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Status Replies posted by willedoo

  1. Just looked up the location of Willedoo.


    Either he lives in a humpy by a remote stock watering point in the middle of nowhere,

    or he doesn’t want anyone dropping in to his real location.

    1. willedoo


      Humpy is a good description. Best not to warn Marty and Nomadpete but I'm moving to Tasmania next year, so should be easier to find. 4th. gen Queenslander but over the climate and throngs of new population here. Used to be nice but now crowded and hot.

  2. Hi Williie, I am recording a program on the An 124 from Discovery Turbo Max. If you don't have access, or have not seen it, I can burn you a DVD. I also have a program on the Martin Mars fire water bomber if you are interested. Cheers, Peter.
    1. willedoo


      Thanks, Peter, I don't have pay tv. Sorry about the late reply as I rarely check my profile. I think I've got your email address somewhere, I can email you perhaps. Cheers, Willie.
  3. Hi Williie, I am recording a program on the An 124 from Discovery Turbo Max. If you don't have access, or have not seen it, I can burn you a DVD. I also have a program on the Martin Mars fire water bomber if you are interested. Cheers, Peter.
    1. willedoo


      Thanks, Peter, I don't have pay tv. Sorry about the late reply as I rarely check my profile. I think I've got your email address somewhere, I can email you perhaps. Cheers, Willie.
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