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Posts posted by Mewp

  1. I believe these are the requirements to carry and disclose your class 5 medical.


    CASA EX01/24 — Flight Crew Medical Status (Class 5 Medical Selfdeclaration) Exemption 2024


    Part 32


    32 Conditions — record of class 5 medical self-declaration must be carried on aircraft and produced for inspection

     (1) A person who holds a private pilot licence or recreational pilot licence must not commence exercising the privileges of their licence in a single-pilot operation in an aircraft unless they are carrying a copy of their record of class 5 medical selfdeclaration on the aircraft.

     (2) A person who holds a private pilot licence or recreational pilot licence must, on request of an authorised person, produce their record of class 5 medical selfdeclaration for inspection by the person.

  2. Had a 172 for 20 yrs then maintenance costs rose and rose then cids. Id had enough. Nice to get around in but maintenance cost creep was the killer. Also didnt use the full payload capability often. I went for an raa aircraft with much the same performance as fhe 172, cruse speed , approach and flair and suitable comfort for two plus 5hrs fuel and 20kg baggage. I found the lsa handled like a mixmaster in turbulance but soon learnt not to fight it and enjoy? the ride. Lsa will never be as comfortable as an aircraft twice its weight but can do long cross country and fun flying at half the cost. Also doing your own maintenance, if capable, ups your skill and respect for the aircraft and lowers the cost substantially.

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  3. I use avplan on an apple mini. It occasionally overheats and shuts down for a few minutes. I have a thigh mount for it which keeps it below the panel and out of direct sunlight. I also have the aera GPS in the panel as a fall back when the pad looses interest. The great thing about avplan is it gives instant access to everything you will need and as a backup i can print the route maps directly from the pad if needed.

  4. I'm vaccinated so don't really care about those who don't wish to be. The virus will not be controlled by vaccination but vaccination protects those of us who are vaccinated from falling gravely ill, (in most cases). So if I come in contact with the virus, either from a vaccinated or non vaccinated carrier I have the best chance of survival. When the majority are protected we will see the economy very slowly open up again and good luck to those who refuse to have the jab. That said, I feel for those who, for medical reasons, cannot be vaccinated.

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  5. The problem with home visits is we don't check-in so contact tracing then relies on honesty and memory. Give each household a code and even then people would not use it just like I see at shops when several people are checking in at the same time.

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  6. Thats the real difference between Pifzer and AstraZeneca, Pifzer costs around $30 per dose where as Astrazeneca is around $4 per dose. Astrazeneca announced they would not profit from sales during the pandemic. 

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  7. On 28 July 2021 Lismore council have an approved grant of $300,000 from round 2 of the Federal Regional Airports Program for the Construction of a dedicated run-up bay to improve safety. Lot of money for a run up bay. I think we as general tax payers have subsidized Lismore quite generously.

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