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frank marriott

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Posts posted by frank marriott

  1. Has anyone any experience to offer with ref fitting a Tiny TAC tacho.


    I fitted one to a 4stroke 6 cylinder engine and selected the "3p" setting but it reads half rpm i.e. 500rpm at engine setting of 1000rpm.


    I checked another similar working installation - but the working TAC is an older model and the setting is 120°.


    I am led to believe the "3p" setting is the same as the 120° setting on the older model?



  2. The HGFA have the same aircraft on their register as RAAus but the HGFA owners are allowed to maintain and modify without training, so I can't see that it comes from CASA.

    The excuse that this BS is coming from CASA is in itself BS - some members accept political type crap.
  3. 3 cylinders are down on prop pull through.... You need to be a bit more specific and give us more details.If it was when stone cold and not used for a while, then un-even compressions is not uncommon for a lot of engines. If it was after a monthly run-up (preventative maintenance) then you would know that everything is close to operating temperatures, lubricated and valve and ring contact surfaces are not contaminated with surface corrosion.

    Give the engine a quick ground run first and check your compressions again. Do not over-do the ground run,


    as valve seats have been known to come adrift from overheating.


    I'm confident that your compressions will feel normal enough for a flight and be completely normal after your flight.



    Agree, and then do a Leakdown test to "know" the state, and not rely on feel alone.



  4. I feel the quality of flying threads/posts here have been diminishing.

    IMO the big divide, and personal insults etc., to some of the "qualified" and informative people during the Jabiru fiasco caused them to leave. "Most" of the constant opinated (& unqualified) posters also left. I notice they have appeared on other sites but being more heavily moderated they are restricted in their crap.


    A couple still on my ignor list appear but I don't see what they have to say anyway.


    Without suggesting a fix, Ian I agree with your observation.



  5. Re "off topic" etc


    My personal opinion is everyone has their individual beliefs, especially political & religious matters, that detract from the site. Obviously if there was a selection to "ignor" the "off topic" threads then it would not matter - I select "ignor" on certain individuals but to bring back all that other rubbish under "what's new" I suggest would have a negative impact.


    Your call Ian, just my opinion, I come here for aviation related matters ONLY.



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  6. The emphasis on self maintenance is misguided - trying to "fix" a problem that does not exist. Just like a political issue, certain people grab an idea and get carried away to excess merely for self grandeur.


    The facts do not support the excessive & continuing agenda.


    Any considered look at the incidents/crashes etc points to a common problem and it is has nothing to do with L1 maintenance.


    From my observations since joining RAA there is certainly some questionable expertise with "SOME" L2s (protected????) but the L1s, at least the ones I know of, seek assistance with anything that they are not comfortable/capable of doing.


    When input to agenda is limited to thought bubbles of a couple of Canberra centric individuals it is an expected outcome.



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  7. Comment by Tony King - looks like the ever changing goal posts for a L1 are on the move AGAIN "ref: next phase"


    Haven't see anything official from RAA, but why does it no longer surprise me. Mini GA with escalating costs. At some stage the members will realise where this mob are heading, in all probability too late.


    Yes Daryl, that’s right. Used to be that getting your RAAus Pilot Certificate would also give you the authority to maintain your own aircraft (as long as it’s only used for private operations). That ended a couple of years ago because it was recognised that there’s nothing in the pilot training syllabus that would qualify a person to maintain an aircraft. The L1 (owner/maintainer) maintenance authority presently requires you to complete online training and pass an exam. That helps ensure you know what the maintenance requirements are, where to find essential information, etc., but it still doesn’t confirm that you know which end of a screwdriver to hold. The next phase is in development and almost ready for live trials, which is what Dan is talking about. This will help ensure RAAus owner/maintainers have the practical skills to safely maintain their aircraft.


    You’re right that the majority of RAAus crashes are pilot related rather than maintenance related, just like every other sector of aviation. However the ability to maintain your own aircraft is one of the key points of difference between RAAus and RPL or PPL. In order to protect that privilege, and as a responsible industry player, having identified a gap in the training available RAAus is taking steps to close that gap. For those who already have the knowledge and skills it’s a mere formality (although you never know what you might learn). For those who don’t and want to maintain their own aircraft, it will make them safer and more capable.



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  8. Can you fly a Jabiru to Bankstown or Camden or Townsville at the moment, or is an engine failure still considered too risky? I would have thought RAA should make that the first priority. Perhaps another senate estimates committee will sort it.CASA extends limitations on Jabiru-powered aircraft | Australian Aviation

    Only 4 class D airports were prohibited , never stopped my use of YBTL (Class C) even when the instrument was in place - no limitations with engines with current mods.



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  9. I wonder if those who have concerns about what they see as the adverse direction the current Board is taking the RAA have taken the time voice those concerns to their ELECTED representatives o

    Therein lies the problem. Raising a point with an unknown person from "somewhere" cannot work - even in politics you have a local member to contact and discuss your individual concerns.


    I accept that people, like yourself, support the new approach which is fine, I just happen to have a different opinion - publically promoted by Linke/Monk/Ramsay with their election by post code comments.


    I have NO interest in debating the subject as anyone can make up their own minds as to whether the current approach is better or not - I merely pointed out a fact.


    As for "why not stand if you don't agree", I remind you I was the elected rep for NQ prior to the change and as I feel so strongly about/against the direction taken there is NO way I would consider being part of it.


    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just hope your overt support is proved to be correct and my opinion proves to be unfounded - I obviously have reservations.



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  10. Remember the plan was 5 (with a max of 7) we only got 7 because of the "outgoing" board. If you think you know everything then you don't want other opinions to which may not fit into your perfect plan (even if it only in your own mind). We have what we deserve.



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  11. The largest portion of reserves being spent is on keeping paper magazine alive.........100% what members demanded.

    I wonder about that percentage? I for one, don't read it unless something important or controversial is brought to my attention.



  12. When flying a simple RAA type aircraft there is simply not that much to forget really.


    Generally (with a couple of exceptions)


    Fixed undercarriage


    Fixed pitch


    One fuel system


    No primer


    No cowl flaps


    No mixture control


    No instrument checks (as in IFR) only T&Ps & fuel quantity


    Just enjoy the simplicity without over complicating things, at the same time you will achieve a better lookout.


    Relax and enjoy the experience.



    • Agree 5
  13. I have a Tecnam Sierra which is a low wing sliding canopy, I average over 100 hours a year in it and don’t have much problem with heat as the vents are pretty good unless like this morning, 22 deg on the ground

    Have you had it up to NW Queensland where 22° on the ground are winter temps?



  14. Heard a RAA registered aircraft (when the RAA upper limit was 5000') give an overflying call at Winton Q, at 9500'.


    Some people's understanding of radio use leaves me speechless. I forget whether on CTAF or area, but matters not.



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