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Posts posted by dunlopdangler

  1. Anyone thinking of flying out to dalby won't get fuel neither as the disaster commitee has closed all road fuel outlets as well as the avgas bowser (except for emergency use). We got prior warning and were able to fill up beforehand. As the road out of Brisbane is underwater, supplies are becoming quite grim, the irony of it all is that the town is full of trucks which are laden with goods (produce, foods etc) parked up not being able to go any further. we have just had our sixth flood and it is really getting on our nerves...we cant go anywhere...do anything, but at least we are safe and feel for the pour souls in the lockyer valley...it is also frustrating not being able to help out, I was there in 1974 rescuing people etc by tinny and doing other stuff and feel I should be doing more to help..anyway I hope we can experience a speedy recovery and life goes back to normal soon..


    by the way, for those who were asking, spoke to young Tomo's brother today and they are all fine, (Tomo is still in PNG) the house is on a ridge and they have escaped inundation (other than paddock flooding)



  2. Gidday Jack,


    SAAA Chapter 15 (archerfield) used to have monthly meetings at Archerfield airport but I think that has gone by the wayside and now have their monthly meetings at a members home/hangar/venue, I noticed that you fly the AA5s and if you are not already aware, The Brisbane flying group also is based at Archerfield and I think they still have three Grumman Tigers. The Soutport Flying Club is also home to a SAAA chapter, and is a little hard to get into, you could contact them and wrangle an invitation to visit one of their meetings. other than that you can either hire a car or get hold of an aeroplane and visit many of the country aerodromes that have a strong recreational following such as the ones that Mazda has suggested, and you would not be disappointed visiting Watts Bridge, Toowoomba, Warwick, Kingaroy or Gympie aerodromes.



  3. Haven't had a chance to catch up with tomo's family...but Cecil Plains copped a fair bit of water through it. I would imagine that the flood at least would have affected their property, as for their house, I hope not, but a lot of farm houses over that way (built above all known flood levels) were inundated. I have been flying friends over their properties to check crop and stock losses and I really don't think the full brunt of the consequences has hit home yet.



  4. flood water dropping


    We went up again today, this morning the flood was still peaking and about three o'clock this afternoon was on the way down..Sky was full of aircraft. Lot of distraught people understandably wanting to see their destroyed crops. lets hope this is the last of it


    My son took the pics so I included his self portrait:big_grin:









  5. really need to get a grip wondai....and appreciate what the ag guys are doing and why CASA approves their ops as such. Jack Newton got all cut up walking into the spinning prop of the C210 which was to take him somewhere and unfortunately was blind drunk when he staggered into almost oblivion....and had nothing to do with ag or for that manner Ivan Milat:loopy:



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