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Posts posted by MrH

  1. My nick name at work was "H" (shortened from Howard :yuk:)


    I went to Korea to work on the Commonwealth Games.:big_grin:


    The Koreans would always call you Mister then your name.


    :idea:They heard my work mates call me "H" so they then called me Mister H - hence MrH


    and it's stuck:thumb_up:







  2. Something Different


    This is a different way of doing things




    "Hubless wheels work by fixing the rotating parts (brake ring, bearings, hubless rim) onto the outer side of a non-rotating inner ring that attaches to the motorcycle's swingarm or forks.


    Advantages include decreased unsprung weight, reduced structural stress (no spokes to transmit forces through), increased braking leverage, more accurate steering, reduced vibration and a lower center of gravity."













  3. Thank you all for your concerns & responses.025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif


    Firstly to Graemk - I bet that did put the wind up you. I wondered about the low tight circuit. He must have had confidence in the motor to do that. i_dunno


    SimonFlyer - I think us humans need to take things in steps. Once you master one step you move on to the next & so on. One day it all clicks & away you go. Navs are fun - were you solo?? Sounds like the conditions weren't ideal which aggravated your situation a lot. It made you aware of your needs but you made it back & will now think that flight through to your advantage. Like you say - It keeps getting better :big_grin:


    Facthunter - the checklist card was very different to the one that normally resides in the aircraft. It threw the instructor as much as me. I had been trying to memorize the normally supplied one & other procedures that apply at Lilydale to get my head ready so I wasn't tied up worrying about what they expected. As soon as I looked at the list I knew it was wrong. Apart from that hiccup that lesson I was much more on top of things.:thumb_up: I must admit I am one for consistancy & prefer one instructor but as I have got a pilot certificate, though low hours, I should be able to handle that. I shouldn't need much of a pre brief. That is what made me feel so down on myself:angry:. Lack of regular flying is a major cause of all of these issues. Practice makes perfect they say.... (Mr.H - I'm not alone;). My nick name was derived from "H" (for Howard) to Mr. H" when working in Korea for 88 Olympics. The translators always put Mr. in front of your name:laugh:)


    Motzartmerv - Your right, I stressed out :juggle:but with the good instruction I was given I relaxed more & more as the lesson went on. I only described the first circuit, I did improve & it was really only the faster landings that were tossing me though I avoided the radio calls so I could concentrate. I must admit to feeling more comfy in a glide approach than at 75kn something to do with my gliding background I guess.


    I guess out of all of this for us low hour pilots is to try & get a better pre brief & try for consistancy of instructor in the early days. I might add that staying at one school would help also. Should instructors change at least the basic checks & flight procedures remain consistant. (this is what threw me anyway)







  4. Well – I hadn’t flown for a while & I knew I needed more duel training after my last effort at Tooradin. As I’ve said before, it all happened way too quick. Just no time between work to keep my hours, confidence & momentum up. :raise_eyebrow:



    A friend was flying & instructing at Lilydale & offered a flight in his aircraft from Moorabbin to Lilydale. Obviously I was keen, :keen:so it was on. When we arrived at Lilydale I enquired about a dual lesson being available while I was there. Luckily someone had cancelled and a spot available in one of their Jabiru 160’s. :thumb_up:



    My turn came up & I was asked to check the aircraft. The instructor also went through my flight history & queried my “not too many hours to a pilot Certificateâ€. I explained my gliding history & my 2 week intensive flying to achieve this. I also explained that I knew I needed more dual instruction as I didn’t feel confident & hadn’t flown for quite a long while.



    Into the aircraft, the Jabaru 160 was familiar but didn’t have the glass panel – familiar that is except the check lists that they use. Totally different from what I was taught.040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif In fact the whole procedure to the point of take off was quite different to what I had previously gone through. Note for self – each school has its own ways.i_dunno



    The plan was to head off & fly around the training area for a while & get used to the aircraft. Then do a couple of circuits. Well, the couple of circuits really brought me down to earth – I was hopeless. 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif:sad:It was like I’d forgotten everything that I had been taught. The cross wind really didn’t help matters either. But, I really enjoyed the flying so I booked another lesson in a weeks time. Obviously I need a lot more.



    Next lesson, different instructor. This time we concentrated on circuits. Again it was like I had gone back to lesson one. :blush:Very depressing. I couldn’t do radio calls, my mind was again overloaded with all the different checks pre & in flight. It was a good lesson though & I enjoyed it thoroughly, so I booked another in a week’s time with the same instructor.



    Now comes the worst – a lesson that I did everything wrong!!


    I was worse than a beginner!


    It all started on a beautiful Sunday morning. My daughter was going on an aerobatic flight :loopy:with my friend. When they landed she was all buzzing, so excited & happy.011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


    I took her home then went back for my lesson. While I was waiting I helped my friend to place a cover over an aircraft that he was tying down. We heard one of the Jabirus have a bit of a surge :exclamation:on a touch & go take off. The CFI was out the door in a flash. The aircraft returned straight away without any other issues.



    I was due for a 1430 lesson. My instructor asked if I was OK if he bowed out (to study for an exam) & the CFI took his place. No problems. He asked me to do the pre flight check on our aircraft. No sweat, did that & was happy.



    When the aircraft that had the surge landed & taxied back, the CFI headed over to check it out. He did all sorts of checks then eventually took it on a few circuits, putting it through steep climbs etc trying to re create the surge.



    Meanwhile, the aircraft I had pre flight checked was checked again by another student & he eventually headed off in it. :raise_eyebrow:



    GULP!! I guessed that I was going in the one that had had the surgeL. YYEP!!068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif


    The CFI asked me to do the pre-flight check on it – OK this is where things start to go down hill. Checked the oil., wasn’t too sure. Decided it needed a rag to clean the dipstick & rechecked. It looked ok. I Did the walk around, all good. Went back & waited.


    The CFI came out & rechecked the oil & after several dips & cleans said oil was low.


    I felt an idiot :loopy:but it took him 3 goes to confirm it was low. Next were all the cockpit checks, again all different than what I had learned. Hatch open to call clear prop, then close hatch then start the engine. Radio call – different - & taxie to a point for the run up checks – swing aircraft into wind – do all the checks, different again.:confused::confused: Good thing there was a check list else I would have been stuffed. Radio call to Lilydale traffic - got it wrong, mixed up entering & rolling forgot to say one eight right, didn’t mention I was doing circuits. My confidence was plummeting. I seemed to be doing everything wrong.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



    We started rolling and I eased up. Apparently my speed was a bit low so flattened out to build it up before climbing at 75knots. Next I was unsure when to put flaps up, then I banked too steeply on a climbing turn. My head was starting to load up so I asked if my instructor could do the radio calls. Another aircraft was heading our way so my instructor started to give him what for. My turn to downwind was too shallow, my downwind checks weren’t sufficient (different again). Next I entered base at too high a speed & too high. Sorted that & got flaps down to 15 deg – different again, I had been taught full flap & almost a glide approach. Speed up – I was too slow – Geez the ground was rushing up, not what I was used to. Carbie heat off – damn forgot that too! Now for my worst error possible. For reasons beyond me I reached through the “Y†of the control stick to push the carbie heat in. 087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif:faint:Why? I don’t know but I think I was just getting more & more flustered. I started to round out too early & it started to balloon with the extra speed – My next big no no , I eased the stick forward. Why? :hittinghead: I don’t know. The rest of the hour things improved but I never really got the landings right. Mind the CFI’s instruction was fantastic, :thumb_up::thumb_up: very clear, informative with great descriptions of what to do – like “have a cup of tea†after round out - 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gifyou have to be there.


    I gained a lot in that hour even though I flew like a newbie.



    I went away very disheartened though. :sad:The CFI was quite right, I had a pilot certificate & yet I couldn’t even make my own radio calls. Looking back on that session I see that things just started to role down hill when my instructor changed. Not an excuse but a good reason why I need more instruction before I solo again.



    Since then I have had one more dual lesson, with a different instructor again but everything was much better, apart from the aircraft having the wrong check list question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif– that really confused me as well as the instructor. I was trying to remember the one I had been given to learn and this one was totally different. I was confident in what I was doing this time. Radio calls were good, downwind checks were more to their liking but I still didn’t quite master the landings in the J160. The faster approach speed has got me but I was getting a lot better. I’ve just got to keep that front wheel up there a bit longer.



    Now my confidence is coming back & I really feel that I will be good next time round.:big_grin: I have always found that between lessons, if I go through all the phases of the flight in my mind, I analyse my errors & can see where & why I went wrong & visualise the correct way:nerd:.


    Sadly my next lesson will be many months away as I have found out that I have a medical condition :broken_heart: :black_eye: that needs to be solved before I pilot again.



    For everyone else going through the ups & downs of training, don’t let it beat you because there is always a high near a low – learnt that when I went gliding.



    Keep flying, keep smiling, keep safe








  5. I started riding fairly late at 22.


    1.First bike was a Yamaha RD 350 - fast two stroke:laugh:


    2.Next was a beautiful Honda 750 four. Fabulous motorcycle - lost my licence 3 months later:blush:


    3.Got the licence back & purchased a Laverda 1000 3 cylinder. This was a beast:angry:. Great looking in a bit of a retro style but still a beast. On a long trip it would get to the point where after 80km I have to get off the beast & sit in the gutter to get some comfort. :sad:The clutch was VERY heavy. I soon learnt to ride without the clutch - both for relief & because it kept snapping the cable. I still own this bike.:big_grin:


    4.Suzuki brought out a radically styled Katana 1100. I had to have one.keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif Only problem with it was it had annoying engine vibrations through the pegs. I found I was travelling at 90mph everywhere to get out of the vibe zone. Sold that before I lost my licence or life.092_idea.gif.47940f0a63d4c3c507771e6510e944e5.gif


    5.From one extreme to another - after the Katana I bought a BMW R100RS.


    I love this bike:heart::heart: We have travelled many, many kms. All around Australia, up & down the middle twice & just about everywhere in Vic, SA & QLD. It has travelled well over 250000 kms & I still own it:heart:010_chuffed.gif.c2575b31dcd1e7cce10574d86ccb2d9d.gif There are so many stories surrounding all those trips - I could never part with this bike:blush: Did I say I love it?:heart::heart:


    6.To try & avoid destroying the R100RS & because it was at a good price I bought a BMW R80GS. I travelled through the Flinders Ranges a few times & up & down back tracks but I reckon the R100RS was as good in the dirt. Eventually sold that to pay for an engine rebuild of the R100RS.............


    They were great days travelling around Australia on the bike...love to go do it all again




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