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Posts posted by brilin_air

  1. Bushy,


    Look forward to meeting you if we bump into each other there. Brian is flying the Jab in on Thursday about 18.30, since it's only a 10min flight from home. We will be wondering around all day on Saturday.





  2. It could be a fungus growth if the fuel has had any water in it, if part of a drum has been used then it could have water from condensation, the only way to kill it is use a fuel bioside which is added to the tank of fuel. The best thing to do is drain all the fuel from the aircraft fuel tank and replace it with fresh fuel from a clean container.







    • Caution 1
  3. There is nothing wrong with a jabiru aircraft, you either love them or hate them, if you hate them then don't fly one or buy one, they are an excellent plane for the money that they cost and the factory has always been helpful in any questions, parts required or for help when needed when we built our J160. The man in Bundaberg when he designed this aircraft has done an excellent job in allowing an affordable aircraft to be available to everyone, just because they might fly different to some other planes does not mean that they are a problem, people hear about things going wrong sometimes as they do with all aircraft, its just that there are more of them flying around so the number of times something may happen is increased compared to other aircraft. The main problems for Jabiru is the lack of maintenance that happens or people babying their engines and causing problems and then blaming the aircraft for being a bad thing. They are one tough bird and we are happy to own one!





  4. hi linda and brian how r we ? when did you hear me at bacchus ?my radio calls are not bad (so i think) if only the navs where a bit better.



    Heard you on your last Nav, (Sunday the 4th about early arvo). You were above the airport heading for Ballarat. I had the scanner on listening and you came over it in 4781. Your call was very good. It's nice to hear pilots give out all the appropriate calls.


    how is the JAB going. will have to pop over and have a look see...

    She is doing well. Brian is just fixing the front spat on it atm, we are looking at modifying it like the 160 at Ballarat. The older type spats cover the full wheel at the front. It's also nice to have her at home now too. :big_grin:


    Catch you soon! 099_off_topic.gif.20188a5321221476a2fad1197804b380.gif




    P.S Watto, Will catch up with you at Bundy sometime. :thumb_up: My family lives there so we should be up at Easter.



  5. she is coming to sit in on the nav theory with me and she will be able to do some joint exercises later with me and then as they say, two heads can be better than one! especially in an unexpected situation we can cross check each other to make sure we have it right. (the navigator) It also give her a feeling of having a contribution and that is important.



    If I may give a little bit of help here with the Nav exercises that you are going to do.


    I took the "Theory" Nav course that you can do. (You should be able to do one at Bundy). This basically shows her how to understand the map and what to look for, power lines, railway tracks, etc that may help when you are flying, and keep you on course. It is also explained to you how to Navigate in times, be it 6 minute or 10 minute blocks. It is very simple and easy to understand Nav course.


    I don't fly, I navigate for Brian and work the GPS when it is needed. I also work the ERSA and this is a big help too. Your wife will become almost your other pair of hands and she will have a big input into it aswell, which she will enjoy. :thumb_up:


    Best of luck!




    P.S. Adrian... I actually heard you give a call out on your Nav back when you were over Bacchus Marsh. Very clear radio call. :thumb_up:



  6. Hi all,


    we had a similar problem with noise caused by the transponder by the position that our feet were in, it turned out to be an upgrade in the transponder that was required as microair explained that a dry solder joint was responsible inside the unit, once it was sent back and refitted, no further problems, give them a ring at microair we have found them to be terrific to talk to about noise interference, I believe that the transponder antenna has something like 200 volts passing through it when it is activated.


    All the best





  7. Ferrite clamps


    Hi Grant,


    If you go to Dick Smiths you will be able to get the ferrite clamps,they are cheap to buy so get a hand full and start playing,If you fit them as far back on the antenna wire as you can it will help also on the power leads into the strobe box is another fix that has worked, basically it all depends on the interference that you are getting as to the way you have to place the clamps.


    All the best.





  8. Hey Ross!


    Glad to hear that you are ok. We thought you were madly working away at trying to get the 160 up in the air.


    On the part of suggestions and such, Brian said you are most welcome to give a call (better and cheaper at night!) or him call you, for any help, advice etc.


    I do know, that if he EVER built another one, there are so many things he would have done differently. There were many times when he become extremely frustrated with it....It took him 3 months to get the rudder set right! :faint:I was on the end of few late night profanities when he had to re-drill and set the hinges several times! 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif.


    Keep up the good work! :thumb_up:





  9. Hey Ross!


    Brian and myself were just wondering how are things going with the 160?


    See you haven't posted since the beginining of the month.


    Love to hear how you are going at it matey. :thumb_up:


    Keep up the good work





  10. Hi Maj,


    On the side of the microair radio there is 2 adjustments that can be made, 1 is for mike gain and the other adjustment I can't remember but it is in the installation book, also by pushing the mode switch on the front you can adjust the vox input so as to adjust it from open mike to a closed mike situation where you have to talk very loud to open the vox intercom. We operate through the radio intercom and find that it works great.





  11. Hi Frosty,


    We use an apple ipod with our microair radio, and the signal is not as loud as the signal from the headphones supplied with the ipod but is loud enough to listen too through the headsets in the plane, does it make any difference if you disconnect one set of headphones,(does the signal get louder) maybe a different brand of headset might not require as much power to receive a signal. Good luck





  12. Thanks for that Rocko :thumb_up:


    We are having the exact same problem. It occurs with lift off and it vibrates the whole of the dashboard. We even changed the tyre on it thinking that it may have been caused from a flatspot on the wheel because it had been sitting for so long.





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