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Survival Equipment- For RAA/GA Aircraft.For Isolated Areas

dazza 38

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HI Folks - This has been done before but could not find it.


What i would take and do.








Generally -People need 5 ltrs of water per person per Day.(weight issue)


Flint stick




First aid kit-A good one.




Food -Muesli Bars or similar


Lightweight-Sleeping Bag, Bivvy bag




Plastic Bag- The big clear ones- easiest way to collect water- doesnt us much energy.Pull over tree branch.Use zip Tie, or tape to secure.




Compass- Map But- Stay with the aircraft, its easier to spot, than someone wondering around the bush.


Tips- Dont wonder around in Day light, uses up to much energy. Find or make shade and stay put.Near the aircraft.


Thats all i cant think of ATM-Anyone else have some ideas?



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Need to really increase the weight limit now to carry all that Dazza. oh i'd add a small mirror, a "V" sheet and noise maker. don't weigh much.



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Need to really increase the weight limit now to carry all that Dazza. oh i'd add a small mirror, a "V" sheet and noise maker. don't weigh much.

I Agree Mate. The water weight issue is a big problem.20 Litres = 20 Kg plus containers.



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The old saying was a pack of cards is all you need. Start playing patience and in no time someone will look over your shoulder and say " put the red jack on the black ten"



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Why carry just Water?


We carry 4 large cans of tinned fruit... like peaches, pears etc as well as a smaller quantity of water (4 ltrs?).


Fruit gives you energy and the liquid they are in also gives energy and helps with re-hydration.


For what it is worth.





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Guest Maj Millard

I do a lot of remote country flying, and have had my survival stuff sorted for many years. Water obviously is a must, and the ability to collect further water is also imperitive. The means to collect rain/dew, and the equipment to produce water from green vegetation with a simple plastic sheet, small rock,container for collection, and a hole in the ground, might produce enough water to keep you going.


I always carry at least 4 Lts in the plane, and if I'm going remote I'll load as much water as practical.


Don't forget the small mozzie/insect net, or other suitable creme. The insects will drive you to insanity way before you die of thirst, especially up this way. If you happen to have an uncovered open wound the meat ants could start to eat you. Real hard to think when your being bitten to death constantly !. My theory is to have enough in the kit to survive 'comfortabily' for two days minimum.


Of course your crazy these days if you don't carry a 406 PLB, but if it got burnt-up in the aircraft before you could access and activate it, then you'll need some other stuff won't you, till they work out where you are, or for when you'll have to go to plan B, to save your own hide ...............................................Maj...







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What to carry? Water main thing; but most important a way to tell someone you have a problem as if you can you will be picked up before you need food.


Several years ago I had a complete engine failure over the Simpson Desert (at around 1530hr on a Friday) and glided out onto a station 53km from the homestead and 90km from Oodnadatta. I think most would agree quite isolated!


Firstly Mayday given to Mel Cen: thus working radio first priority. Secondly position given: out there a GPS is nearly essential as map to ground a bit hard. Thirdly in Mayday my sat phone number given: not essential but think of a hand held radio able to talk to aircraft at least should be carried...your aircraft radio may not be working.


What happened to us? After landing had a phone call from Canberra...I remember his first words very well..."Great, we have a breather!"


He confirmed my location and asked what we had. Told him water, space blankets and warm clothing (it was winter). Said I could turn the 416 off as they had it.


Some time later he phoned back saying the Oodnadatta Police would be there in 2hrs.


By 2100hrs I was in the Oodnatta pub having the first of a lot to drink...could have been so much worse for us...and so expensive to find us. Sat phone rearly helped to stop the search.


To me having alternate methods of saying "I have a problem!" ...radio/416/sat phone etc ...essential.


Anyone who enters isolated areas without asking "what if?", and carrying approperate equipment, is being an idiot and should be left to the "Darwin theory of evolution"



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