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Posts posted by 2tonne

  1. Oscar said"........ 5. The CASA action has relied on a statement of statistics that have not been made transparent - and that, indeed, CASA is resisting all efforts to be made transparent. Surely, that alone should make those who support the validity of the CASA action rather more than unsettled? If right is on your side, why would you HIDE the evidence?Oscar, read my post #941 , it is JABIRU stopping the freedom of information of the statistics that CASA use the 46 engine failures.

    Just out of interest, on what basis could Jabiru interfere with an FOI request?



    • Agree 2
  2. Contempt can get you there pretty quick.

    My understanding (which is limited) is that for you to be in contempt of Court, you would have to report on something during a trial (ie under judicial review or "sub judice") in a way that could pervert the course of justice. This only comes into effect when a coronial inquest is active, not when it is pending. This is why reporters can interview witnesses at the scene of an accident/crime, but not when a inquest/trial is underway.



    • Caution 2
  3. Hey Tony (good name)How does the Jabiru's compare to the Tecnams to fly? There is a Jabiru available for hire in my local area, that I might get to fly when I get my Cert. A year off flying! That must have hurt?


    Yep, the year off was painful. It was a wife enforced break, but I complained enough that she eventually gave in.

    I really like both aircraft. They are different, but I am probably not experienced enough to be able to describe those differences well. The Tecnam feels a little more stable and the approach on final definitely feels slower. Landing the Tecnam feels a bit easier. But, having said that, I was finding that my landings in the Jab had become pretty consistent. I also think that there is less time spent trimming the jab, but that might just be the difference between the manual lever in the 160 vs the electric trim in the Tecnam which feels slow at times.


    One other difference I think is that if you pull the power off in the jab on final with full flap you get a high sink rate compared to the Tecnam. Still getting to know the Tecnam though.







  4. I have 4 or 5 hours in 7600. Prior to moving to Brisbane in January, I had been training in a J160 at Lilydale. Went solo in Sep 2013 then had a year off flying. Got back into it again last September almost a year to the day after 1st solo. Had clocked up a few more solo flights in the J160 before the move north.


    I am having a great time flying the Tecnam from Redcliffe with plenty of circuits at Caboolture as well.


    Cheers, Tony (also)



  5. First solo for me was in a J160 at 17 hours. Under strict instructions to do one circuit (unless go around needed of course). I think one circuit was enough for me, almost excitement overload by the time I finished the landing roll.



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