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Posts posted by BLA82

  1. When anyone complains they really only have to look at ryanair..There looking at Charges to go to the toilet...theres no check in counter, so if you forget to do it online before you go its 40 smackeroonies..The guy who runs it is looking into upright seating..Hes a bit of loon if you ask me..


    Tiger are a pack of mice compared to some lowcost airlines..


    If you get there on time and read the small print and there usually wont be a problem....Its not there fault if your late..

    I second all of that:thumb_up:



  2. Why do some people think you will stop looking around if you have a radio or think everyone else has one? Certainly I dont stop looking in a CTAF-R - actually more chance there someone is on the wrong channel. I look even harder around these locationsI reckon its out in open space where you unfortunately stop looking as hard.

    There will always be failures, wrong channel etc etc but percentage wise there would be more active radios so an increase the awareness


    Risk management is ALL about percentages, if they were mandated, even if poorly enforced, and it avoided one accident or even a near miss it would be worth it especially if it was me who nearly flew into you



    I second that to, perfectly written



  3. New Members


    The one thing I noticed on this poll is the amount of emphasis put on how long people have been a member of RA-AUS. Does it make the slightest difference, NO!!!


    RA-AUS as an organisation wants to grow so it markets itself as a friendly self administered organisation yet when the new members that have joined have a say it gets pointed out that we havent been here since the early days so back off.


    I believe everybody has the same right to an opinion and if there are people who don't want new members making a change for whatever topic,rule etc than close the doors and have it your way.



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