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About Roscoe

  • Birthday 09/06/1947


  • Aircraft
    Jabiru 170
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  1. Agree however Jenny just wanted a basic unit providing basic information. For a VFR Pilot the D3 is a good option.
  2. I have a cable from the cig lighter outlet to the Dynon which keeps it charged while the engine is running, so fully charged all the time
  3. Hi Jenny The Dynon does everything i need and can be removed easily if required. Its your choice, but unless you really need something fancy, cant go past the Dynon D3. Hasnt let me down in almost 10 years
  4. May be easier and simpler to buy something like a TRIG Com Radio which you can put in monitor mode and then transmit on either freq when desired.
  5. Try this… Phone Bankstown Tower, give them AN ETA and ask permission to come in NO RADIO. If you have a Headset with Bluetooth capability you could phone the Tower at one of the reporting points and they will talk you in. To confirm this,I just phoned the tower and they said no prob! PM me with your phone number if you want further advice and help
  6. Mate if you PM me I can help you with all the info as I have been there multiple times. Happy to phone you.
  7. Uni of Wisconsin Oshkosh has all that info. Go to LODGING tab
  8. Mine works fine mounted with good quality Velcro in the space above the top of the window in my J170. The Antenna has no problems receiving GPS signals in that position as the composite structure does not block them. It’s out of the way and solves the suction cup issue. Just have to remember to turn it off!
  9. I seem to recall a law that came in years ago that required all aircraft parked outside had to be disabled by a lock. Piper Warriors have a unique throttle lock arrangement. Jabirus have a hole in the throttle line through which a padlock can be installed.
  10. NEV I accept that Airline Crews need a high level of Security. My issue is the private pilot who lands and just wants to go into town to support the community! Why should they have to pay hundreds of dollars every 2 years for a Card they are never asked to show! Surely a Pilots licence woukd suffice?
  11. I enourage everyone to read my first post on this issue and form their own opinion. and YES i hold a cuurent ASIC!!
  12. I cannot believe what I have just read! I will compose a reply when my rage has dissipated!!
  13. Correct, the pax has to be in the company of the Asic wearing pilot
  14. Will check and advise I assume you mean the specific airport and the year?
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