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Uncle Chop Chop

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Everything posted by Uncle Chop Chop

  1. I still don't know how to use it. I would love to be able to see the flight going into and out of Melbourne but I just can't get my head around it. I know a bloke who might be able to set up an ACARS for Melbourne International Airport.
  2. No but you would take a DC-3 Any day wouldn't you?:rolleyes:
  3. Welcome Aboard Jacob. Good Luck with your licence. When you get it though you know you have to do a trip report :lol: I hope you enjoy your time with us here.
  4. G'day Jim and wlecome aboard. Enjoy your stay with us here.
  5. Good to have you back Robbo. We will have to go out again :eek::eek::eek:!
  6. Now you Teasing Me :mad::mad::mad::biggrin:
  7. Judging by the topic title you were pretty excited to go on this trip. I can only imagine what you will be like when you learn your going to be a Dad or when your girlfriend says she will marry you :lol:
  8. Thouraghly enjoyed it mate. Some good photos. I can't wait to fly on the A380. Gotta wait 3 years though. By then Qantas should have their entire fleet of A380's.
  9. Well where are the Trip Reports and the Pictures? The suspense is killing me :lol:
  10. Welcome Flyingpom. I hope you enjoy your stay with us here.
  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone had a great night and early morning celebrating the New Year and is ok this morning. Have a safe and enjoyable New Year and I hope there is a chance that we can all meet up in the New Year. Heres to a good 2009!!
  12. I wonder if any commercial aircraft will be there? Surly the A380 will be there. I tried to find a full list at http://www.airshow.net.au/avalon2009/index.html but there are many areas on that website. I have sent an E-Mail asking about the Aircraft on display. Will let you know when and if I get a reply.
  13. Good spot mate. If only my Planeplotter was working I would be able to see it.
  14. I know, they are pretty cool. Expecially th 600 series. The colours are amazing.
  15. Welcome Captain. By looking at your name I can see your Captain. Who do you fly for and what do you fly? Welcome to TAA and enjoy your stay with us.
  16. Just a quick 1. What is your favorite airline livery and special paint job and on what Aircraft? Mine would have to be.... It's a toss up between the Thai Airlines New Livery on the Boeing 777 and the Vietnam Airlines Boeing 777. And for a special paint job it is another toss up between Wunula Dreaming on the Boeing 747-400ER for Qantas and the Air Pacific Island livery on the Boeing 747-400. Thai Airways Boeing 777 at Melbourne International Airport. Vietnam Airlines Boeing 777 at Melbourne International Airport
  17. I also got this. Not as good but a picture paints a thousand words..
  18. Is it me or does the Forum setup with the Christmas Skin look really good? Great skin for a great time of year.
  19. I was out at Melbourne International Airport the other day to see the A380 but it gave me a chance to get creative. I snapped this picture about 10 minutes after the A380 had arrived.
  20. Congrats. Let us know how it goes.
  21. Thanks Guys. It was amazing to see it. FINALY!!!!!
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