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alf jessup

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Posts posted by alf jessup

  1. I'm with you Nev




    Not a fan of anything where the wing rotates faster than the fueslage, I think lift should be attained by not beating the air into submission.


    But mind you they do have some good points going for them but unfortunatley not enough points to get me into it



  2. I travel to work in 10 million dollar ceiling fans and just don't feel all that comfortable with all those moving parts above me, been for a blat in a gyro once, blue sky above me and earth below me when I looked up and down, been there done that.


    I'll stick to the planks and fruit bats.


    Each to there own, just not my cuppa tea even though they have many good points to them.







  3. Brent,


    What school recently got shut down at WSL?, I have been offshore for a week and a half and unless it is in this time frame the school as far as I know is still up and running and has been for over 3 years now using a raa registered jabiru.


    The CFI is a GA instructor and I guess also raa rated and as far as i know he trains when the base is active in the raa jab, so unless the fhit has hit the san in the last week i am at a loss to a school being closed at WSL







  4. Hi Rodney,


    I am presuming that the bracket is the 90degree stainless one, when I had my 582 it did the same thing, I just welded some braces from the vertical side to the horizontal face and it never cracked again, it is a common problem with the stainless brackets.


    A couple of braces on the bracket will fix the problem forever.







  5. Gday Bluey,


    Thats a hard one to work out how much it is worth, basically it is worth as much as he is willing to pay for it and as much as you are willing to sell it for.


    I think you need to have a figure in your head for what you want for it and see what he is willing to pay for it and see how close he is to the figure.


    I saw in a mag awhile back a 912 with not a lot of hrs on it for 13 grand, new they are close to 30 grand i believe, this one had less than 200hrs on it and was under half price of a new one.


    I think a new blue top 582 is around 6 grand so depending on the total hrs it has run including any overhauls a figure somewhere between 1 and 2 grand may be what you will be able to get for it, mind you that is only my opinion.







  6. Merv,


    The bit I cannot understand is massive seas, thumb_downmast and full sail still rigged and laying down and over the bowthumb_downthumb_down, hand held radio onlythumb_down, one engine not working out of the 2 thumb_downthumb_down, limited or no steering as he saidthumb_downthumb_downthumb_down, information given to him that the winds were going to increase to around 75 kts from the current 45kts as it was and as it did:thumb_up:, information telling him that the seas off the shelf were going to be huge:thumb_up:, even more so when the wind got up more than it was when he went past us, as that was the way he was heading as being pushed by the 8 meter swells at this stage.


    We listened on the radio when helimed 1 was talking to him (we couldn't receive Darwin as he was well out of our range), this is what we heard from Helimed 1, "ok inflate your life raft and tie it to the stern cleats, all get aboard and it cut free from the vessel and we will winch you up when clear":thumb_up:


    About a minutes silence, Helimed 1 " Ummm thats not good then, we will lower a man down on the wire to the vessel and winch you all off".thumb_down


    I don't know why they couldn't board the life raft because of whatever reason.Hmm Maybe he didn't have a knife to cut it free:ah_oh:


    Some things just don't add up to me.:confused:


    1/ Did they have a life raft?? or was it washed overboard and lost (the only injury to one of the crewmembers of the boat was slight hypothermia so boarding should not have been a problem).


    2/ It was a brand new boat built by the owner and on its maiden voyage.


    3/ Only had a hand held radio? (may have lost the aerial when the mast went down)


    4/ One engine not working? did it actually have another one fitted in the hull


    5/ Offers of help well within towing distance from shore.


    6/ Departing from shelter when storm forced wind were forecast.


    7/ Why did he not cut the rigging and mast free and improve his stability and steering


    8/ Ebirb activated when yacht well out over the shelf.(sort of not within easy reach for towing)


    Wonder if it actually had any bungs in it


    I'm not saying anything I'll let you all make your own desicion.


    Guess we will never know unless it washed up on some beach in South America, me I am guessing it is somehow sitting at the bottom of the continental shelf about 3000feet down by now for reason unbeknown to me.


    I think this owner 040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif040_nerd.gif.818f42a429bd433d10428d88b6b4d49f.gif040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif:nerd:definetly belongs in the Darwin award category,


    Please, please anybody let me know if you ever find out who he is and if he has a pilots licence:censored:, as that is the day I will happily hand in my licence 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif:clap:as he is either very unlucky in life :im with stupid:or has very poor decision making :loopy:and I don't wanna share the air , water or even roadways with him.002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif







  7. Yes Basscheffers you are totally correct, one of ther paramedics sent out to the yacht to rescue darwin and his friends got injured (leg injury of some sorts), apparently a woman was injured and maybe she started to shove the mast up darwins:censored: and that maybe the reason he finally activated the epirb.


    One must wonder what could lie in the hull of this cattermaran for darwin to refuse help when he so much needed it.


    Just goes to show guys, if help is offered take it while you can as you may stop someone else from getting hurt instead of only hurting your pride in the first place.




    Alf still rocking on the rig



  8. Hi all,


    Drama in the high seas unfolded lastnight, today and late this afternoon out in Bass Strait as a yacht (4 pob, 2 experienced and 2 not) was dismasted last night after apparently leaving the comfort and shelter of Wilson Promontry when storm force winds had been forecast.


    Our rig supply vessel (252ft long) was enroute to Barry Beach after leaving our rig to go to shelter in port as we decided they should be able to sleep in some form of comfort than slopping around out here in forecast 8 meter seas.


    Well as our vessel was passing Bream platform lastnight around 11pm the darwin candidate sent out a general message and his coordinates to any vessels in the area of his situation, our vessel in hearing the call and calculating his fix from darwin's was only 4 nm away and proceeded to turn towards him and offer assistance.


    Darwin refused any help saying he was ok as his only problem was his mast with a full sail was only laying over the bow and he only had limited steering and only one of his 2 engines was working.thumb_down


    Darwin wondered if our vessel could contact Eden coastguard (about 100nm away) as he only had a hand held marine radio and could not contact them:clap:.


    Our vessel offered to escort them to Lakes Entrance or tow them back to corner inlet but darwin was fine he said:thumb_up: so our vessel continued on to port.


    This morning darwin called up on 16 reporting his position which after some long time looking we finally spotted him amongst the massive white caps and his sail sitting happily over the bow wallowing like a lonesome log.(winds only constant 40 +knots and seas onlt about 6 meters).


    Darwin was asking what the wind speed was and was content with heading to Eden as he says even though he was actually heading to south america as that was the way the sea was going.


    Darwin was informed that the winds were going to increase to 75kts but he was fine he said as he was going to Eden and would turn the corner around Gabo even though he wasn't heading that way:clap:


    A second supply boat out here offered assistance but he refused once again and no amount of asking via various platforms relaying messages to him would he accept help which was on hand.


    Darwin had only about 10mn range with the hand held and was soon going out of range from the furthest platform to the east on his way to south america um Eden i mean or as we all thought the bottom of the ocean.


    Well around 4pm today Darwin by now well out over the continental shelf and most likey in seas of 15 meters plus finally put dropped 20 cents into his ears and the penny dropped that he and his crew might die and activated his epirb as he finally realised that he was in deep doo doo.


    Helimed was dispatched and located darwin and his crew and promptly winched them off the south american headed yacht.


    Good result in the end as no lives have been lost but he has most likely lost his boat when he could have saved it by taking the help offered by others.


    Interesting listening on the radio out here of the discussions by all of the platforms and boats including a fishing boat offering him assistance also, also interesting listening to darwin how he was going to be fine getting to eden with no steering capabilities in 8 meter seas and by now as he passed us in 55+ kts winds.


    Note: even our helicopter flights were cancelled after 12:30 due to the weather but old mate was fine.


    What annoys me about this is


    1/ he unneccessarily puts other peoples lives in danger (HELIMED CREW)


    2/ refuses help when it is close at hand


    3/ he leaves shelter even after storm force winds are forecast


    4/ he only has a hand held radio (maybe he lost his main one if he had one when the mast fell down.


    5/ doesnt take the advice of people about how much worse the weather is going to be and how much bigger the seas are going to get once he gets over the continental shelf.


    Sorry for rambling on but if it makes the papers or news you will know the real story.




    Alf on a rocking platform



  9. G'day bluey,


    The only thing I can think of is maybe carbon getting back into the coolant system through possibly a leak somewhere starting to happen between the combustion chamber and the water jackets around the cylinders / heads.


    I am only guessing as my old ute started losing water and that was through the water jacket corroding through the exhaust port as I thought the head was cracked and when I got it tested it was fine but after some searching it was found to be corroded out through the exhaust port and was very difficult to trace, maybe yours is starting to corrode somewhere else as it has a few hrs on it, it is definelty worth investigating.







  10. Rode bikes for over 30 years, sold the last one 4 1/2 years back to do something safer (flying) here is some of the ones I had in order of buying.


    TS100 Suzuki ( I was poor)040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif


    CR125 Honda (wasn't quite as poor)


    CR500 Honda (I was stupid, too much power for a young bloke):black_eye:


    Z250 A Kawasaki (I was a learner)


    XT250 Yamaha (still a learner)


    RD250 Yamaha (restriction)


    RD350 Yamaha (Still on a restriction)


    FJ1200 Yamaha (and again but never got caught)


    YZF750R Yamaha (I was stupid once again, track racing):ah_oh:


    VN1500 Kawasaki (Rode around Oz, started getting wiser)


    K1100LT BMW (Rode around Oz, was very wise)


    Edge X 582 (Got smart)


    XT912 (Got older)010_chuffed.gif.c2575b31dcd1e7cce10574d86ccb2d9d.gif


    Oops spouse just seen how much money I have wasted:wasnt me:



  11. Hi Guys,


    One main different thing to a trike compared to 3 axis is other than the obvious that they look nothing like eachother is that the key to the trike is to get it in your head that you fly the wing and not the pod when landing in a xwind, trikes are quite capable in xwind situations if you fly the wing, the pod will follow wherever you point the wing.


    I quite often have xwind situations at my home base even though I have 3 runways to choose from, a lot of times I will reduce the xwind component by angling my final approach on our main 1500 mtr x 30 mtr sealed runway when I want to practice xwinds.


    Mind you this often depends on the conditions, if it is gusty and some mechanical turbulence off the hangers i will use the most appropriate into the wind runway.







  12. Eh Merv,


    If you were thinking my post was one the bite you got it wrong, I was taking the mickey out of you, hope you don't think your the only stirrer in the world as I can run with the best of them like yourself.


    And I wouldn't knock the Jabs as I think they are by far the best value ultralight (real looking aeroplane) you can buy anywhere in the world;)







  13. Aww come on Merv thats a bit harsh mate.


    So what do you call a real aeroplane then?? one with stick and rudder eh lol.


    Well if my memory serves me right the wright brothers aircraft may have had a stick and rudder so to speak but it looked more like a kite than a plane with a wooden frame covered in fabric, and to me a trike does infact look more like a kite than a so called modern airplane plus it has a fabric covering so I do believe a real aeroplane like the first one that flew looks nothing like a Jabby so I think us trikers infact might be closer to a REAL plane than you may think.lol:thumb_up:.




    Tell the rider of the cans of PAL on legs that from 500ft no one can tell the difference between your's and mine especially if they are partially deaf, lol, also tell them that when the cans of PAL are done they won't be going too the PAL pegigree dog food factory they will be going to the chum factory.







  14. Airmanship, common courtesy or common sense, quite a few months back I flew from WSL to Tyabb for a brekky with the wife and a few other trikes, all inbound and joining circut calls made correctly and what did I have happen while on mid downwind you ask??, well nothing more than a tiger moth with no calls made overhead Tyabb deciding to spin from about 1500 ft down to my 500ft circut height right infront of me, did it impress me, ?? na kinda 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif me off a bit but I gave way for the better part for the love of breathing and a continuation of flying later on, mighta impressed the crowd of people at the airport but sure as XXXXe didn't impress some poor old triker like me.


    Did I complain to someone from the airport, Na I'm only a trike pilot so I didn't think I would make too many friends down there if it did, had a nice brekky and high tailed it out to live another day.



  15. I can't complain $20 a week at YWSL, 60 ft x 60 ft hanger with concrete floor right on the apron, toilet, kitchen and lounge area, I sweep the hanger floor and do odd jobs around the hanger when needed not that the owner has asked me to do anything, I have a damn good owner of the hanger and I appreciate him for allowing us trikers in it, 3 permanents and 2 spending a few months in it until they get their hangers done at YLTV.



  16. Got a flight in from offshore for the night on christmas afternoon and back out on boxing day, ended up with a GME 410G epirb, a new set of rear tyres for the trike, a couple of metal model planes on stands and the usual complementory of jocks, socks and odds and ends.


    Was nice of the boss to let me come in as it has been 5 years since I have had a chrissy at home with the family.







  17. All though this was not taken while i was flying, i thought you all might like to see it anyway.


    It was taken on the 22.02.07 while i was on a platform in Bass Strait.


    If i was flying I think I would have went over it.









  18. Some of the boys flying out Thursday to the rig on a S76 chopper whacked a seagull doing 155kts, damage, 20,000 for a new windscreen, 1 less seagull in the world and a Lamey having to wipe the remains off the fuse and the rotor head assembly.


    Lucky I say, could have been worse.







  19. G.day Mike,


    One of the main reasons they do not use Jab motors on trikes is they are air cooled and they have overheating troubles with the engines being mounted on the rear of trikes, I believe some have tried to duct vents to cool them but have been unsuccessful, also trikes fly at much slower speeds so the combination of a slow forward speed and the engine being hidden at the rear of the trike amounts to no real cooling effect.


    I guess if Jabiru ever water cool their engines they would work fine, but I cant ever see that happening.


    There are a few trikes getting around with the 2 cyl HKS air oil cooled angines but I don't know to much about them and how they keep them within the temprature limits.







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