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Posts posted by gofastclint

  1. Good point but unless they go through the process they will not be Certified and I can't see Mercedes wasting their time and money for such a small market. So uncertified engines will only be good in homebuilts or the like.

    Mercedes definatly wont certify the engine. But the good thing is, like the Mazda rotary, there are companies currently working to certify it.



  2. Whether we like it or not, Avgas will not be around much longer - the US Military are phasing it out, Mogas is hard to source at Airports just about anywhere, but Diesel (Jet A1) is everywhere.Try buying Avgas outback in other than highly used airports etc. Bring on the Diesels.

    You are exactly right. There is a reason why the Diamond DA-42 comes with a diesel option. Its the intelligent choice. The best thing is, if the engines are made by factorys like Mercedes/Bosch and also used in cars, they will be alot cheaper than an engine from a traditional over priced aviation factory.



  3. I feel mixed emotions. My heart is hurting for my Australia brothers and sisters lost in these devastating fires, yet I also feel great rage hearing many of these fires were deliberatly lit.


    Life in prison to fire bugs. Never to be set free. With all their assets sold off and profits to the people directly effected by fire.



  4. Jcamp was on the money.All to do with Reynolds numbers, low RN's it helps, and high RN's it hinders.


    Low RN's = small chord, low speed and thick air, high RN's the opposite.


    A classic example is the prop on a Trojan T28, first 3rd of the blade from the hub is a rough surface and the remainining is smooth. Racing outboard legs another example, but not their props, they're smooth.


    Shark skin and ribblett finish is a different principle, similar but different. Turbecules another very recent and interesting twist, natures way of doing VG's properly.


    Gear legs will benefit but not much else on a typical aircraft

    If a golf ball travels up to 2.5 times farther due to the dimples, then adding dimples to the legs on my landing gear is a great idea. If it only increases the efficency by half that, then I see it as a massive gain. We all know why landing gear is retractable on most larger aircraft.



  5. More info please?JR

    In a basic system you have a fluid bottle, a pump, an on off switch, a spray nosil and a hose. What happens is that as the air is going into a motor a fine mist of water, methanol or a combination of both is sprayed in. What this does is cools the motor down. It also stop pre ignition. There are so many benefits of using this system.



  6. Actually ALL the tubular structure in the SU- series of aerobatic airtcraft is titanium.As for drilling, use good quality drill bits and drill at lower speeds with good pressure applied.

    Most of the titanium welding I have seen has been fairly easy. Getting filler rods can be difficult, usually cut strips from a sheet to use as rods.


    Any links to the Russian sales sites?



    Ah, the pylon man himself. The Oaks boys were telling me about your project. Alot of people are interested in your progress. I have no links to Russian titanium but I'm sure one of the forum users can help. As for sites where you can get everything, I know of a great site, it for Chinese companies who want to sell stuff to the west. You can find amazing things from cell phone jamers to razor wire to hazmat gear and its all so cheap. http://www.diytrade.com



  7. i used to look after 4 or 5 lge place turbines at the skydive nationals that were usually held at Corowa during the xmas period. running all over the hardstand refueliing and loading was a big drain on my light framed body. had to pay real close attention to myself. It took a while to learn the warning signs for myself as there was no one to look out for me. lots of water and cool showers during the day. we had a paticularly fast day were i had to do a hot section change on a Nomad, during the brief periods between loading and refueling the other aircraft, i slipped out of my routine during the afternoon. when the sun went down and i just finished off the turbine swap someone gave me a can of beer in appreciation. i cracked it had a sip realised how thirsty i was and chugged it on down. instantly intoxicated to the point were i could not even walk. came to a while later sitting on the floor of the shower with a bunch of people disscussing what to do with me. lucky someone checked out my still lit torch laying on the ground and found me and realised what happened.after that one of the skydiving doctors would wander around and check on all the staff and feed us sports drinks during the day.


    Stop trying to pretend you are a human Oz, we all know you are a robot, I heard rumors that your hydrogen fuel cell was faulty and as soon as you had it replaced you were fine.



  8. I have a camel pack and I find it to be very helpful. The thing about drinking water is that it flushes out the salts and minerals from your body. Plain water is actually bad for you in large doses. There are many different powdered sports drinks that will keep all your elements in check.



  9. I've flown the 120/lsa/160 and prefer the 120 out of the group. There isn't much difference between the 120 and the LSA but the 160 in comparison need MUCH more power everywhere. It climbs like a cessna 150 (slowly) but decends at idle like a brick. The two redeeming features of the 160 are the electric flaps and the fuel capacity.Simon

    I prefer the manual flaps. less to go wrong. I recon the price need to be around the 30k to 40k mark though.



  10. And who would that be Clint?031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif

    Caught out again lol, your sharp as a tack BLA. I just think its better to go for the company that builds a over a million engines a year and not one has an engine failure, than some company that makes 100 engines and then goes belly up with no parts back up.


    I like the sound of a low reving sooth motor, that is alot more fuel efficent than a petrol engine. Delivers twice the torque and lasts twice as long with a 3rd of the maintenance.


    Do you like the sound of that?



  11. The sea breeze coming through has caught me twice with some what dramatic consequences.!t caught me when I was climbing away on take of . Slammed me back onto the runway then almost instantly to a height of about 50' in a vertical bank. This is in a tiger moth.

    Another time in a C-150, I was returning to the same aerodrome (rutherford, west maitland) and the sea breeze came through. The radio that I was using for shark reports ended up through the rear plexiglas (Even though it was tied down), and the RH ashtray came out of the door. With the nose attitude held pretty constant the airspeed fluctuated from about 50 to 140 knots. The structure made some frightening noises, and I really thought the thing would come apart. On inspection, it was fine. (except for the window). There was no warning on either occasion. Nev..

    Hey Nev, next time don't fly through a tornado lol. But seriously, lucky you came out alive.



  12. Subaru estimates that half of all its sales in 2010 will be diesel.


    Their new motor is said to be the same size as its current 2.0L motor.


    Subaru is part owned by Toyota and have had alot of help in the design of this motor. We all know how reliable Toyota diesel motors are, couple that with a light weight boxer engine and you get a motor i would love to have in the front of my aircraft.


    Now all we need to do is wait for unlucky drivers to write their cars off and buy them for the engine.


    No spark plugs.


    No ethanol problems.


    Runs on jet A1.


    Quiet and Efficent.


    Not a dodgy engine from a company that will go broke any time soon.



  13. CASA did a full day seminar at Melbourne Uni., on it.which I attended and it was a full house. I think it is 178 seconds to live. Based on a factual occurrence near Oberon NSW.. I am sure It's still available, though in what form I do not know. Nev.

    Amazing figures, I'll stick to 10*C at 0600 with no wind and a perfect blue sky with a top temp of 20*C



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