rain and the wind so I decided to go for a fly! I had to use the strip up at the house here but nothing stops the grass growing and I havn`t been able to mow it so it was fairly high but not a problem! I landed back on the other one and put the Drifter back in the shed but I don`t know for how long it will be there as that low that`s been flooding so many areas of North Queensland is expected to last at least another week.













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