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Uncle Chop Chop

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Posts posted by Uncle Chop Chop

  1. I thought I would take a trip out to Melbourne today and do a bit of Photography. I arrived out at the Airport at about 12.30pm. Arrivals where on Rwy 16 with Departures from Rwy 27. Melbourne isn't a good place for Pictures from Rwy 27 so the Rwy 16 Arrivals seemed to be the best place to catch the action. The Sun was in the wrong place to start with. I was at the Rwy 16 Spotting Area. The planes go straight over you and the glare was shocking. Not many photos from there. If anyone goes to Melbourne you will know that just 300 meters up from there is a church which provides great photo oppertunities. That's where I headed and the glare was nowhere near as bad as before. I thought I would share some of my favorites from today.





    United we Stand in Giving way to the Planes!



    The Underbelly of a Jetstar A320



    Thats where an Aircraft should be.... In the Spotlights!



    The Vomit Comet!



    Thirsty Magpies. They will be needing more than that on Thursday Night after the Tigers Maul em!



    Virgin Blue Boeing 737-800 on finals for Rwy 16. Taken from behind.



    Virgin Blue Boeing 737-800 on short finals for Rwy 16 with the International Terminal in the Background.



  2. As stated in the last post the weather has been just wonderful lately. High 20's to low 30's. Now the weather is about to warm up again. 34 for Melbourne tommorrow and looks to be around that for the week. There have been 2 natural disasters that have occurred recently. The Bushfires in Victoria which have claimed over 200 Lives and the Floods in Northern Australia. How has the weather been where everyone else is?



  3. I remember when I picked my Mum and Dad up from Melbourne when they got home from Vietnam last year. The plane was ment to arrive at 8.30am but had been delayed by about an hour. Then it took a further 1 hour for them to clear customs. I was sweating, it was about 40 Degrees in the International Terminal and it was the Saturday Morning Peak Hour. The joint was packed to the joint. Luckily though I was happy to be at the Airport and found a bit of time to do a bit of Spotting. OK I was there from 5.30am but I have a problem. It's a good problem though.



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