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Ted learns to fly

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My girlfriend is a bit of a poet, and she wrote this one day... thought some of you might enjoy reading it. It's just a bit of fun so I hope you all enjoy.


She has let me show it to you guys but It is copyright to Mattea Taylor, so please be considerate of that.


Hope you enjoy!


Ted Learns to Fly










It was a drizzly morning at House Number Two,









And Ted the Mouse was bored - he had nothing to do!









So he looked out the window and there through the rain,









He could just make out the shape of a little white plane.










He watched the plane fly through the clouds, high in the sky,









Ted's eyes lit up! - And he gave a little cry:









“I know what I can do! It's a fantastic idea!”









“I'll learn to fly a plane right now and right here!”










So he looked around the room and near a patchwork quilt,









He saw the model plane that little Jim had built.









He raced over to it and hopped inside,









Ted decided he would take this plane for a ride!










“No-one will notice,” he thought, with a smile,









“I’ll only borrow it for a bit – just for a while!”









So he ran it along the table and launched off the end,









He pulled at the levers but the plane started to descend!










Onto the carpet the little plane crashed,









Ted was dismayed to see that it was all smashed!









“Oh no!” he cried, “what will I do?”









“I’ll have to put it together with duct tape and glue!”










So he grabbed the glue and scissors and tape,









After ages of working the plane was in much better shape!









So he made up his mind he would try flying once more,









But this time would be better – he knew that for sure.










So he went to the toy box and had a look,









And there he found an instruction book.









It told how to fly in the simplest way,









And this book Ted studied for the rest of the day!










He didn’t have to worry what little Jim would say,









Because Jim and his family had gone on a long holiday!









So he memorised the book and learnt it inside and out,









Until he knew how to fly without any doubt.










He jumped into the cockpit and spun the propeller as fast as he was able,









He used the rudder to keep him going straight as he taxied down the table.









He pulled the control stick back sharply as he picked up speed,









The plane leapt into the air like a bucking steed!










Ted panicked and nosed the plane back down,









He stopped at the edge of the table and turned the plane around.









Though scared, Ted decided that he would try again,









“I’ll do it gently this time, as gentle as I can.”










So he taxied off the table and launched into the air,









The plane flew very smoothly despite Ted’s make-shift repair!









Ted felt his heart beating fast as he looked down at the floor,









He was so high in the air – higher than ever before!










The plane was picking up speed, Ted reckoned over a hundred knots,









He wondered, “what will I do if the plane suddenly drops?”









Ted nosed the plane down to fly lower, so that he wasn’t so high,









And suddenly he was sure that he was going to die.










Because right in front of him, lying on a mat,









Was that wretched, nasty old cat!









Ted realised the cat was having a snooze,









So he decided that he had nothing to lose.










He flew with speed towards the cat,









But just as it looked like Ted would go splat,









Ted zoomed sharply upwards into the air,









But, boy - did it give that cat a scare!










It jumped to its feet and looked around,









But Ted the mouse was nowhere to be found.









The cat was furious and raced around the house,









Flying was suddenly fun for this little mouse!










Ted flew around, looping and turning,









In his heart a passion for flying started burning!









He loved the feel of the wind in his face,









And how he could zoom all over the place.










He could’ve gone on flying for the rest of the day,









But to his dismay…









Somebody turned the key in the door,









And Ted was not alone anymore.










It was Jim and his parents back from vacation,









Ted quickly decreased the plane’s elevation.









He was puzzled why they were back so soon,









But he couldn’t let them see him flying around the room!










He landed the plane on little Jim’s bed,









Ted sadly bid it goodbye then turned and fled.









No-one seemed to notice the state of the plane,









Or at least Jim didn’t seem to complain.










Ted whispered from the safety of his hole,









“I will fly it again – at least that’s my goal!”









“But even if I don’t, I’m still so glad,”









“For the excitement and fun today that I had!”










© Mattea Taylor 2011









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