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Everything posted by Wilfred

  1. The Lightspeed 30 3G allso comes with a phone connection, around $1,000 , I have had one now for two years , works like a treat and a great headset. i would prefer the Bose for weight if a phone connection is not required.
  2. There is a known problem (hydrplysis) with PU (polyurethane) when it is stored and not used. it is a common problem with shoes. HYDROLYSIS It has been recognised since the earliest days that P.U can be subject to deterioration in its physical properties over a period of time. This deterioration generally takes the form of a progressive reduction it its abrasion resistance, softening and in extreme cases, can result in the material disintegrating through crumbling. The severity of the problem is related to age and the storage environment. It is known that high temperature and humidity contributes to its onset and that long-term storage under such conditions can be expected to result in at least some degree of deterioration. Strangely, footwear, which is actually in use, doesn’t seem to suffer to the same degree.
  3. <TT><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Scenario:[/b]</TT><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> <TT>You are flying along at a constant speed and altitude.</TT> <TT>On your left side is a valley and on your right side is a airliner traveling at the same speed as you.</TT> <TT>In front of you is a galloping pig which is the same size as youraircraft </TT>a<TT>nd you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a helicopter flying at the same level. Both the giant pig and the helicopter are also traveling at the </TT> <TT>same speed as you.</TT> <TT>What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?</TT> <TT>scroll down</TT> <BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />[/b] <B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/b] <B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> <TT>Answer:</TT> <TT>Get off the children's "Merry-Go-Round", you're pissed.</TT>[/b]
  4. some more information would be helpfull we have a lot of hours on our jab with a lot of harsh??? treatment at times and nothing like that has ever been noticed What model Jab how long on the aircraft and what were the details leading up to the problem
  5. Perhaps a upgraded aircraft would make you more compteitive in the circuit. one of these maybe?? http://members.cox.net/sadlerair314/piranhaman.pdf
  6. The people "doing the work" must be made aware of whether they are seen to be acting to service the needs of the members. This forum provides the type of feedback that any elected representitive should be happy to see. Any discension should alert our repsto any problems percieved or real and allow them to make any official comments, if appropriate, or to modify their actions or policies as required.
  7. One way of looking at it is that there is no real need for lower catagory less prcedural licences, just individual aircraft endorsements. Perhaps the problem is more, that some of the pilots in the slower older aircraft have a perception that they do not need as much training as those in the newer faster aircraft. this is not really correct. There is nothing worse that going into a remote strip maybe a CTAF and finding that the unsafe and dangerous circuit practices relate to the attitude of a number of pilots that feel that as they ony fly at "muckadilla "in a slow old aircraft that they dont need to follow the same procedures as everyone else, Comments like "old bill only flys on thursdays and he doesent like to taxi the full lenghth of the strip so he takes off from the centre taxiway,oh also there is no mandatory requirement for radio calls so why bother to learn which calls should be made".. i am sure a lot of the crys are not for easier less complex requirements for slower aircraft, but more for the need for more comprehensive training for all RAA pilots so that our sport is safer for everyone. If any additional costs, and i am sure there will be some, are incurred , so be it, you cannot put a price on safety. There is obviously a need for training that takes into account the higher performance of some aircraft but that should be covered with those individual aircraft endorsements.
  8. I have a pda with the GPS built into the cradle which I use in the car with the Destinator software . For this application it is excellent but really for the price of a small garmin gps etrek or similar around $300 -$400 it is a far more practical reliable solution for aviation. Just program a pile of your favorite destinations or waypoints and use the "go to" function. simple , reliable, inexpensive, portable, and an excellent back up for your manual navigation. There are some very robust and relatively inexpensive cradles available that will clamp somewhere on every aircraft.
  9. Its great to see the site is providing the knowledge base to improve our flying . Lets hope it also provokes the powers to be to notice theinadeqacies in the RAA training. I think Tony has been flogging this issue for ages. With a good percentage of RAA aircraft performing to the same or better standard than GA (speed and Range) its clear that RAA training is not keeping up. Procedural knowledge and the ability to operate precisely and correctly in high traffic situations is just not there with a lot of RAA operators and is also percieved by a lot of pilots to be unneccesary. There is a lot to be said for the GA online BAK exam as a part of the RAA licence and navs that are more in line with the aircraft to be flowns performance.
  10. Class A, B, C, D & E are classified as Transponder airspace Transponder capable of Mode A & Mode C "In Class E aircraft can operate without a clearance but they must carry and have turned on a mode C transponder"
  11. CASA say that there are no projects underway at present that will change Class E to 500 feet. If this ever happens and it is a pssibility in the future it will make radios & transponder use mandatory in all aircraft. Probably a good idea in any case
  12. Yes you must have a transponder and and radio on the required frequency andyou will need to have a need (terrain) to be above 5000 feet.
  13. I have a lightspeed noise cancelling 30G at present that is absolutely fantastic , although for the extra dollars having tried the Bose and loved it,that will definately be my next headset.
  14. <a href="http://www.casa.gov.au/download/orders/amend/2006/cao95-55amdt1.pdf" target="_blank"> Civil Aviation Orders 95.8, 95.10, 95.12, 95.12.1, 95.32, 95.54 and 95.55 have been amended to allow sport and recreational aircraft operations under V.F.R. to be flown in Class E airspace in V.M.C. Further information is available on the CASA website. http://www.casa.gov.au/download/orders/amend/2006/cao95-55amdt1.pdf</A> This was posted on the CASA website today. Has anyone heard anything . it appears to allow us access to ClassE airspace.
  15. Rigging Definitons Term: Swage Definition: Swaging is a method of affixing a tubular fitting to the end of a wire. The process cold works the tube by squeezing it hard enough that it forms into a part of the wire. The work is performed either by rolling dies or by squeezing tools such as the common Nicopress basicly used to attach the terminals to your rigging cable
  16. Yes that is as I see it well , and it will mean that aircraft such as the j200 can be used as a legal two person RAA registered aircraft with full fuel I was not really refering to aircraft like gazelles but to the newer generation high performance aircraft.
  17. My thoughts are that the 720kg limit will bring the majority of aircraft eligible, which are mostly (recent model) factory designs into an area where they will be legal two person aircraft. Most of these aircraft , for example J series Jabiru, if registereed with CASA have a MTOWof 700kg, so will be hopefully little or no modifications to have a legal two person RAA registered aircraft. At present a look around the local airfield indicates that the average pilot weight is 85 kg with many well over that. this means that most RAA aircraft are very close to, or over, MTOW with full fuel and pilot only. The new weight limit will allow these type of aircraft to be used to their full potential. At my local airfield the majority of pilots that I speak to are not interested in the more traditional (drifter etc ) style of aircraft but have become involved because of the availablity of the fast , newer aircraft that can provide a similar or better performance (especially with the 720kg MTOW) than the conventional GA aircraft. if there is any requirements for further training for these aircraft then yahoo. Its about time. Any additional paperwork such as maintenance releases everey flight would also be very welcome as is any change that is going to improve the safety of our sport. The costs of these change are minimal and will more likely be mainly procedural. In any case people who complain about their freedoms?? being curtialed because of the small costs of additional safety requirements are probably better off playing lawn bowls. it will be safer for everyone that way.
  18. Google earth will give an accurate GPS co-ordinate I have checked it against other known locations and found it to be spot on.
  19. if they dont they should not be in command of an aircraft
  20. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19209173-1243,00.html?from=rss
  21. http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/story/0,20797,19033758-952,00.html
  22. latest news report told that it was a restored WW11 Ryan that was in as new condition Believe engine failure at take off The aircraft is badly damaged and the pilot was admitted to hospital with injuries
  23. The CT looks great Is my laptop 1.8 Pentium Centrino with 1 gig RAM going to work with FS I have a separate Monitor and a good (for a laptop) graphics card
  24. I am new to this and interested in buying a flight sim program Is MS FS2004 what everyone uses or are there other programs available
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