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Posts posted by shags_j

  1. The only reason I will be moving on to PPL after my xctry endo is that I want to be able to transit CTA etc. My ideal world would be RA ticket, with CTA endorsement so I can continue to fly ra reg acft through cta.


    Seems like the old school members of RA Aus are somewhat against this. I can only hope though that common sense at some point prevails.



  2. Hi All,


    Just wanted a quick touch up on my rules. The old RA Australia site had a great section with a heap of info to refresh (rules on things like VMC, max altitude, HASELL checks, radio calls and other assorted useful info).


    Is this still being maintained anywhere? I'm not just talking ops manual rules, but the general stuff as well. I know where to find all these things individually but I liked that page to refresh myself easily.







  3. Phraseologies for approach and landings?


    In all honesty though, when you are trying to understand some of these international carriers etc, I bet the controllers would be happy for the standardised comms. And if you let the standards lack for locals, then there may be errors caused.


    Just a thought.


    Thanks Roy. We are now into non-radar and absolutely love doing it.



  4. I'd disagree with the need for a Treasurer to be an accountant. There should definitely be an accountant or experienced bookkeeper either on the staff part-time or on a contract basis though. The treasurer's job is more to work with the staff to manage the business, prepare budgets and to analyse whether proposed board initiatives can be met. All on a volunteer basis.It's because all these positions are volunteer that their roles should be kept simple and the work done by qualified employees. In my experience finding an accountant who hasn't been approached by dozens of organisations already and turned them all down is hard. I've said yes to a couple and what the boards expect to get for free has always blown me away. Many accountants are happy to provide advice on boards but they all know they'll get asked to prepare the financials, do the budgets and then get dragged into sorting out each and every day-to-day issue. Jobs that should be done by an employee, not a volunteer. There are some accountants out there with a list an arm long of the volunteer boards they've been on but look at these people very carefully. Some are honestly trying to improve their community but within the list lurks the down-trodden accountant with a chip in their shoulder and something to prove. They'll tear the place apart trying to make their point.

    Never said accountant. Just someone that knows something about all this. I would suggest though someone from a finance background.



  5. Hi All,


    I have been an accounant for 10 years, treasurer of an association (of course nowhere near as big as this) and prepared audits on a daily basis (albeit superannuation fund and general public offer fund audits).


    Now for my opinion: I will qualify this with the fact that as of next week my RAAus membership will lapse and I will NOT renew it. I am moving to GA.


    I was the one that asked at the AGM that the notes to the financials be presented as the financials are useless without them.


    Today I received my sports pilot magazine with the financials attached. I immediately noticed (unless I missed something, I am tired) but Note 1 is missing. Note 1 contains very important information relating to accounting methods that are used and various other important tid bits. Maybe this is part of the 8 pages of "techncial information" that wasn't deemed to be important. If any note should be included, it should be Note 1.


    Also if this was my business I would be concerned regarding some of the discrepancies on the financials, ie. extreme increases in staffing costs not in line with increased revenue and with the ballsups that have been made of late you would wonder if that was money well spent.


    Anyway back to the OP's question of the irregularities. The Auditor's do NOT audit to find fraud etc. They audit to ensure compliance with certain regulations, in this case the incorporated association, company law etc. It is not their place to locate fraud in an organisation. THIS IS THE JOB OF THE TREASURER and PRESIDENT! There should be adequate internal controls in place to ensure this does not happen.


    One last point: regarding the note on the outstanding litigation that was in the magazine proper: they say that the insurance no longer has enough benefit to cover continuing litigation or any damages that RAAus may have to pay. I actually sent the question of this, and hypothetical situation were RAAus made to pay to the plaintiff. My board member passed the email along to the president but after a number of weeks I said don't worry about an answer as I decided to leave RAAus. If I were staying I would be interested in the answer to this question as it may have an enourmous impact on the future of the association.


    Anyways, just my 2c. Just to reiterate though, do not go mental at the auditors for not finding the "discrepancies" in the accounts. It is not their job unless hired to do just that seperate to the annual financial audit.






    EDIT: BTW, I think the treasurer is completely unsuited to his position and may be of better use elsewhere in the organisation (I am being nice). A more suited person should be placed in this position.



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  6. You're speculating FH.If you had bought the Annual Reports like I did, and like he had access to, then 18 months ago you would have known there were issues with the financials, and that would have indicated that some delving was needed in the financials and that would have uncovered poor administration in other areas. The evidence was glaring, so I'm critical of him there.

    I think a new treasurer will be a very good start. The current treasurer, as evidenced by his "Treasurers Report" (and i use the term very loosely) has absolutely no concept of financial preparations and analysis. Hell he looked at me like a twit at the AGM when I asked for the notes to be provided with the financials.


    What I have seen of the financials it would seem that there is no efficient monetary management policy or analysis of various financial factors and that a review of the whole fiscal policy and fianncial health of the organisation is undertaken. Of particular interest is how much provision has been made for the outstanding litigation and what analysis of the potential of loss has been undertaken.


    Or maybe this is just the accountant in me talking...



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