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Posts posted by bexrbetter

  1. Tsunamis ...


    Although often referred to as tidal waves, a tsunami is not a usual wave which is only much bigger.


    People unaware of the danger may remain at the shore for collecting fish from the exposed seabed oblivious to the looming endlessly onrushing tide that forces its way through any obstacle.


    Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water behind the initial wave front as the sheer weight of water is enough to pulverize objects in its path, often reducing buildings to their foundations.



  2. Put the rudder back on and got onto the rudder cables next.  Had to enlarge the fuselage slots substantially, not sure why the plans show them so small - would have rubbed the cable to buggery.




    Just if you need Marty, not saying you do, but info for others as well, run the cables through fixed small diameter copper tube where rubbing might be an issue.



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  3. As Big Kev says "I'm Excited!" ..


    Aluminium arrives tomorrow, like a Kid at Xmas, Yay!


    Sadly they only had 1250 x 2500 sheets, I usually lay everything out on standard 1220 x 2440 sheets, so I will have to suffer a little waste as I'm not going to renest everything again. You would be surprised what a difference 60mm longer and 30mm wider makes to nesting, spreading parts over 30 or so sheets. That also goes for the actual design, you can't make a part that won't fit onto a sheet, or cut up into at least the minimal part sub lots.


    But Sketchup will save me, Long Live Sketchy, Sketchy for King!!



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  4. The 701 pedal ratio is 1:1, the cables being attached to the sides of the pedals at the same height as the pedal bars.


    Fair 'nuff, I'm not aware of every model plane out there, but other have ratio.


    Anyway, you ruined my attemp to put fear into Marty!



  5. Yes......you'd have to have fat feet to get anywhere near that sort of number.....)




    Very easy actually. a supported person, using leg mutiplied by the leverage ratio of the pedal.


    So an average person, 70 kgs, can push 2 x body weight easy, (a fit person 3 to 4 x), lets say 6:1 pedal ratio, 140kgs x 6 =  840kgs!



  6. . An unusual way to transport a plane 120klm up the highway.


    See all sorts of interesting things being moved in simple, logical ways when there's no anal rentitive authoritorians ready to pounce on every move you make.



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