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Posts posted by shags_j

  1. I miss marching in the Brisbane anzac day parades. It used to be one of the highlights of the year.


    With any luck I will get to march as a serviceman next year, fingers crossed.


    I like the stories you get from the marches. We used to carry the catalina squadron banner and each year the squadron would march behind the squadron of which Ray Wilkie (ex ch 10 weatherman) used to be a part of. He would talk us deaf with all of his stories each year. It was great to be a part of that.



  2. hard going to a dawn service these days. In Brisbane the last two years there have been so many people that you can neither hear nor see anything at all unless you get there first.


    That said i still go along to as many as i can.


    Grats to all who march in it I say. I used to carry the catalina squadron banner in the brisbane parade when i was in cadets. It was a real thrill at the time.



  3. Agree. Just grab a watch that is very easy to read with minutes marked. That's all you will need. Go to fancy and you will get very irritated.


    Other than that just go preference for price, style etc. I can't handle metal or leather bands so I tried to find one with a rubber band. Found a tag huer on special with a fantastic dial and stop watch that was perfect.



  4. Good question:


    I used to go GA training at archerfield till i ran out of funds (read bought a house). That pretty much rules archerfield out at that point.


    I then started looking at ra schools and figured that either caboolture or redcliffe were the way to go. I just chose the school with the the cfi that was more approachable etc. TBH with the gateway it's not that far to caboolture.


    Until i started in ra i had never really even known that ra was at dunwich. I though it was just a little private strip of some sort.


    Never been to watts bridge or caloundra. I am planning a trip to watts bridge as tehy do a lot of aerobatic training out there and have practice days.



  5. yes but will be good for those of us who actually have a class 1, 2 and 3 medical and an asic card (yes pick the one who paid for the unnecessary stuff!!!)


    It actually opens up a whole world of opportunity for me. Being able to land at archerfield will be fantastic.



  6. If you don't realise you're taking a risk then you're not knowingly doing it...


    As per your calculation it shows a very minor amount of risk that has been calculated. We all take a risk every time we step into a plane. I think the discussion here is around taking risks that are of a larger nature.


    Risk management i think is integral, wether that be insurance for when soemthing does go wrong or the management of the initial risk to make sure that you (or in some cases your loved ones) never have to claim on that insurance.



  7. And that was GA. I've never felt safer than in RA aircraft. I think the attitude is completely different. RA Trainers are doing it because they enjoy it and want to. Therefore they take more care of their aircraft, safety breifs etc. GA TRaining schools seem to be about moeny. The instructors are usually just trying to be airline pilots and building up hours (in saying that my last instructor at that same GA School was fantastic, it was the schools fault with regards to teh aircraft etc).



  8. Sage advice. Mine would be that if you don't feel safe in teh aircraft, don't go up. At my last school the aircraft were in aweful condition, seatbelts that didn't work properly, aircraft constantly breaking down (I did my first solo without a DG). My second solo oil pressure dropped to the red on my last circuit. I had shimmy dampner problems which postponed my solo. At that school, due to maintenance, I flew in three different types of aircraft.


    Whilst this is all character building I wasn't going to keep on like that. That's why I changed schools. At some point your own safety needs to be more important than going up.



  9. Something I've noticed, particularly in the LSA circles is that safety seems to be more paramount than in say lighter GA aircraft. I've been to probably 3 different GA schools and 2 RA schools (yeah I switch a fair bit) and until I went RA I never really felt safe in teh aircraft I was flying.



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