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Posts posted by farri

  1. Yesterday morning, big Jimmy,(previous flight) /monthly_2018_12/1277896720_Jimmy.(Large).thumb.jpg.b0a9aae67acd062cc2530e3405f13f1d.jpg turned up with his friend Ron! Jimmy had told Ron about the two flights he`d had with me and Ron was keen to see what it was all about. Ron is the first passenger I`ve had who chose to wear his Motorcycle helmet, that was fine with me but I did explain that in the event of a heavy landing the helmet could cause severe neck injuries.




    Back on the ground, usual question from Me, " First impression! what did you think of the flight?" Ron, "Great but I forgot to press the record button, for the Video". Ah well! you win some you lose some! Ron reckons he`ll be back so hopefully next time he`ll remember to press the record button.




    Ps, Before anyone jumps up and down about the Camera, I`ll make it clear that I allow anyone to take a Camera, provided it is secured in a manner that is safe.


    Pps, Big Jimmy is determined to lower his MTOW!



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  2. Old Drifter pilots have more fun!!! 004_oh_yeah.gif.9e5fda4460dcecb69107978dfbca9899.gif .......Sisters, Natashia and Deliah having their first Ultralight flight in the Drifter, with me, yesterday afternoon!






    Ps, After the flight? Two very excited, happy ladies!


    Pps, Photos posted with their permission!                                                  





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  3. After almost a week of of strong wind that would blow a drovers dog off a chain, not to mention the heavy rain, today was sunny, with the wind back around 15 kts so Frances and Me had a hard days work at our eldest Daughter and her Husband`s big property at Mundoo , Me mowing and Fran taking care of the garden! got it all done and back home with enough time to go for a fly, so I did and what a fly it was! First solo flight for 2019.


    High above the valley!                                                  Sun just going down over Mt Bellenden Ker.






    Ps, No matter how much flying I do taking others flying with me, I have the need to get up there on my own and just enjoy the magic of it all.





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  4. Over the years I`ve considered building a shed for the Drifter up here on high ground that doesn`t go under water, considered it again with the bit of flooding we`re just getting, and then I`m reminded of the song, Manana Manana.  


    Peggy Lee    November 25, 1947. 


    The window it is busted and the rain is coming in


    If someone doesn't fix it I'll be soaking to my skin


    But if we wait a day or two the rain will go away


    And we don't need a window on such a lovely day "    


    Getting everyone home the day after I moved the Drifter! Sam holding the Tinny so I could take the photo... Sam`s father, Bernard, lives in New Zealand and came over here to spend Christmas with Sam and the rest of us! New experience for Bernard! I reckon he`ll remember it.




    The Mulgrave river rose again over night and flooded Ross road again so this morning I had to take our Grand-Daughter Alison to the other side so she could go to work! No need for the Tinny and really! no big deal!!!


    Going Across!   Water1.thumb.jpg.830e01a19154d1b3bff0a26184324276.jpg




    Ps, I`ve had a life time of experience on the water and under it! Don`t try to cross flood water if you are not absolute sure you know what you are doing.


    I havn`t yet found the problem but when I submit a post, it comes up different than I wrote it! Hopefully I`ll get it worked out or is it the new system that`s got bugs in it...I`ve had to edit 3 times 











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  5. Always  enjoy your stories Frank, wish I lived just down the road, good luck with the cyclone. 

    You could be part of some of my stories if you really wish to! There`s a very nice house for sale, just 750 mts up the road, on two blocks of land, with Mulgrave river views! owners are friends of ours and it`s their home away from home, at Alvina Bay, NSW. 




    Cyclone? I went through my first Cyclone at nine years of age with my parents when we were living at Tully NTH QLD! Forgotten how many we`ve been through on our property here at Deeral but we`ve never sustained any really serious property damage and hopefully never will, however, we have lost many $$$ due to crop damage but we`re not farming anymore! it has been absolutely nothing like the losses so many people have had to bear due to bush fires...No chance of any fires here the way it`s raining right now.


    Frank, Franco!



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  6.  At the end of one of the driest periods in many years, we`d been getting extremely heavy rain for a couple of days but no major flooding expected...After a very pleasant boxing day spent at Mission Beach, with some of our family and friends, Frances and I got back to Deeral at about 6 pm to find Ross road, the road to our property, flooded at the boat ramp( nothing new)! fortunately, there was a local guy who had just come across with his tinny so I got home with him and Frances went back to a friends place, just up the road, for the night.   


    Down at the Drifter shed, the Drifter was sitting in water up to the belly tank, my Grand-son`s Jet-Ski, was on it`s trailer in the shed beside and it was about to float and the water was still rising! by the time I did what I had to do to get them out, it was dark, there was no one else here at home and I had to get both up to higher ground here at the house, in the dark and rain! I did have light from the Hilux ute and a very good torch, though... I`ve gone through moving the Drifter from flood water numerous times over the years but never in the dark, on my own and at 71 years of age (on new years day)...LOL...It`s amazing what you can do when you have to!!!


    Before the rain. I`d just finished mowing and went for a quick fly... Day after I shifted the Drifter.                    Same day.


    /monthly_2018_12/49571212_home1.thumb.jpg.74c2020c5ca1c0f5693884822e34ea9a.jpg 1267171258_Strip2.thumb.jpg.43cfb5844b73c1483ba7fec4a013d038.jpg                                                                              




    Ps, We can get flooded in with next to no rain here at Deeral! It`s the amount of rain in the Mulgrave and Russell river catchment area and the Atherton Tablelands that determines the height of both rivers! at the moment our next threat is a low pressure system to the north of us that could develop into a cyclone! all we can do is to be prepared and wait and see!...Frances and Me wouldn`t live anywhere else! we plan to live out our life here.









  7. Thank you Geoff! it`s been a long time coming and so plenty of time to come to terms with it but it`s hard not to let the mind go back to better times and that is when it really hurts! Fonti was in her early thirties when I got a phone call from this lady I`d never met saying her and her husband, Uwe, were wanting to learn to fly! she was such a beautiful, full of go, soul... Hopefully, Uwe, will recover from his loss and start flying again.





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  8. As Fonti was an AUF pilot, I decided to post here for anyone who may have known her!


    My wife Frances just made me aware of a photo she took at a gathering of some family and friends, at her house, just a few weeks ago! Fonti is the beautiful lady holding the flowers Frances gave her on the night.





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  9. This morning, Fontini Von Gunten, lost her long battle with Breast Cancer.


     Fontini, also known as Fonti and her husband, Uwe, were both students of mine, when I was instructing and both achieved their AUF pilot Certificate! they were keen Ultralight fliers and until recently, flew their X-Air from my strip! they were also personal friends of my wife Frances and Me.


    Rest in peace Fonti, you will now be flying with the Angles.... Fontini Von Gunten,  13.08.65-----27.12.18.





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  10. To report or not report?


    A while back a fairly noisy aircraft heading south flew over home here! when it got a few klm past I was absolutely sure in my mind that I heard the engine stop. Due to it`s direction and altitude, I reckoned it would come down somewhere around Babinda so I phoned the Babinda police and told the lady who answered that I thought an aircraft had, had an engine failure and could possibly come down in that area! She very sarcastically told me that they would keep an eye out for it. It turned out no aircraft came down and I felt a bit of a dill but I was satisfied I`d done what I thought was the right thing at the time.


    This also happened a few years ago.


    It was around midnight and I`d just got to bed when I heard a vehicle go past the house and go down to the Drifter shed then come back and stop at the house! by this time I`d got up to see what was going on and it was a police car! a big cop came to the door and asked if I`d just been flying and I told him that I hadn`t and that in any case, it wasn`t legal for Ultralights to fly at night! he told me that two paramedics in an ambulance were driving north to Cairns and at around 11 pm they reported seeing what they thought was an aircraft`s light, come down in our area


    About an hour after the cop left, a helicopter with a huge search light below it, that lit the area almost like day, turned up and flew a search pattern from Babinda to Deeral until the sun rose...No aircraft had gone down.





  11. Hi Franco

    My rough calculations, 30 min flight in your 503 drifter at 60% power (26kw /35hp) would require a 13 kwh battery weighing 


    82 kg. The electric motor might be lighter than the 503 but I don't think we are there yet. As you say 30 mins in a Drifter or Thruster is plenty of fun on the farm.

    The very bottom line! I don`t want to give flying away, won`t be long I`ll need a refurbishment, if electric is possible and affordable, at this stage, it`s the way I`d like to go...82 kg battery would pretty much restrict the Drifter to single seat but I could live with that... 30 minutes flight time? well! it`s only got to get me up there,I know my way home... cost? don`t want to go back to a Rotax 582 so if the cost of "electric" is reasonable and acceptable to me, then that`s what it will be...Here`s hoping!


    Legal Requirements? Well! that`s another story.




    Ps, I`ve been accepted into the "Ultra-Electric, do it yourself electric Ultralight conversion", facebook group!



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  12. Much as I love the Drifter, who needs the airframe if you're going to go electric?

    Yeah! But I want to be able do what I do in the Drifter and it`s twin seat! I can`t see either of those two "toys" being able to do what I want, I do agree though, they would be great fun, but ultimately, at what cost... I don`t have a money tree!


    Thank you very much for the link, I wasn`t aware of it! I will join.





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