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New Pilot


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Hi Everyone. I went for my first flight in a Jabiru 160 today at Murray Bridge. I looked at the aircraft and my size and thought no way. I had a great trial flight and was allowed to do everything but land. Needless to say I am now going to get my Recreational Pilots Licence. Because I have a Glider Licence it shouldn't take me too long to solo. Here's to a new challenge in life.



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Welcome John,


Lots of good info and peole here to assist. Any questions, just ask and you'll get lots of help. Noting your glider background I am assuming you'll nail the forced landings ..... 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif





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Just remember you don't NEED to turn the fan off when you land...


Gliding should make the "dead stick" landing process a no-brainer for you later on. Normally you only get one shot at a landing in a glider, at least with powered flight you are able to do a go-around if you stuff your approach.



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The only thing I really have to get used to is the ground rush as you are landing. Never bothered me in the glider but sure seemed awful fast yesterday coming into a gravel strip. Yes I did find myself constantly looking for a nice paddock to land in all the time. LOL I was surprised how nicely the Jabiru did actually glide. Can't wait to get into the air again.



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Hi Paul. I will make sure that i introduce myself to you. I am flying on ANZAC day and probably the following Sunday. You wouldn't happen to know an old friend of mine that flies out of Murray Bridge? David Searle. I want to get back in touch with him after many years. He used to fly with RFDS I think.



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