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Posts posted by Robbo

  1. A


    This sort of incident happens all the time......


    Retired couple left with hole in roof after chunk of FROZEN POO falls from plane


    Keith Mead, 70, and his wife Ruth, 67, heard a loud bang and he rushed outside thinking their had been a car accident.


    But the couple were astonished when they saw a hole in their roof and found the seven-inch long chunk of ice on the lawn.


    The lump of frozen urine and faeces had fallen from a jet about 30,000ft overhead after being flushed from a toilet on the plane, they claim.


    Mr Mead, from Melksham, Wiltshire, bagged up the ice ball and put it in his freezer to show insurance assessors who visited that day.


    He said: "It was just as if someone had crashed into our house.


    "I looked up and there was a gaping hole where a large lump of ice had impacted the roof.


    Ruth added: "Thank goodness it didn't hit anyone. It could have killed them."


    Around 25 ice falls in the UK are reported to the Civil Aviation Authority each year.



    Express : PUBLISHED: 10:07, Tue, Oct 27, 2015

    Whi said shit doesn't fly or stick.



  2. I am already flying 455 with a 500g weight zip tied to the tailwheel bracket - that little addition has made a huge difference to the trim-tab setting. The zip ties are checked carefully during pre-flight and are replaced regularly, and the weight is substantially secured with aircraft quality tie wire.BP

    I would immediately stop flying this aircraft and have it checked over by a trained aerospace engineer otherwise it won't be long before we are talking about another fatal accident.


    You are asking for trouble as you don't seem to understand the engineering and balance side of things, not having a go at you but someone using zip ties to balance the aircraft and then wanting to move the battery to the back again is an accident waiting to happen.


    Please seek expert advice!!!



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