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Posts posted by ave8rr

  1. I have been trying to contact Aviation Advertiser today on both published numbers with no success.


    I still think it was a bad move on the part of RAAus to outsource the "Members Market".


    I am sure the "Members Market" would of run pretty well on the new web site with minimal staff input.



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  2. If RAAus manage to get any weight increase then I am sure there will be a big change to the maintenance requirements. This will probably be some sought of independent inspection prior to Rego renewal.


    I believe that is what happens in NZ, UK etc.


    I also believe there will be some changes to the medical requirements. Maybe a visit to a doctor for a general health check at Certificate renewal. There has been two or three accidents this past 12 months due to a "Medical" issue.


    I am not saying I am for any of this but can see these becoming a Regulator (CASA or RAAus) requirement.



  3. Hi All,Picked up the Rans Courier today from Watts Bridge and flew her back to her new home in Childers. So I guess this is my last post on a Drifter thread, at least for a while, but never say never!

    [ATTACH=full]40862[/ATTACH] P

    Will need to start a Rans Thread now Brett.

    I might have to open the boxes that hold my Rans S6ES kit.


    CU at the Feb Breakfast flyin.





  4. Could you explain how or where you saw an endorsement for The "type" that I am referring to? Apparently it's not actually am endorsement. It's virtually just a flight/competency check in different aircraft

    Sorry Jimmy, not an endorsement as such just a check flight on type. The forms cover the types of endorsement/s available.



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  5. You have to renew your registration every two years and receive a new sticker. The battery life is another thing and up to you.

    Frank, yes you have to renew every two years however, stickers are no longer posted out. You have to carry a printed copy of the AMSA Registration or have it on Ipad etc at a ramp check. This all changed back in Sep 15 .




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  6. While we are visiting vintage aeroplanes, here is the latest addition to join my RV9A in our hangar.


    A 1948 Piper PA-17 Vagabond. She lived most of her life since manufacture in South Africa as ZS-BZK now RAAus 24-4634.


    Came to Perth back in 2006 and now to Bundaberg.


    A65 Continental. No electrics except for battery to supply Becker Radio.


    As we understand it , this is the only PA-15/17 in Australasia.









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  7. Ian, two RAAus 3 axis training schools at Bundaberg, one is run from the Aero club (Bundy Flying School), the other is Hinkler Flying School operating out of the big hangar.


    GA training for RPL, PPL and CPL at Monduran Aero Club (Jim Mullett 0428871799).


    There is RAAus training available at Gladstone and still training at Maryborough (ProSky) I believe.


    Gympie has two if not three schools offering RAAus training.


    Cheers Mike



  8. Yeah, that's by far the most sensible approach. I'll pass it by him.Now I think about it we are talking about a subtle , somewhat pedantic difference.


    He says he has tried to get a local instructor to do "both at the same" time. ie: Go for a checkride with someone who can assess for either and then when you land and fill in the books - call that single flight a GA AFR and also an RAAus BFR.


    I guesss what this thread is really about is doing one checkride - calling it EITHER a GA checkride OR an RAAus checkride and then having that written in the logbook or on the licence. Then having it recognized later by the other entity.


    Here my mate's issue is we have two different instructors who treat the single checkride differently. One says you can't call one checkride both types and says you have to do them seperately, and one who says you can do both at the same time.

    Just do the GA AFR and send RAAus a copy of the entry (now shown on licence not a signature in logbook).



  9. I did my GA AFR more than 4 months ago and still haven't had my new licence back from them. My instructor didn't endorse my logbook because "it is now recorded on the new licence".I phoned CASA a month ago because I didn't like not having anything official to say all was ok and they told me my new licence would arrive "soon".


    I'm glad I'm not hanging from my fingertips waiting for it.



    Kaz, I sent my paperwork in first week of Oct. this was the form to get new part 61 licence and AFR report from instructor. I have been receiving regular emails saying processing times for new Part 61 licences are about 4 months behind. Currently processing applications up to end of July. Prob be Feb/Mar before my new licence arrives. Meantime Instructor just wrote on old Licence that AFR completed and the next review date (31 Oct 17) Note IF you do AFR at beginning of month you will get 25 months validity under new system.

    Cheers Mike



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