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Posts posted by Sapphire

  1. I've spent quite a bit of time looking at homebuilts and reading about them-especially in the USA. It amazes me what deficiencies people will fly with. Wings have fallen off, fabric fallen off, cross threaded bolts and more wings falling off, marine fuel pump installed and melting apart, fueling a raging fire. I think fuel lines and fuel seals are the most overlooked item. Seen several pilots return almost "well done".



  2. Ultralight said:If the media reported every single car accident with the same vigour, you would never drive again


    That would be physically impossible-there would not be enough air time. Besides the rate of death and injury on the road is "socially acceptable" and not of great concern



    • Agree 1
  3. Training is not a punishment but a means to get satisfactory performance from a pilot. If the pilot does not respond because of psychological probems, then his lic is not re-issued. In addition to the cost of retraining, the pilot can get psychological help at further expense if he pleases. In the end, if he can't perform-he can't fly.



  4. Sometimes very intelligent people think that they are more intelligent than they really are.Inbilt in their thought process is, I know how to fly, I don`t make mistakes, don`t tell me what to do.

    Sometimes a slap in the face with some humility is what is needed.


    Human factors.

    That's the next issue. How do you deal with people who demonstrate they can't drive, fly, etc. Governments look at them as a cash cow by fineing them. The rich can afford their ignorance and keep paying fines. In the case of a pilot who demonstrates he can't fly safely, take away his lic and require him to do his flying course over again-theory, basic flying, navs. That will straighten a few people out with enthusiastic support as well from training organizations, no doubt.



  5. Terms are thown around but how do you define illogical behavour-stupid, tunnel vision, crazy. I put people into three catagories, those who think logically and make few mistakes, those who make lots of mistakes and if they survive, learn from them, and lastly the no hoper catagory, makes any mistakes that can be made and learns nothing from them. From that you can see lots of people are making lots of mistakes. The easiest place to see them is on the road. Every week in my town there are several auctions of damaged cars, each auction of a couple hundred cars. Most tell a story of an event that occured because of illogical behavour. I would not define them as "accidents" as an accident occurs when all logical precautions are taken. How does this apply to flying? The next time some illogical pilot threatens your life with his standard of flying, put him in one of the above catagories.



    • Agree 2
  6. Float levels in carbies are usually out. The tabs for adjustment bend easily and so vibration always move the adjustment slowly to rich. The needle valve controlling the fuel level wears and allows too much fuel to the engine. Enrichment systems [sometimes called choke, but is not] can leak excess fuel through. If your carby is old it needs an o/h.



  7. After reading all this I don't understand why the majority of gliders are white.

    Any colour other than white, and a plastic plane would start to melt in the sun. Don't buy any composite a/c otherwise. Maybe can get away with yellow but black would would give you a new aerodynamic shape.



    • Agree 1
  8. I reckon that the incident that Saphire was referring to with the RFDS pilot would have had a fair probability of occurring at Narrogin. Did a fair bit of flying there years ago and communication between power and glider components was at the bottom end of the spectrum, and respect was at the nadir.Can remember doing some circuits in a Tiger Moth at Narrogin and was confronted with a glider thermaling mid downwind at circuit height. As we were just about to meet head on I stood the Tiger on a wingtip with a right turn, presenting a nice dirty underside of the fuse and wings nearly vertical. Given the somewhat startled look on the pilots face as we passed at close range, I doubt that he was not aware until the last moment that he was sharing airspace with another aircraft. A potential job for a dry cleaner.


    I have done the vast majority of my flying in country WA, and every airstrip is non controlled. I have always firmly advocated that a pair of eyes and correct adherance of circuit proceedures is the greatest asset in safe operations, and a radio is an adjunct to safety. I would far rather sight an aircraft in the circuit where I would anticpate seeing it, rather that be given a running commentary when the principal focus is being given to the radio.

    Exactly right, it was Narrogin. The bitumen strip is a hill and you cant see what is coming and radio doesnt go through ground. Had too many close calls with gliders and tugs-a dangerous place to fly.



  9. Gliders thermalling on downwind is a big problem. They run out of lift and are forced to return for a landing, but a big thermal on downwind saves the day and another $45 tow. Talked to one RFD pilot and he had the windscreen momenartily filled with a glider. Complain about it and you get the ususal ho hum response, nobody died [today]



  10. I've done hundreds of top end overhauls on cars [o/h cyl head and replace rings] As long as the bore is better than 4 thou wear, you can stop the smoke and get the compression back with a hot half hour run [accelerator to the floor 60 to 100 k's top gear] Air cooled a\c engines seem to be fussy. The honing needs to be the right courseness and angle and the run in at full throttle and near full throttle. Anytime the valves see the light of day, replace the exhaust valve and the valve guide. They operate under conditions that would make dante's inferno look like the dark side of the moon.



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