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Uncle Chop Chop

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Everything posted by Uncle Chop Chop

  1. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  2. Hi all, Here is a new Skit from ol Uncle Chop Chop Himself. http://zooweekly.com.au/members/viewPos ... =0&aid=848
  3. Looks good. I hope it can benifit anyone who uses it as it has a lot of handy infomation.
  4. Welcome Aboard Mate. Enjoy your stay in Aust.
  5. I will echo that. But you have to admit that the planes these days are much easier to fly. George welcome aboard mate. We here are 1 of a dying bread in that we will try our best to answer any question no matter how stupid it is without abusing you like in other forums. I think I will have to echo the other members and get you to write out a Trip Report about your Training Adventures.
  6. Welcome to the Board mate. I hope you have as much fun as what we do here. WELCOME ABOARD!!!!
  7. I just seen this post even thought it was posted in Octber of last Year and from just looking at the Pictures I can already say that I want to go there and do some serious Photography.
  8. I thought it was a for a real flight. I hate that, I was about to bid on it lol
  9. Welcome to the board Ken. I want to be an Aircraft Engineer but every where I have been have got no places for me.
  10. Well what about doing something related to when the old Dialed Cockpits become Computerised? That was a big step in Aviation. Or how about doing something about new Engine Designs and what they do for the environment. There are heaps. Anyone else have any Ideas?
  11. I do believe they are doing the same as what they did when the received their A320's. I can't remember exactly what it was.
  12. I have seen Elvis up close and personal when I was over in Bairnsdale fighting the fires last Year. It is a real piece of impressive machinary. Well worth a look.
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. I think the best person to tak to would be Robbo.
  15. I will Second that and Carry the Motion. On another note I think that Fotpic is way better in the way that you choose what goes on and how it looks. I love it!!!!
  16. It's a shame that Qantas want tp put these classics out of Bussiness. They have a way better cockpit than the newer glass screens computer Cockpits.
  17. I will Second that Motion. Now who will Carry it?
  18. Cool It is a lot easier than going to the Wepage.
  19. Great Report Todd. You aways outdo yurself every Trip Report
  20. I have wanted to see it for a while now. What is wrong with it?
  21. Its saying that the video has been removed.
  22. Wait until you see the Ericson Sky Crane aka ELVIS. It is massive. But very impressive in how it works.
  23. Welcome aboard mate. Welcome to the Friendliest Aviation Messaage Board in Australia. Don't be affraid to ask any question as unlike other Message Boards we will try our best to answer your question without teasing you or making fun of you. Thats how friendly we are here at The Aussie Aviator
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