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Posts posted by RossK

  1. Flew up to Tocumwal on Saturday afternoon, walked into town and had dinner at the Farmers Arms Hotel. The river is very full at the moment!

    Camped at Sportaviations campground at the airstrip. 

    Had a great breakfast with the Murray Border Flying Club and a Coffee at "The Drome" cafe before heading home.





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  2. On 02/12/2021 at 2:00 PM, Bruce Tuncks said:

    now we find that the rest of us are to be restricted to flying under 3000 ft!


    Now I am faced with an awful choice... fly dangerously low or fly illegally.

    Hi Bruce,

    unless i've missed something (which is possible) there is nothing in the new rules that is forcing us to fly under 3000ft. The radio requirement is still above 5000ft in class G

    The only extra burden is to fly the VFR cruising levels if above 3000ft.

  3. I was taught that it's best to fly hemisphericals whenever you can, regardless.


    I'm flying a track of 175deg at 3500ft and approaching a 3000ft plateau, cloud base is 5000ft, so leagally I can punch through there. But, the plateau is covered with tiger country. 

    I can deviate track to 165deg and follow a valley with a floor of 1500ft around the plateau, but at the southern end I have to track back 6nm on a heading of 200deg before picking up my track of 175deg.

    What altitude do I fly that 6nm on 200deg heading at - is it practical to descend to 2500ft and then climb back up when I resume track -  the leg is less than 4 minutes.

  4. My simple understanding of V1 is;

    The PIC has done the calcs and has an abort point (ie a distance on the runway).

    If he hears the co-pilot call V1 before that point, he knows there is sufficient runway and thrust available (even with an engine failure before Vr) to reach Vr before the end of the runway.

    If he doesn't hear V1 at the abort point, he aborts.


  5. 56 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

    1. My comments relate to the Aviation State Engagement Forum by Airservices Australia which closes in six days time.

    2. If you trawl through all the regulations we have to comply with there will be some links like the ones you point out, but in this case I don't think Airservices is considering any fundamental changes to the existence of RAA or other SAOs, or Controlled Airspace in general, just looking at one locality.

    The conversation had drifted to CTA access for RAA certificate holders.


  6. On 23/10/2021 at 9:46 AM, turboplanner said:

    Again, what does this have to do with CASA?

    From the RAA Ops Manual

    "Controlled Airspace may only be entered by recreational pilots complying with specific criteria as outlined in CAO 95.32 and 95.55, upon receipt of a clearance."


    CAO 95.55 Section 7.3(d)

    "(d) the aeroplane is flown by the holder of a valid pilot licence (not being a student pilot licence): (i) issued under Part 5 of CAR 1988; and (ii) that allows the holder to fly inside the controlled airspace;"


    So RAA need to get CASA to amend CAO 95.55 and remove 7.3(d)


    That's my understanding of the situation.

    • Informative 1
  7. @KRviator lets just say we both interpret that report differently.

    Though, I've never said ATC dont share some of the blame (they do), he was only going to be in the class C for less than 3 minutes, and their instructions to transit the Class D should have given him vectors, not just told him to descend to not more than 1000ft.

    But if he actually knew where he was, he wouldn't have descended through cloud to below ground level.



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  8. On 09/10/2021 at 9:34 AM, SSCBD said:

    Any people landed without one - What happened to you? 

    I haven't been to a Security Controlled airport yet, but when I was planning a trip to Moruya,  I rang the airport manager and asked.

    The response was to check the RPT schedule and just make sure we're not on the apron 1 hour either side of the RPT arrival or departure time.

    All other times, we were welcome to come and go as we please.

    So best to check with the operator.

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  9. On 27/09/2021 at 12:56 PM, facthunter said:

    Flying can be fun whatever the plane. It's an office with a view. 


    This is the comment that you should pay attention too, IMHO, it's by far the most accurate statement in this thread.


    Annecdote; my other hobby is sailing off the beach dinghys, and i've progressed through several classes getting faster and more complicated each time, with the culmination being an 18ft skiff. I've raced at state and national level - I'm never going to win at this level, but finished in the top ten regularly.

    Wind back 10 years when I was teaching my daughter sailing in a high performance skiff, great fun. But, she got a boyfriend and I soon found myself on the beach with nothing to sail. So I started sailing one of the clubs training boats, ie beginner level stuff.

    I had just as much fun sailing and racing that boat as I did the skiffs.

    It's not what you are sailing/flying, it's just being out there doing it that is enjoyable.

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