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Posts posted by bexrbetter

  1. Bex, you will find that...

    i have been traveling the last few days, Beijing at the moment, and was having the same issues from my mobile. today it,s instantanious though.


    Going fo upgrade to Windoze 10 these weeks, see what happens after that.


    It's a bit crook about XP, seeing as how many people in the world still use it.



  2. Men routinely get screwed over while most women get the softly, softly approach and chance after chance. .

    Lived in Logan City for 20 years and support this notion. Knew plenty of women who worked the system, and the Ex's to the fullest.


    I wouldn't guess the percentage of DVOs that are B/S, but it's a lot. and the paradox is just getting a B/S DVO sends many men into a rage and justifies the DVO.


    Anyone who thinks mothers think of thier kids first and wouldnt use them as pawns to scam the system, is very wrong.



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  3. I'm guessing you've not had much involvement with the family law court then.

    not this specifically but judgements being made here when the circumstances aren't known.


    We had a neighbor scream out of his driveway a few years back, go around the block and crash back through his front fence, attack his missus and the police drag him away. Wasn't too happy to come home a day early from his mine shift and find his missus with 2 guys in his house, kind of ruined his surprise.



  4. Ridiculous, authority gone mad ...


    After 7 years of medical training and hard work, a Doctor has been struck off for one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients with whom he was best friends, and can now no longer work in the profession he loves. What a waste of time, money and effort.


    A genuinely nice guy and one of the best Vets around.



    • Haha 5
  5. I am looking for a trailerable light aircraft for less than $100.00.

    I am willing to compromise on a couple of points.

    Well I'll be darned, I was doubtful, but searching using your criteria and "compromising on a couple of points" I actually found one...





  6. Note the no doubt 'fresh out of University' moron'ed design handle sticking straight out.

    ..and while I'm on the subject of fresh out of University Moron product designers, I bought this little handheld fan rechargable via USB port the other day, and noted it has an indicator light on the side when it's turned on, you know, because it's so hard to tell when a fan's working with all the wind noise and the rush of air into your face, the picture doesn't show how bright it is ....




    .. it was a bit hot last night, so I turned it on, and the whole room lit up ... how can they design such a great little product with the tech inside and yet be so brainless at the same time, sigh.



  7. phytoestrogens: that's what shrunk your prostate mate:roflmao:

    Yeah, but I have great boobs!


    I drink soybean milk daily actually, I know people are screwing their faces up at that, but fresh from raw beans through the machine is different to what you guys drink. That packaged stuff from the shops is horrid.


    I just wanted to note that my soy sauce and soy milk consumption is -post years what I wrote above when milk and Pepsi was my daily consumption. Raw beans in the top, fill the water up, and 22 minutes later steaming hot soy milk ...




    Note the no doubt 'fresh out of University' moron'ed design handle sticking straight out.



    • Haha 1
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  8. Wot took u so long Bex? That’s pretty much Vegemite. The reason it’s the staple hangover cure: it’s made from the leftovers of brewing beer.

    Problem is the brand you buy here, Legimite, is made from cat livers.


    I have become a soy sauce connoisseur since living here, the amount of flavours is mind blowing and I have a couple of favorites, one actually having a hint of a Vegemite type flavour, so no wonder i like it. This is it .... you can impress the Chinese staff by asking what sounds like "war shir ben dan"




    Get yourselves down to a Chinese Grocery and start trying different soy sauces,


    Soy sauce - Wikipedia


    And while you're there, get some numbing pepper oil, and some Sichuan Red Chile, add a few drops of both or more as you get used to it to anything you fry. This is just a sample brand, brand doesn't matter ..




    For a sauce mix equal parts soy sauce, black vinegar, a few drops of the pepper oil and a few drops of chile sauce.


    Sichuan Chile sauce can be bought in a jar pre made, if you can only buy the coarse powder, fill up a small steel tin or steel cup about 2/3rds, bring 1/2 cup of cooking oil to near boiling and pour it over the chile powder until covered. It boils up, but not over in the cup. There is of course some danger in that process, please be careful. Can use as soon as it's cooled.


    And after the break, we are joined by Peter Russel Clarke ....



    • Like 1
  9. Can I get a script for that?Decades ago my GP diagnosed my prostate as being enlarged. As it ran in the family, I was concerned.


    I have had no symptoms since, after following the advice of an aged health professional:


    Use it or lose it; p1ss on morse code.

    Tell yas my experience, in the hope it may help someone:


    A bit past 40, I was having the classic 'around 40 year old' symptoms, lots of knacker's discomfort, short stream time, always wanting to go but often nothing, like a British motorcycle, hard to start in the moring etc.


    About the same time I moved to China. like most Asians, Chinese drink hard, generally a white spirit made from sorghum, 55% alcohol. I fell in to the 'New Friend' drinking trap, and was getting just about paraletic at least 2 times a week. The hangovers were out of this world.


    I spent a lot of time researching and testing about every hangover cure I could find, very little worked until I spoke to a young Doctor on the net who swore he had not a cure, but a reasonable fix for the problem. It works, take the fix before you go out, again 5 minutes before bed, and in the morning when you wake up.


    It is a specific mix of Vitamin B, 1 part each of B1, B2 , B6 and 2 parts B12. Theres is a medical reason of what they do inside your liver or something, that breaks down the alcohol of your main organs or something (Hey, I ain't a Doctor).


    You don't buy a typical off the shelf multi B tablet, you buy the raw vitamins seperate. Here in China you buy them in small jars, and you take about 300 to 500 millgrams of each. Seems a hell of a lot when they are all in your hand, but it's the dose you need.


    I started taking these doses daily to combat the nights out drinking or socialising till late otherwise, and they really work and the hangovers were far less intrusive, and they give an energy boost to add.




    After a few months I stated to notice a large difference with my prostate. I started returning to normal downstairs. It was just great, what a relief. Now I suspected that the vitamins were doing it so continued to take them every morning, even though I had learned how to say no and slow the drinking down (almost zero these years).


    For most, when you take something daily, over time you just start to forget and eventually you just stop, not intentional, just how it ends up.


    Guess what ... as i slowed down and eventually stopped taking the Vit Bs, about a year or more later my prostate starts playing up again, slowly some symptons started coming back. Back onto the Vit B full course daily, and just weeks later symptons completely gone again. ... and taken in the morning, don't take them in the evening or you won't sleep (unless you have been drinking of course), quite the stimulant, bit like caffein.


    I have gone through this cycle a few times over the last 13 years, and absolutely 100% this is my cure for my prostate troubles. I have passed it on to a number of people, one Oz guy in China shouted me out to dinner 4 months after I put him onto it, he went from daily agony to 'cured' in that time frame. He would rave about it every time I met him later on. His missus was pretty happy about it all too, nudge nudge.


    I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, nor can I prove it out as fact, I'm just relating a personal story as it happened to me, your mileage may vary. It is critical to take the mix as I described. again; equal parts B1, 2 and 6, and double B12.





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  10. My 2C worth was that combined with smoking seems to be much worse,

    I would support that view without question.


    Both my Grandfathers died of emphysema in their early 60s, one was a Chippy probably breathing sawdust particles all his life, the other worked at Kodak and probably breathed chemicals.


    I suspect smoking is the accelerant for many a lung disease.



    • Agree 2
  11. You may be finding some of the developing compatibility issues with XP.

    Good point, could have started when Ian went back to this forum OS?


    You’v Been censored

    Shame they don't do a sweep for grammar and spelling as well.


    It's the authorities checking your reply to make sure there's no anti-China sentiment...

    phht, myth I write whatever I want to, I could say the Government here is a bunch of best friend China welcome you! and that they make you best policy.



    • Haha 1
    1. Getting paid a better-than-the-dole wage while undertaking training.

    This, massive issue.


    When I was young (Love cliches, I'm still waiting to jump into a taxi and scream follow that car!) after i left school and looking for a full time job/apprenticeship, I couldn't believe the Goverment was going to give me money for no reason. I got 3 weeks worth, it was very little and didn't feel right. I was over the moon to get a motorcycle mechanics apprenticeship.


    Now it's enough money to pay for their mobile phone costs and more, and that's all many of them care about. A teenage girl merely has to bear 2 or 3 children and she's set for life, as is the father/boyfriend who, cough cough, doesn't live with her.


    Apple just passed the Trillion dollar worth mark, first public company in history to do so, they grow while society gets smaller.


    Dole payments should make life difficult, not easy.



    • Agree 2
  12. I have a serious posting issues that's worst at Rec Fly.


    Recent weeks I have gotten a faster internet package from the same IP provider, and I have reinstalled Windows XP.


    Since either one of those events, I open Rec fly and any page chosen with lightning speed, scrolling, next page opens, any surfing just great.




    If I try to reply, the reply box at the bottom won't open for ages. The 'still loading page' is also active in the top tab. If I want to reply to someone's comment, that page opens quickly, but again, the actual reply box to type into doesn't open sometimes for minutes. This box I am writing in now for a new post took over a minute to open, and edit my post is pretty slow as well to open.


    The smiley icons takes ages to open here, and at another site I can not 'Like' at all, absolutely no response, but I can reply there no problem.


    This is what the incomplete reply box at the bottom of the page looks like after 4 minutes(!) (loading images no problem).





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