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If there aren't enough members running

Guest burbles1

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Guest burbles1

Id' like to clarify what happens if there are not enough nominees standing for election in a region. The RA-Aus constitution states:


16 (ii) In the event of:-a) a vacancy occurring in the Board between group elections; or

b) any vacancy occurring as a result of the failure to nominate sufficient Members of


the Board to permit filling of the vacancy as specified in Rule 13 (iv),


the Region entitled to elect a Member to such vacant position, shall elect a financial


Member, subject to the provisions of Rule 16 (ii). That Member shall hold office from the


date of their election until the beginning of the annual general meeting of the Association


following the next group elections pertaining to that office.

Does that mean if only one person in a region is elected, they can then nominate the second Board member?



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I don't know how it would be handled. One possibility (with Carol's agreement) is for her NOT to resign then but send someone on her proxy for the remainder of the term. That is one way to retain normal representation, quorum and voting capability. Nev



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Guest burbles1

The constitution states that if a Board member resigns within 6 months of the next election, the Board does not need to fill the position immediately (i.e. it is a casual vacancy).



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I don't know how it would be handled. One possibility (with Carol's agreement) is for her NOT to resign then but send someone on her proxy for the remainder of the term. That is one way to retain normal representation, quorum and voting capability. Nev

Unfortunately it can't be done Nev, a precedence was set when the board (before my time) ascertained by legal advice that when John Gardon resigned and then withdrew it, he wasn't able to withdraw his resignation once submitted.



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Well Carol may not have submitted it yet. I would have guessed that you would not be replaced for a period like 6 months from an election. That is not unusual. I thought that a resignation had to be accepted as well as submitted. I know of situations where the person involved was persuaded to withdraw the resignation. Nev



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The board does what it likes


Carol still has another 1.5 years to run as carol is not up for election this year


Destiny...I am not sure of the events as I wasn't on the board at that time



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The Board has known of Carol's intention to resign for many months. Perhaps they could have indicated their intent on the matter by now?

The first I heard about it was the other day when talking to Carol on the phone



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Guest burbles1

If you read between the lines in Carol's election statement, she asks members to elect her "one more time". That aside, I'd like to suggest The Captain (aka "Rat") to be asked to run - he is an events manager.



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Guest Steven Runciman



In answer to your question the following is taken from the constitution:


(ii) In the event of:-




a a vacancy occurring in the Board between group elections; or




b any vacancy occurring as a result of the failure to nominate sufficient Members of




the Board to permit filling of the vacancy as specified in Rule 13 (iv),




the Region entitled to elect a Member to such vacant position, shall elect a financial




Member, subject to the provisions of Rule 16 (ii). That Member shall hold office from the




date of their election until the beginning of the annual general meeting of the Association





following the next group elections pertaining to that office.


In this case, as Carol's seat has longer than 6 months to run before the next group election the seat needs to be filled. There will be an election called (specifically for that seat) as soon as the seat is vacant. It cannot be called before the seat is vacated. I suspect, therefore, that you will see an advert asking for volunteers in the May magazine. The person will occupy the seat until Sep 12 when the group election for that seat will take place. This is my understanding of the process.







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  • 1 month later...
Guest Steven Runciman
The simple meaning of the above is as you say Hildy. There needs to be an election pronto to fill the vacancy created by Carol Richard's resignation. And, whoever wins that will remain in office until the AGM in September 2012.


You are correct. The paperwork for the Bi-Election has been sent to the magazine publisher for inclusion in the magazine. I am hoping that it will have been in time for the May edition but if not certainly the Jun edition.







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What you suggested makes sense to me Don and it'd save money and staff time. To clarify a previous point, we have had a member from NSW (John Gardon) representing Vic as he did not gain sufficient votes in his own region but had the highest amount of votes out of all the unsuccessful contenders and therefore gained the uncontested Vic position.





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