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Ultralight down in outback NSW

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Hi all, Pioneer, above, has alluded to this, i read this thread this afternoon, and didnt say anything.Because i didnt want it to be taken the wrong way. Bryron did a fantastic job. But and there is always a but.Byron has done the right thing by pulling the throttle. Everybody has to be mindful, that if/when a engine "lets go" in a big way, and vibration sets in.It is always better to kill the engine.If the vibrations, get realy, realy bad, it can and has, ripped the engine out of its mounts, fallen off, and given the a/c, a massive rear C of G (tail heavy). which makes the a/c, uncontrolable .Everybody then is in for a ride after that.I as i said,i havent mention this because i dont think it is fair, to take away from the wonderful job that byron has done. Kind Regards Daryl


PS- if you lose a prop blade, it can do the same thing.I am just looking at the big picture, so everybody can learn.



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Sorry this may be a silly question but did you shut the engine off, or did you put up with the vibration and land it wih the prop still turning, from what you say about turning mags off on touchdown you must have landed it with prop still turning!!!How bad was the vibration??

By the way, bloody well done:clap:011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



the engine was still running because it wasnt too bad at idle.


When I tried to power up to check it, it got real bad


I left it running because I wasnt sure if I would make it to the field and just in case I needed a quick burst of power to get over a tree or fence


If the vibration had been as bad as first felt and was still doing it at idle, I would have switched it off


I only had a very short time to assess the situation and make a decision


I made that decision under those circumstances , but, would I make the same decision again....I dont know, I hope I dont have to







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Guest drizzt1978

Hey Bryon (we have meet, im one of the guys in the 230 syndicate)


You did the right thing, (i think) Id keep an engine idling for emergency burst of power!!


Im sure some one will say other wise tho, But a partially running engine is better than none at all!!





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Guest Pioneer200

Byron ,I totally agree with what you did, you were there and felt the vibration and make the right call. And yes an engine idling that could give a burst of power is better than one switched off.





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Byron ,I totally agree with what you did, you were there and felt the vibration and make the right call. And yes an engine idling that could give a burst of power is better than one switched off.WELL DONE


thanks for that.


I know we all train to be able to react to a situation like that, but, the training is only a taste of the real thing


Each situation is different and can only be judged by the PIC at the time


Sometimes we make the right decisions and sometimes the wrong ones


I am only happy that the decisions I made were right for me at the time, but I am still very conscious of the fact that one minute sooner or later or the wrong decision could have ended in disaster for me and Glen


I just hope that I am never put in that position again and I can only stress that everyone needs to constantly practice their forced landing technique until it becomes second nature to them


Every situation is different, but if you have the training behind you, you can survive


After last weekend, I think my work/life balance will be changing a little towards the life side


I appreciate your questions and would have asked them myself of someone else in the same situation


We all learn from each other


Cheers and happy flying





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