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Airsport at Boonah - end of an era.


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I attended the Airsport, End of Year/Wings do last evening and was saddened to hear that Greg Neale CFI is hanging up his headset and going to focus on life outside of aviation, at least in the short term. The good news from my point of view is that the school has been sold to one of the instructors and the rest of the team are staying on, so it's business as usual in that respect.


I had been toying with the idea of getting back into aviation for about 2 years when I sort of accidently drove past the Boonah airfield on the way to a family picnic. Right on cue my son spotted an aircraft landing and so I wandered into the hangar and soon started speaking to Greg. I had made enquiries at several other schools, GA and RA prior to this visit; and after a series of non returned phone calls and discouraging conversations about what they couldn't do for me and how much I would need to do to get back up to speed after a 14 yr layoff, wasn't expecting much. Greg's attitude was the proverbial breath of fresh air however and I left with an information pack, an RA Aus application form and a booking for the following weekend. Greg's attitude was; come and fly, see whether you enjoy the lighter side of life and we'll discuss a program of training. Here I am 18 months later with my certificate, no intention of ever stopping flying again and most importantly having infected my family with a strain of my flying fever. My biggest problem is that for the next 6-8 years, 2 seats aren't going to be enough, so I'm going to regain my PPL and look at buying a share in an aircraft.


Cheers Greg, thanks for the encouragement, advice and good conversation, on the ground and in the air.





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14 year lay-off.


Carl ,it is a good thing that you found Greg. All these people that have theories as to the difficulties of getting back in the air after a lay-off are talking through their backsides. Who of them would have personal experience? Many would be discouraged as no doubt you would heve been had you not met Greg. We need more like him . All praise to you also for bringing this matter to our notice. Nev



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It is certainly a sad day.I flew there yesterday morning, I couldnt hang around for the Wings/Chrismas Break up, had work at home to do .Unfortunatly its a 1 and a half hour drive each way. I luckly had a good conversation with Greg in the morning and wished him a Merry Chrismas. Hopefully he will be instructing part time next year after taking a well deserved break.Gregs enthusiasm and his skill, experience as a instructor will be sadly missed.I miss him already and I saw him yesterday.Greg has become more than just a instructor to alot of pilots and students.He has became their friend.



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One of the joys of flying in to Boonah is catching up with Greg. Flew in on friday and received his usual greeting even though he was very busy. Always a cuppa for us and even lamingtons on special occasions. Greg, you will be missed.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



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I must echo what has already been said. Although I have only known Greg for about 2 years he was not only a very experienced instructor & pilot but a good friend. Like others, I had also been given the run around by some schools as to how much they could NOT do for me and how little the could. A few hours with Greg and his team and I was solo and a few more and I had completed my GA RA-Aus conversion.


It was great to catch up on Sat evening and thanks for all your help and support.


Greg go well, enjoy your well earned break with your family. We have unfinished business and will get together later in the year.




Dave B



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