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Everything posted by nig71

  1. It is true, can't find the weight specs, only way to do it buy a wrecked one and hang it on some scales ;( unfortunately for me I live a long way from the wrecked vehicle auctions. On the other note though the reason we don't have many diesels probably relates to the fact that what we do have comes from the good old USA assembled by a bloke that says drives his pickup truck to work with a 6.2l v8. They didn't care about economy. If they were all designed and built by someone who drove their VW Golf I am pretty sure they would be diesel. But then I would be writing this in German .....
  2. What I only am just realising is that it seems if you have a light engine you shift it forward to adjust COG . Much like on a turboprop. Light engine; long cowl. Plus which is there an advantage to a tail wheel aircraft and make the main gear take the load. Right at the moment I am a bit fascinated by the Just Highlander Superstol. I don't think its gear would have much problem taking extra load. A diesel would be a great fit for me on a farm. According to Honda the diesel has 58% of the economy of the petrol. So some weight could be gained on fuel load.
  3. Viking looks really interesting at face value but has anyone considered the honda civic diesel as a choice for aero conversion. It has an aluminum block, develops nearly 110hp from 3000rpm (according to one chart I looked at) could be chipped to 150hp, possibly has the same bolt patterns for civic petrol gearbox (don't really know;just guessing) for a bolt up of PRSU. On another note, I wonder if the powers that be could be leaned on in the interests of developing a diesel aircraft engine to increase the MTOW of diesel powered LSA to the same as amphibious LSA. Now I am just a learning pilot with a mere ten hours under my belt and really haven't done much with weight and balance calculations so be gentle with me but it seems to me that an increase in engine weight wouldn't stuff with COG calculations because the weight is where most of the weight in an LSA is located anyway. A heavier engine could also be shifted aft a bit to compensate as well. The fuel weighs more by specific gravity but the engine uses less so there could be weight savings here. Or at least the option to put less on board for two up operations is available.
  4. Pm me, maybe interested after harvest...
  5. Ps that link for pulsar is https://sites.google.com/site/pulsargroupes/Inicio/aviones-2/english
  6. Hi, just signed up, it seems most searches seem to come past this site . I am 43 and just started my training. Next lesson stalls then circuits. I would like to get my own plane within the next couple of years to keep skills up. I am a farmer so I think the reasonable way to keep current would be to have my own strip and hangar on property. Every aircraft I look at seems to have vices that could easily get me killed as a low time pilot. I have four children and am married so it is a concern for my family. The one machine I like the look of is the pulsar sp100 (I am six foot three) I see there is a website now for them but no mention of kits just completed aircraft. Other than that jabiru seems to come out on top from purchase price,running costs, dirt field capable, reasonable cruise.(6cylinder). I saw on here a pulsar kit sell but I am too late. Anyone else out there looking to sell one? Regards Michael (nig)
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