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Kyle Communications

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Posts posted by Kyle Communications

  1. Hi Marty..there is a method to my madness. There is a fuel pressure sender in one end then of course the 4 way fuel (one from the mechanical pump then 2 for the carbs and my fuel retun is on the other end of the block and a fuel pressure switch that is wired as per a previous post on here that will automatically turn on the electric fuel pump if I ever lose fuel pressure. There is a centre off switch so the pump is isolated..the top position of the switch is auto and the bottom is for manual on so it can all be bypassed and the fuel pump can be turned on at any time. I could have made a new fuel block but it was easier just to buy the manifolds and put them together....I need a little more weight up the front anyway as I have 20 thou skins on the rear fuselage sides and also 20 thou skins on the top of the wing and on the D section 


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  2. Latest from the CEO of RAA email today


    Looks like he got the same as me...4 weeks to get my rebate..my mate with a Skyecho it took almosy 7 weeks to get the bucks back'


    From the CEO


    Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

    With some great summer weather finally being experienced (in most areas), I do hope that you’re out there getting some hours up. I’m pleased to say that I even got some flying in over the break, bringing my aircraft back from Merimbula to Canberra having taken advantage of the Government ADS-B rebate with a Uavionix TailbeaconX (Mode-S and ADS-B Out) and AV30 being installed before Christmas. It’s a great piece of kit and I was thrilled when ATC called me up when I was inbound to Canberra as they could see who and where I was!

    At present the ADS-B Rebate program is slated to run until 31 May 2023, however I’ve also been told by those in the know that this will likely be extended until the funding runs out. It’s my aim this week to try and find this out for sure and communicate this back to you. I’m very aware that there is a delay from some vendors in relation to being able to provide the ADS-B equipment and also that there is a limited supply of B2 LAMEs that can install and calibrate the equipment. Please be patient as we try and get some clarity.
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  3. Latest from the RAA email today on Group G

    Finally, I’m pleased to say that we’re meeting with CASA twice this week to discuss our Group G (760kg) application that was submitted to them in August last year. Whilst we received some feedback on this application late last year, we need to meet with them to understand some of their commentary as well as provide them with additional clarity on some items. It’s fairly standard for an application of this size however I would like for members to know that we’re certainly doing all in our power to expedite this so you can take advantage of Group G sooner than later!
    From the CEO

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  4. 47 minutes ago, RFguy said:


    It's like the original designer got the design 90% done and built a prototype and then left or died, leaving the company  to guess the rest.  I've seen it alot in professional circles.. 


    John Willis did the initial design of the Micro Air..I saw it when he was developing it. But he made it for some other guys and they then took it from there. Those guys sold the IP to some other bunch I believe and they did the rest of it..Now I belive the company has been sold to another group

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  5. DSP has revolutionized radios now. It is just crazy how well they work. There is a ham radio that Icom make called the IC-705  it does HF/VHF and UHF all in the one box and it used the same technology. I have one and it is awesome for what it is. But currently basically they are also now unobtainium anywhere in the world due again to chip shortages. The ADC they use in the front ends of the radio are in high demand for a lot of other applications as well. Most of all newer ham radios are DSP based now and even the commercial radios are going down the same track


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  6. I have spoken with Glen about his and I am really looking forward to getting one of the first units to try. I will fit it into Mabel as soon as I can get my hands on it. I have a Xcom in Mabel at the moment but will replace it. I will probably replace the V16 with one of Glen's as well. I really like the multi channel idea and because it is true DSP it is very capable to do a lot of really nice functions. The chip shortage is really annoying. Glen and us here at work are really struggling with chip availability..12 to 18 months wait is not uncommon for parts..even garden variety microprocessors are virtually unobtainium now. Its just a waiting game....also of course supply and demand are causing stupid pricing on parts as well



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  7. I have used it on the bench for more than 6 months. I have the vega head with it..the smaller one not the Razor head. It has proved to be very sensitive and has not missed a beat. Its going into the RANS so not in a aircraft at ll but TX and RX works quite well. There is some new firmware I belive which I havent uploaded yet into it. So initially it seems to be very good. Audio quality is quite good as well


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  8. After speaking with RAA a little while ago They sort of intimated to me the rules and regs will be similar to the SAAA style of approvals for build. But I was under the impression it will be similar as it is now that you need a L4 to sign off on the build. RAA has sort of their own rules with CASA in what we can do. They have not finalized with CASA yet the process but essentially it will be similar to building your own in RAA now but the maint side will be more like Experimental VH. None of it has been finalized yet. We will just have to wait and see. If the medical stuff is sorted out with CASA thewn I will shift mine into VH but of course we need to see what all these rules are. I dont have a issue with the Experimental building and maint rules now. Its all up in the air now so to speak..we just have to wait

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  9. Well my RANS S-21 is registered with RAA and it is Group G

    Currently 19-9998. but the 19 prefix will change to reflect the group g


    If CASA get their finger out and be sensible about medical I may transfer to VH rego and possibly re engine which will allow 820kg instead of the 727 MTOW I am limted to now.


    If i had the money I would put a 915 IS in it then strictly speaking it is still Rotax powered and would fit in the Group G category



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  10. I have a 20 litre clean plastic drum with a tap. I fill that drum with my fuel on the ground via a Mr Funnel so i know the fuel in there is super clean. then i lift the drum on top of the wing and the tap sits directly over the tank hole..then I just turn on the tap.


    I am thinking though of some sort of pump. They have some fuel type ones now that are like a stick and you drop it into a drum..but you really still need to decant it via the Mr funnel. mogas and a pump is coming to our airfield soon so that will make life easier

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  11. 30 years in the radio business gives me some good reliable experience and data. I didnt say there would not be any reduction form time to time in signal recepton and transmission but in the scheme of things the path loss is not that dramatic and usually only for a very short time.

    The transponder I bought is a TailbeaconX..that has 2 antennas built in. I would expect some shading but at 250 watts I will still get plenty of warning on TX and RX that I am totally comfortable with it.  ADSB in my opinion is far better than Mode C as I dont need to have a radar hit to ping me. The ADSB is far more open system and this is why it is being adopted worldwide

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