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Posts posted by crashley

  1. Went to the local motor bike shop to buy some shell vsx 4t oil for my 912 rotax but was told it is no longer available and the replacement is AX 7 apparently Bert floods say not to use this oil so what is everyone using now I am looking at using shell aerosport plus 4 but dont know who stocks it locally



  2. how about instead of everyone spreading rumours people should state the facts.If someone says they have emails and letters they should post them or SHUT UP I am sick of this talk about people must resign for raa to survive WHY WHAT HAVE THEY DONE so come on put your pen where your mouth is and tell us what you know or is it all BS and just a personal vendetta ie throw enough mud and some will stick



  3. hi we did the trip to lady baron a few weeks ago in our rv12 had a huge tailwind ( 40 knots + ) so got there from latrobe valley in 70 minutes the return trip had a low cloud cover so could only get to 2000' but the wind had changed directions so we didnt have much of a head wind coming back


    next time we will spend a bit of time looking at the islands



  4. I have been told only about 3 % of scratch built aeroplanes ever get finished but you have to decide what you really want to do If you just want a project it may be ok but if you want to fly within the next few years build a kit plane still lots of work but achieveable I built an rv12 which took just over 12 months which is long enough to wait when you want to go flying



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