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And yet another....

Gnarly Gnu

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Howdy folks, just started learning at Murray Bridge last week so green as they come! I'm reasonably pleased with progress so far I guess (famous last words?) just need to sort out the final couple of seconds of my landings. Take off is sorta OK, still a little 'snakey' though. Figured landing is important so I have to crack it.


Hey there is a lot to learn, much more than I imagined there would be when I first walked into the hangar but it's getting to be more fun in the cockpit as I start to relax a little bit more. Also never came across an industry so drunk on acronyms, it's just nuts (that would be IJN I presume)! :cool_shades:





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Welcome mate - like the name by the way:laugh:, hope you enjoy the site.


I suspect most of us had a period when the last couple of feet down to terra firma were a bit problematic, you'll probably find that it suddenly clicks and then wonder what you were worrying about.





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098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Gnu, hope you enjoy the site. The landings (and take-offs) will all come together sooner or later, as others have said.


As for acronyms - I work in IT, so it's a toss-up as to which has more 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif, and if you have a teenage son/daughter with a mobile phone you will need to learn a whole load more!


Happy Landings!





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Hey Gnu! Welcome along mate, great to have you. :thumb_up:


Landings are pretty important they tell me as well. But hey, it'll soon come to you... then it's a matter of - I know how to do it, you know what it should be like, but you realize it looks bad... and so on... the thing you have to remember is if it is all looking bad, power is the magic button.


I know you may have been told this, but just remember to use/hold 'pressure' on the rudder on take off. Until that hit me, I was worse than your average snake! As you use rudder, but then neutralized it only to have the aircraft yaw again...


Anyway, hope you have fun, and acronyms galore is aviation law!





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Thanks for the welcome and the tips folks!


Went up for an hour today, moderately strong and a little gusty wind down low & had to use the grass strip which was a good experience.... all part of the learning curve. I hope to get through the rec course as soon as possible then go on to get a PPL as well (I think Tomo and some others here have / are doing the same).


Where's Murray BILGE? Nev

Uhh that's a nickname some of us city folk have for Murray Bridge Nev, presumably based on the Murray not being so healthy down the bottom end so to speak. Somehow I doubt the locals in MB appreciate this touch of humour however....




PS this is OT but is there a reason the RAA licence / student card thing is so boring looking?



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  • 6 months later...

Feb 2011 Update


Getting the landing sorted took much longer than I anticipated, just getting a few solo hours up now. Funny thing is that I've done so many landings whilst learning to land I actually started getting slightly bored during my first solo, found my mind wandering a little. Must be a Gnu thing! The other strange thing is that I find I'm learning how to handle the aircraft 2 - 3 times faster when I'm alone than when an instructor is with me... can't figure that one out. Shoulda booted them out earlier. 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif



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there are 2 real important keys to a good landing, Speed Control, and perspective, and by perspective, its where you look, and that is AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE! dont look at the runway immediately in front of you! ALWAYS look to the far end of the runway or thurther!



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