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Schizophrenia in RAA pilots.

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The health standard requirements for the issue of an RAA pilot certificate,is, "The equivalant to that required for the issue of a private motor vehicle drivers licence,in Australia".


A friend of mine, who suffers from Schizophrenia and who did a few hours flying with me, when I was instructing, has a dream to build and fly his own aircraft.


He moved south several years ago to better manage his illness but we`ve stayed in touch over the years, recently he told me that he has legaly achieved 40+ hrs, between the Jab and the Lightwing, (Says the Jab is a piece of cake to fly,by the way), However, he has been made aware of,CASA`s, " Designated Aviation Medical Examiners Handbook " section 2.6.9, "Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders" , now he is concerned about his future.


The Questions.


What is the feeling about RAA pilots and Schizophrenia.


Where does the CASA, Medical Examiners Handbook, come into it ?.


Isn`t the RAA standard the only one required, at present ?.


If the standard has been good enough until now,why would it need to be changed ?.





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Hi cficare,


One of the things I`m trying to establish here,is, does an RAA pilot need to hold a private motor vehicle drivers licence or does he or she only need to meet the standard required.


My friend only wishes to fly RAA.







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Guest Crezzi

There's no requirement to actually hold a drivers licence only to meet the medical standard required to hold it.


However if you have "mental illness (medicated or otherwise) you can't fly as PIC until your GP has sent a letter to RAAus confirming that you meet the drivers licence medical standard. See Ops Manual 2.07 para 5d


I'm no medical expert but I would suspect that schizophrenia would be included in this definition.


Hope that helps





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Standard for Licence.


The Medical STANDARD is set out clearly and I would think that ANY GP. would have access to the material, and be able to process this matter, as they deal with it frequently.


Whether you choose to drive a car is a separate issue. The question could be asked however,..why not?'.( but may not be a significant issue, but it COULD be).


A recent NSW Premier, Bob Carr, did not drive a car. The ABILITY,(and SKILLS), required to drive a car is not the issue. The medical requirements ARE used as the standard by the RAAus. and that is all that needs to be dealt with.Nev



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farriIf your friend does not hold a drivers licence...how can he demonstrate that he is 'fit' to hold one??



At this point it is not important whether my friend holds the required documents or not,but following on from you,how does a 15 year old,who can`t yet hold a licence,demonstrate that he or she is fit to hold one????.




Looking for answers.



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I'm 15, I've gone solo and I'm doing my certificate exam this weekend. I've never been to a GP to assess my ability to hold a drivers licence, but I think I did sign a delcaration saying that I am able to. On another note, I don't have anything effecting my health.





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I vaguely recall something mentioned in high school (aero class) about GA having an option for someone to fly who has a potentially severe medical condition, but with restrictions. Namely no carrying passengers, and possibly others. I don't have any reference for this and it could be completely wrong (I think I was told this in reference to asthma - at the time mine was pretty bad), but it might be what your friend will have to agree to.


And if all your friend wants to do is fly, then really it shouldn't be much trouble.



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Hi David and good to hear from you,also 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif,Thank you for your post,you`ve gone to a fair bit of bother.


Crezzi,Ops Manual section 2.07.5 D, simply requires a health standard " Equivilant to a motor vehicle drivers licence".


Please read the start of this thread,my original post.


One of the Questions,Where does the, " Designated Aviation Medical Examiners Handbook", come into the RAA health standard, as the standard is already,clearly spelled out in the Ops Manual ?


We need to stop confusing RAA standards with GA standards and we certainly don`t need to be introducing new and tougher ones.





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Guest Crezzi
Crezzi,Ops Manual section 2.07.5 D, simply requires a health standard " Equivilant to a motor vehicle drivers licence".

Thats correct - for equivalent read equal to


As I wrote earlier, I think the critical clause for your friend is that if a member suffers from mental illness (medicated or otherwise) RAAus require a letter from their GP stating that their health is equivalent (I.e. equal to) that required for a drivers licence.


One of the Questions,Where does the, " Designated Aviation Medical Examiners Handbook", come into the RAA health standard

It doesn't.







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John, Thanks for your input,I`m simply trying to draw attention to this issue,for my friend and others,I know what the requirements are.


The fact is that my friend made RAA aware of his condition right from the start,he has maintained a certificate from his doctor and psychiatrist ,clearing him to fly, he would not have been able to do the hours he has had he not, so the document isn`t the issue here.


"The fact that he was intimidated with the " DAME handbook " , after 40 hrs dual instruction, is".


I`m trying to see that he and others will not be victimized and that the RAA medical standard is made clear to all student pilots so that there can be no missunderstanding of what is required.





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David,Thanks for the compliments,you`re too kind 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif


Totaly off topic but I agree with you completely about the young blokes.


As the second president of the newly formed ," Far North Queensland Ultralight Association ", I was able to make the membership see that if the club was going to go anywhere we had to have someone to instruct,an aircraft to instruct with, and somewhere to fly from so that we could have aircraft pilots and not just airmchair pilots, also,attract younger guys and keep the club going because the majority of the membership were getting on in years.


That`s where I came in, I was young enough, full of adrenalin, loved flying those funny little machines,had plenty of land and was prepared to jump the hoops to get my ratings so that I could instruct,we put it all together and away we went.


I instructed one young bloke who became the youngest guy in OZ to receive an AUF pilot certificate,I don`t know if he still holds that distinction but I do know that after flying the drifter for several years he now has the distinction of being pilot in command of the 737,for Quantas.


So you young blokes out there, don`t be frightened to start off in a Drifter,if it`s all you can afford,you never know where it will take you but one things for sure,you`ll have a lot of fun getting there.




Frank. 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif



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Slightly off topic but, Andrew, how did you do with your exam?


As others have said, oh to be 15 again, but with the knowledge/wisdom I have now.


To all youngsters out there, LOOK AFTER YOUR HEALTH. Throat cancer (3 years after I gave up fags) and heart by-passes are not fun and can seriously affect your life.



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Just thought I'd jump in here quickly and thank those talking about the young people here.


Gotta remember you older (please forgive) guys/gals are our lifeline, so keep it up and tell us all you can! :thumb_up:



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Slightly off topic but, Andrew, how did you do with your exam? As others have said, oh to be 15 again, but with the knowledge/wisdom I have now.


To all youngsters out there, LOOK AFTER YOUR HEALTH. Throat cancer (3 years after I gave up fags) and heart by-passes are not fun and can seriously affect your life.

Hi Deskpilot,


Sorry to hear about your throat cancer thumb_down I passed both BAK and Air Legislation, thanks for asking :big_grin:





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Just thought I'd jump in here quickly and thank those talking about the young people here.Gotta remember you older (please forgive) guys/gals are our lifeline, so keep it up and tell us all you can! :thumb_up:

Just keep us supplied with alcohol tomo and we are more than happy to pass on what ever our dimming grey cells can remember:gerg:



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Fari, Ppppleeeezzze!!


It's QANTAS, as in Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services, the world's oldest continuously existing airline.



I thought KLM was the worlds oldest continuously operational airline? :P



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Guest Maj Millard

TOMO, DD is correct of course, we can't teach you much more because you know too much already !!.


Frank, Great post with lots of good imput, and I agree, no sport is going anywhere without the young folk involved....


Bill Hamilton, Nice to have you on board mate, here at the lower end. It's blokes like you with flexable minds that are good for aviation overall...........................................Cheers........Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Fari, Ppppleeeezzze!!


It's QANTAS, as in Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services, the world's oldest continuously existing airline.



Bill,Thanks for the laugh,006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif,I hadn`t even noticed my error:blush:.


I`ve allwus nowyn,I shoulda styed at schwl longga.049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif





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I thought KLM was the worlds oldest continuously operational airline? :P

Actually it was Chalk's based in Miami florida, flies between florida and the bahamas and has been doing that since february 1917. QANTAS is probably the worlds longest surviving airline under the same ownership now that KLM is owned by Air France 087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif


Bit off thread I know:loopy:



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