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One for the thruster guys

Guest dad

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Everyone & anyone experienced in rag & tube knows that you can't get a Thruster to do anything THAT exciting - obviously was something else!



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Guest Maj Millard

Not a Thruster gang, not even close. Looks to me like an Eipper Quicksilver MX2 with a pod on the front....hopefully the same one I learnt to fly in way back then in Northern California.!!


What is real interesting to me is the way the machine immediatly noses up once the load (pilot) is shed...................................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Hey Ross,you could be right with the Quicksilver,wasn`t one of your jumps,was it? 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


I`ve flown a Quicksilver,didn`t think it deserved to be blown up.


Does appear to be real and I got the same impression with the upwards pitch.







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Guest Maj Millard

No Frank wasn't one of my jumps. I do have a lot of time in the MXL2 though. After learning to fly in one,


I ended up flying rides in the same aircraft for about two years. They aren't a bad machine really, this one obviously had passed it's useby date and was destined for another form of glory.


There are a lot of them around in California and they do make a good trainer.............Ross



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I read somewhere that this was a stunt for a B grade movie some time back. pilot/ jumper had a static line rigged to detonate after he fell a safe distance. Aircarft was an old Quicksilver MX. I thought it would be a natural for pitch up with no one in the seat. either way top stunt.



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