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Uncle Chop Chop

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Everything posted by Uncle Chop Chop

  1. Welcome Aboard Rick. Great Photos there. Unfortuantly I didn't get a chance to g to the Airshow this year but I have already made plans to go to the next 1. Maybe we could organise a TAA Weekend? What camera and Lens do you use? I have a Canon EOS 350D SLR with the standard 18mm-55mm and also a 75mm-300mm lens. I found that the 75-300mm Lens is the best for Shooting at Melbourne International Airport. Have fun in Europe. Are you going to do a bit of spotting over there? I have heard that Dubai is an Awesome Airport t Spot at.
  2. Great pictures. Whats the Rego of the Edge 540? I can't quite make it out. It looks like N54O9O? What level is the Dam at? it looks pretty low. Thats a shame because everywhere needs the rain and water. If only they could pump it from Northern New South Wales into the various Dams around Australia.
  3. Ah those where the good old days. Nice planes Even the Cessna in the last picture was built in the 80's. How are you finding your new Camera?
  4. I funny thing is everything said in the song is TRUE!!!
  5. Me thinks we will have to have a Get Together so Glenn can use his new toy a bit more. Say when Singapore Airlines brings the A380 into Sydney later this Year?
  6. Some realy good shots Glenn. What was the Rego?
  7. No it's ok, he's already agreed to take us up
  8. Methinks we will have to have another Spotting weekend again later this year up in Sydney. Just in time for the Arrival of the 1st Singapore Airlines A380 flight. Great photos too fellas. I can't wait to see the big bird in the flesh.
  9. And it sounds like you will be able to take us up for a ride when you get your ticket. Great stuff mate and keep it up. Pretty soon we will have to call you "CAPTAIN CRASH LANDER"
  10. Now Glenn you know the penalty for no photos don't you? :twisted: I don't think I have ever seen a Micro Light.
  11. Are you picking on People with small Things :shock: :shock: ? I rekon he has fown over Western Victoria a heap of times.
  12. I haven't flown with them yet but from what I have heard they aren't that bad.
  13. During the night those engines glow like 4 Christmas Trees. Would make for some really good Photos.
  14. Either a DC-3 or a BBJ VIP Why's that Glenn? Are you buying? :lol:
  15. Thank You Chainy for that Touching Tribute She will be missed. RIP VH-EBT It's a shame that these old girls are leaving our Skies
  16. Some pretty intense pictures there. Luckily that no one was hurt.
  17. CHAINY?????? :shock: :lol: :lol: heh heh heh get this.... I won't go there ;) We are all nice, including lil ol me. I do like the fact we can ask 'dumb' questions and get understanding responses. Hey that's how we learn. TAA forever I say![/quote:ik2k5z0k] HERE HERE
  18. CHAINY?????? :shock: :lol: :lol:
  19. Now your showing your age Chainy :lol:
  20. Oh you've upset Chainy now. Your on his to have a ""stern word with list"" :shock: :lol:
  21. At least you can stand right next to a Radial Engine and not get blown away.
  22. 10 years??? Pfft u'd be lucky to be here still wuldnt ya chainy? 10 YEARS????????????????????? More like 2 Years :lol: :lol:
  23. Good sources tell me that their Maintenance might be at the old Annsett Hangar at Melbourne International Airport. I hope they fly to and from Mt Gambier and rival REX and O'Connor Airlines. I know who I would be flying with.
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