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Jeppesen iPad App


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I have heard that it will come to Australia and now with Android the most used Operating System (OS) by smart devices and Apple is on the crest of their wave and rumoured that they are desperately trying to come up with some other unique device before the wave comes crashing down soon, Android is the OS to go for which Jep will do. The Jep mobile app for USA has been around for several years on Windows CE OS so all they have done is enhanced it and made it usable on an Apple device.


What is interesting is that Mozilla, the makers of the Firefox web browser, are also soon to release an Operating System along with Microsoft pulling out all stops to capture a slice of the mobile market. This will again complicate the whole smart/mobile/pad device arena just like the Social Media scene with Facebook, Twitter, MSN etc. I have been asking the question in several techo forums out there who the majority of techo people think will win the mobile wars and they all agree that Google with Android will come out as the long standing winner.


Apple will start to decline as all they can do is enhance their devices unless they can come up with another type of unique device...actually, they are not unique, some say the iPod was just an enhanced copy of the Walkman, the iPad is just a copy of the HP Tablet...so Apple will become like toothbrushes and wet shavers, it's amazing how they can still find ways to enhance these tools...throw an extra blade into a wet shaver, twist the bristles slightly on a toothbrush.


We can see the new Samsung Galaxy S2 with a 1.2 gig processor is blitzing all the mobile markets and Samsung has just released its own 10.1 inch 4G Android powered tablet. China and other Asian countries, India, US etc are all now making Android powered cheaper tablet PCs to rival the iPad and in fact as reported the other day, the new Chinese OS called Aliyun will be released in English in a few months and with the majority of mobile phones actually manufactured in China, you will start to see many cheap phones/other mobile/pad devices being used around the world with Aliyun.


In summary, Google' Android will in my opinion is starting to come out on top of Apple and many more apple developers are realising that Android is the way to go for the future.


I am expecting delivery any day now of Prototype 2 of the Recreational Flying EFB Tablet PC which is Android powered and it is even slightly brighter then an iPad in a cockpit, can make phone calls from it, comes with a bluetooth earpiece, WiFi, multi touch zoom screen and much more. Hopefully it will be the last prototype so I can start to look at uploading (geocache) all the Google Earth maps along with airstrips, flight planner etc so when you are flying if you look at the device and see a tree, you should be able to look outside and see the same tree...that is what we hope to achieve in the end



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