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New RAA Student

Guest SAJabiruflyer

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Guest SAJabiruflyer

Hi all. My name is Brett, 34yrs old, live in Victor Harbor SA and I am learning to fly at Goolwa Recreational Flying School. So far I have about 32hours under my belt, in the Jabiru 230D, about 2 hours in a Jabiru LSA-55. Having a great time and enjoying the professional approach the school has. Have found everyone to be friendly, approachable and willing to impart knowledge to such newbie fliers as myself. I've found I can learn a lot just by sitting and listening to people talk in the Pilot's Lounge! My long term goal of course is to have fun, but also develop my business to the point where I can use my yet-to-be-purchased aircraft to help me travel to customers around Oz. But, that's a long time in the future. My friend says im "retentive" and "by the book" which I hope will make for a good Pilot. I've been known to pre-flight my car before going on a small trip... looking forward to reading this forum. Cheers Brett



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
hi brett,which plane are you pencilling into the spreadsheet?



None yet! It's too early to commit to any aircraft. I want to get many more hours up my sleeve, then attempt to fly as many different planes as possible until I find one I like. It's a big investment and I want to get it right! Plus the better half has to like too haha.



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Guest burbles1

Welcome Brett. You'll find no end of helpful discussion here. They say that pilots buy what they learn to fly in, but there's lots of good offerings from Aussie plane builders.



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
Welcome Brett. You'll find no end of helpful discussion here. They say that pilots buy what they learn to fly in, but there's lots of good offerings from Aussie plane builders.

Yes i've been devouring current and back issues of RA-Aus magazine plus a few others. Basically I'm in no rush to buy anything anytime soon - but that doesnt stop me from looking haha. There seems to be a lot to choose from. When I decide on an aircraft i'll be taking along someone who know's a lot about it and can check it out for me first. I figure it's better to spend a little on airfares and accommodation and perhaps not go through with a purchase than it would be to buy something then regret it later. Baby steps for me!



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Guest davidh10
...When I decide on an aircraft i'll be taking along someone who know's a lot about it and can check it out for me first. I figure it's better to spend a little on airfares and accommodation and perhaps not go through with a purchase than it would be to buy something then regret it later. Baby steps for me!

A really good plan. I've seen a few situations where a buyer has bought an expensive bunch of trouble by not doing as you plan.


Welcome to the forums.



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
A really good plan. I've seen a few situations where a buyer has bought an expensive bunch of trouble by not doing as you plan.Welcome to the forums.

Well I might be in trouble according to my plan... went up in a Siai Marchetti Jet today at Goolwa. Was great!! Flew over the coast to the Murray Mouth then did some formation flying with the other Jet from YGWA. Was a great experience! Comparing how fast things happen in that jet with how I fly in the Jab... wow! I think i'd be landing before I commenced my downwind checks haha. Today's lesson was great, with a couple of engine failures (t/o & cct) pulled on me. Managed to land about half way down rwy19 after a glide approach, did a bit of side slipping to lose some height first. Tmw should be great - weather permitting - as the Master & Commander / Minister of Finance / Minister of War will be in town shopping all day so I'm free to fly as much as I can. Loving everything so far, even when Ed CFI gets strict on me for things such as "ball in the middle". I dont mind a bit of pressure at this stage of my training - i'm a true believer in the saying "Thou who sweat the most in training bleed the least in combat" which can be applied to all walks of life. All in all i'd say my introduction to the flying world is just great



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Guest studentbiggles

Welcome aboard SAJabiruflyer..............great to see another from our state here on the site.................just been out the back garden and looking up at a very tidy Cessna Skyhawk that I was having a sneaky "crawl" over when out at Yren at lunch.................here they go over again having a very lovely "Dusk" joyride................."Damn" and on here instead.......Oh well good things coming up for me in my flight training also.


Cheers and Fly Safe Alley



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Hi Brett,


Welcome to the forum! It's good to see another South Aussie on here. i think there's a few of us :P


I don't post on here a lot, but i do find a lot of informative/thought provoking reading on here!


Good luck wiht your flying.



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Guest burbles1
with a "roll cage" rather than a bubble canopy. ... a way to get out of it should it ever end up on its lid

Yeah, I've heard how you fly. Obviously the best choice for you;)



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Guest SAJabiruflyer

Well I just look around at the scenery in my local area and love flying here. So much beautiful scenery, lots of flat paddocks for emergencies, and a nice friendly atmosphere at YGWA. Besides, there's no bloody decent 4WD tracks so I needed another hobby haha



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Welcome mate. I too am a newcomer to RAA in SA. I'm flying at Murray Bridge with RPA and find them a very friendly group. I've heard Goolwa is a great place also.


I also am thinking of buying sometime in the future and have gone through about 10 different types and still haven't really landed on one though the Savannah comes very close to meeting all my needs and it has the bonus of being very affordable.



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
Welcome mate. I too am a newcomer to RAA in SA. I'm flying at Murray Bridge with RPA and find them a very friendly group. I've heard Goolwa is a great place also. I also am thinking of buying sometime in the future and have gone through about 10 different types and still haven't really landed on one though the Savannah comes very close to meeting all my needs and it has the bonus of being very affordable.

Gudday Thirsty. I did one lesson at RPA with Instructor Michael (who did my Ab Initio training at YGWA when he worked there). Dont mention Brett from Victor or Flat Tyres and you'll be fine haha ;). It seems some form of Aviation Trouble follows Michael whenever im near him, probably why he's off to the US to get far far away from me, lol. So far on paper, without flying them, I like the Savannah, the Tecnam P92 High Wing, A22 Foxbat, and of course because im training in it, the J230D (no comment on Engines). Once I get some more hours up my sleeve, the intention is to find some hire n fly places and test out some planes. I'm hoping to do my Exams and Flight Test this month, so it's all coming together now. Then the real learning starts!



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I took my first flight with Michael. A very bumpy day and a memorable flight - for all the wrong reasons! I also like the Foxbat but really for the money I don't think you can beat the Sav. I also hope to get all my training done this month and will likely do the same as you ie fly a bunch of types and see what's what.


If you do a nav ex to MB drop in and say hi - I'm doing some mech work at RPA to get my L2's and am there pretty much every Mon, Tues and Wed.



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From one South Australian to another, welcome mate. Good to have you on board. Talking about Michael, I had my first few lessons with him when he worked for RPA. Apparently things didn't work out for him and he left to start his own school. Why is he off to the States, holiday or permanent?



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G'day Brett, I saw a J230 near Goolwa Airport this arvo, was it you? That sounds pretty vague but I overheard while I was there a lesson being arranged for a Brett so not as vague as it sounds. I am about to start my journey and spent a few hours hanging around Goolwa airfield in the last few days. Geoff was very patient and it was great how he showed me around and took the time for a newbie. I have my traing booklets so will get stuck in and get the lessons going at Goolwa as soon as the dollars are lined up. Now for my dumb question, you refer to YGWA, what does that stand for? I am very jealous re your jet flight! Can't wait to see that one in action. Still, Geoff's Spitfire was excellent to see. All the blokes I met were very friendly and I felt right at home. See out there soon! cheers



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
From one South Australian to another, welcome mate. Good to have you on board. Talking about Michael, I had my first few lessons with him when he worked for RPA. Apparently things didn't work out for him and he left to start his own school. Why is he off to the States, holiday or permanent?

Ahhh different Michael i'm afraid. You'd be thinking of Mike Chapman from MBLAFS. Not to worry!



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
G'day Brett, I saw a J230 near Goolwa Airport this arvo, was it you? That sounds pretty vague but I overheard while I was there a lesson being arranged for a Brett so not as vague as it sounds. I am about to start my journey and spent a few hours hanging around Goolwa airfield in the last few days. Geoff was very patient and it was great how he showed me around and took the time for a newbie. I have my traing booklets so will get stuck in and get the lessons going at Goolwa as soon as the dollars are lined up. Now for my dumb question, you refer to YGWA, what does that stand for? I am very jealous re your jet flight! Can't wait to see that one in action. Still, Geoff's Spitfire was excellent to see. All the blokes I met were very friendly and I felt right at home. See out there soon! cheers

Hi there. I'm the only Brett learning at Goolwa, so yes it was me. I'm not sure they can handle another one of me!! haha. I flew 2.9 hours on Sunday just gone, starting from 8am and leaving about 3pm I think. Coffee and lunch in between!. YGWA is just the code for Goolwa Airport from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). I'm training with Ed (CFI), Richard and Nick. All are great, with different styles and all have knowledge to impart to us newbies. Everyone is friendly and says hello, and that's exactly how I got my Jet ride - I just asked the pilot if he would mind a back seater! No problem he said! Easy as that. Good luck with your training, hope to see you there sometime. I am up for Exams and Flight Test this month, so nearly ready to get my Licence changed from Student to PILOT. From there it's more learning everytime I fly (that's if they let me Hire the plane haha). See you around :)



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
G'day Brett, It's a small world! Best of luck with the exams and flight test and thanks for the YGWA answer. I'll see you around the place for sure. Cheers

Say hi when u see me! Just lemme know ur Latestarter from the Forums lol. I took Radio and Air Legislation exams today and passed. Next week should be BAK and HF then if all goes well and Ed CFI is happy with me, it's flight test time. Very much enjoying the journey so far - great flying school - friendly people - great scenery. I have work to do on my landings - need to get that nose up a bit more! Whenever Ed is next to me he chants "hold it off hold it off hold it off" so next time im gunna try chanting to myself the same thing! Hey whatever works..



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Say hi when u see me! Just lemme know ur Latestarter from the Forums lol. I took Radio and Air Legislation exams today and passed. Next week should be BAK and HF then if all goes well and Ed CFI is happy with me, it's flight test time. Very much enjoying the journey so far - great flying school - friendly people - great scenery. I have work to do on my landings - need to get that nose up a bit more! Whenever Ed is next to me he chants "hold it off hold it off hold it off" so next time im gunna try chanting to myself the same thing! Hey whatever works..

Hahaha Yep, I've heard those exact words numerous times myself, even to the point that i hear them in my head sometimes. hold it off hold it off hold it off I did my flight test today, and passed! and i think i did my best consecutive landings ever, i was very happy with all my landings....you just have to keep holding it off :) Now, after i've got the mains down, i try and keep the nose wheel up till i run out of elevator authority, it can be a lot of fun :)



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Guest SAJabiruflyer
Hahaha Yep, I've heard those exact words numerous times myself, even to the point that i hear them in my head sometimes. hold it off hold it off hold it off I did my flight test today, and passed! and i think i did my best consecutive landings ever, i was very happy with all my landings....you just have to keep holding it off :) Now, after i've got the mains down, i try and keep the nose wheel up till i run out of elevator authority, it can be a lot of fun :)

Well done!! :)



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