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Posts posted by bexrbetter

  1. maybe we need to allow some african kids to grow up here?

    You obviously haven't been to Moorooka (Brisbane) lately.


    But anyway, they will just take up skateboards, dirtbikes, Playstations etc etc and all the other alternate toys now available since the 70's.


    I had zero exposure to planes in my schooling late 60's thru 70's btw, was all about cars and dirtbikes for our area (Mornington Peninsula) and seeing as how many great riders and drivers came out of the area it must have had an effect.



  2. the RV-12, ... for about $110-$120k..... the age profile of builders/buyers/pilots has a mean of about 60-65, with some builders in their late 70's and beyond.

    You can't see it? What 20 year olds have $100K? Aviation has priced itself out of itself.


    every young person ... The only barrier was. . . .THE COST of learning to fly / owning an aircraft / keeping it in a hangar somewhere. . . .

    Well there's stuff in the horizon at least, no thanks to the current industry, can't blame them really (for catering to the above example).



  3. Kids bring in pet turtles, model airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like that. And I never, ever place any boundaries or limitations on them.

    Try a baby black snake in a glass jar - I got told to take it home! (true story).



  4. A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started."


    Her boyfriend asks, 'What is it supposed to be when it's finished?' The blonde says, 'According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster.


    Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle.... "Sweetie, we've talked about this, put the cornflakes back in the box".



  5. The Greek Prime Minister came to me the other day and said he wanted an economic plan for Greece.


    So I gave him my last years tax return and while I do like Crete, I think he got the better side of the deal.



  6. I didn't mean to offend, just offering my comments based on the opinions of others.

    I will happily take you up on the offer to visit and learn how things really work - always keen to be set straight:wave:

    Not my meaning, I took time to answer because you are taking time for others, very grateful for your community generosity and as I said, hope I can help you in kind from this end one day.


    I even have no doubt your knowledge of the law here is beyond mine but as you realise, application of it to culture is a seperate issue altogether.



    • Like 1
  7. Re; China.




    Hi 2tonne,


    I'll chat with the Missus over the next few days about some of your points but I can see myself there is a few typical mis-understandings on how things work here from Clorox's point of view.


    Thanks for helping others, hope I can pay you in kind for China things and next time you come over spend a few days here and learn how things really work.


    My Wife owns the largest Law Firm in town, is a Partner in Chengdu's largest Law Firm (Top Ten in China) and when you open the Beijing Law Assosiation's Law Manual, the entire section on Arbitration was written by my Wife.



  8. Usually, the Chinese individual or business that owns the utility patent will demand some kind of 'royalty' so that you can manufacture or sell your own product.

    If provable that the only intention of the entrepreneur was to cheat the company then this would be easily argued and quickly defeated in a Chinese Court. Even if it was upheld by a bribed local Judge in a Lower Court, it wouldn't have a hope of getting past Middle Court Judges.


    (China) You would, of course, want to get professional advice on this.

    My door is always open.


    Patents also should be smart, ie; Some of my current (Chinese) patents are based around not just the idea, but also production techniques to specifically stop others using those techniques - but only in China and India, I'm gambling on anywhere else in the world can do it but can not compete with me on costs.



    • Like 1
  9. What caste?

    Very clever! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


    how about an engine to compete with the two strokes.

    I have a little secret experiment that is undeway actually, it's about halfway developed.


    My good friend Mal Beare's "6 Stroke" engine has a place in aero as well because the secodary crankshaft running at half speed can direct drive the prop and when Mal gets his current troubles sorted out I might be chatting to him about it.


    And then there's the 2.4 litre lightweight V8 (smooth 180hp very cheap) we got on the drawing board along with the 1.6 flat 6 - not short of backups!


    But I am a one step at a time guy and I just had a phone call while writing this that I need to be at the casting works this Thursday or Friday - I will get pictures.



    • Like 1
  10. Sorry to hear you can't go either mate. . . .

    I was really looking forward to it, booked a room and all and then went to book tickets online and when I grabbed my passport to get the numbers I thought I had better see when this years Visa is due ... oops.


    Here's a bit of China for you and and just one of hundreds of examples of the frustration of living within their moronic narrow thinking here;


    My Work Permit expires on the 30th of August and my Residents Visa expires on the 9th.


    You need a Work Permit to get a Residents permit, fair enough. They do not want me to start the process of getting the Work Permit until the 30th of July, ie; 1 month before - it takes 7 to 20 days to process (they take both my Passport and Aliens Work Permit book hence why I can't be at Osh).


    The clever ones have already worked it out, I will not have my Passport back in time to apply for my Residents Visa as they want a clear 7 days before expiry, sigh.


    So can we get a Residents Visa extension in the meantime? No, you can not do that, god only knows why not, but you can get a 30 day Tourist Visa (L Visa) to cover you.


    ... only an LVisa means you must leave the country to get a Z Visa (a temporary type of Work Permit) available only offshore in order to enter China to apply for a Residents Visa. Now while this means I only actually have to go to Hong Kong, it's still airplane flights, hotels and 3 days lost - and that's cause I'm Australian and they like us (thanks Kevin), Americans in the same situation have to go all the way back to America.


    Why the hell can't they logically match up the 2 darn Visa dates is beyond me, this is the 3rd time now since I've been here that the dates have been mismatched enough for it to be a major headache and off to Hong Kong (I hate HK too) and at least 2 other times I just got in by the skin of my teeth.



  11. I just made this up myself I would like all to know ...


    A sheep with a bandaged leg, a bandaged neck and six shooters at it's side bursts into an old Western saloon.


    The piano stops playing and all go silent ... the sheep silently limps up to the bar and gives the Bartender a note;


    "I'm a lookin' for the man who shot my Maa and my Paw .."


    Ok, ok, I'll get my hat ....



  12. Crows are tasty.In China they would eat them, just like baby sparrows are a delicacy.

    Baby birds are too common than to label them delicacy.


    Never surprises me anymore what they eat, ie; anything, but more to the point, any part of anything.



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