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Ground speed from an iphone?

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Is there an app that will use the iphone GPS to give you your ground speed? I can't find one that actually works it out for you. Is it possible?



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Any GPS app that will display speed will give you ground speed. I use two apps on my Android phone called MyTracks and OruxMaps that will give ground speed. On the iPhone I believe an app called Map My Tracks will also display your speed (ground speed), it also logs your flight using the GPS.





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I have made extensive use of my iPhone aloft and recommend GPS ($1.19) for its very easy to read display, which includes ground speed.


I also use InstaMapper GPS tracker to lay a trail of breadcrumbs. My wife can follow my flight in real time, and after I get home I use it for analysing my trip. Each breadcrumb show altitude, ground speed, heading lat/long and time. Unfortunately it only transmits while in the foreground, and its display is only just readable in flight, but I can easily switch between it and another app such as GPS.





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Yep as Jimmydz stated above, Air Nav. I bought the AirNav Pro and she's got some excellent features. :thumb_up::thumb_up:


GPS Tracker and NAVFree GPS :thumb_up:



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I use and can recommend Motion X GPS. if you'd like to pm me with your email address i can send you a "track" I flew last weekend that will automatically open in google maps for you to examine







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