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Posts posted by Robbo

  1. instead of the vindictive, belittling garbage spewed forth by some here... not mentioning any names, but they pose like a weighbridge girl with their elbow on the bonnet of their 'aircraft'....

    Re: Aerospace engineer that I mentioned, I often type this when im talking about aviation out of habit. For what it is worth I have been involved in "aerospace" engineering for many years and have been involved in the design and development of various general aviation aircraft.


    Along with experience in aircraft maintenance and avionics, the moment someone mentions weight and balance my sub conscious takes over, I guess I have seen to many aircraft crash due to people disregarding advice and doing something there own way.


    Don't take it personaly boleropilot and if I have offended I do apologise.



    • Informative 1
  2. Well I'm not off to a good start.... I've just failed enrollment 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gifI clicked on the Enrol link, That took me to the Registration Page, Put in my member no. in and clicked on the "Forgot Password" just like I am supposed to do.


    I get a message back to say that a message has been sent to my membership number.


    I go to my email account and nothing. I go through my email account to ensure all the filters are turned off and go through the process again.


    Still nothing, so then I ring RAA, and I get the "OH, The person who handles that is out at lunch" I will take your details and have her return your call.


    That was 2 1/2 hours ago, and the Executive Luncheon must still be continuing, whilst my multiple enrollment details are whizzing around in cyber space, and my attention span for studying are quickly diminishing.

    Some website verification emails do take a while to come through. I have had one come through hours later. Just depends on the server load or the mail server.



  3. I am the same, I hate crowds and tend to avoid crowds or large groups.


    Love the serenity of Aireys Inlet/Fairhaven and also Point Lonsdale.


    I would prefer to drive 1.5 hours to work than live in the city or suburbs.


    Prefer the corner store than a shopping centre.


    Nothing beats living on a block of land with a beer and barbie over looking the ocean !


    Plus with all the crap going on in this world I don't want to be in crowds!!



    • Agree 2
  4. My motto is no matter how many hours or years experience you have or what aircraft you are flying, you never know everything, for me I am learning something new every day.


    You make mistakes, you learn from them. Someone offers you advise or a different perspective, your learning.


    Every day is another day of learning something new.



    • Agree 4
  5. I don't think the number of posts should determine it (if you are going down the RANK thing at all). The way people rate the posts would have more validity. Not the size (number of posts) but the value of it (quality) and usefulness to others and the sites reputation. Nev

    Agree, base the ranks on the number of likes not posts.



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