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CT4 over Melbourne

Guest pelorus32

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Guest pelorus32

About 3:30pm today I was working away in the boatyard at Williamstown and I heard an aero engine sucking Avgas at a great rate.


Ducked outside to see a CT4 blasting across Williamstown heading for Point Cook.


I suspect that the occupants are well known on this website:cool:


Looked good from where I was...







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Spot on Mike ;), I did a couple of trips out of Point Cook today with some friends - past Williamstown and down the bay to Moorabin and back...the CT4 does have a very unique exhaust note doesn't it.


We're based at Point Cook while we're in Melbourne for the week, planning to do a few flights while we're here...including my flight review - I think my instructor (Kris K) is looking forward to that more than me :)


Here's a few pics from the trip and today. Expect a big post when we get back home and can sort everything out. 3rd pic is our friends at Penfield and the 4th is the RAAF Lake at Point Cook reflecting the sky like a mirror...Kaz is getting better :)















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Guest Booker YPMQ

Hi Matt,


I am a friend of the new owner of Sport Star 3978. Gregg is having a lot of fun with the aeroplane. I think it would be accurate to say that since he's had it it has only had a couple of days where it has not flown. I've had the opportunity to fly it a few times. A very nice example of what RA-Aus types have to offer. All said and done though I would much rather be flying the CT4. Make sure you give me a call when you're trading up again.



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Guest brentc

Oh, I was airborne on Saturday at the time cruising out to Melton in ZMX when I heard VH-MCT inbound for Point Cook. From memory it was around 12:50pm.


Unfortunately I couldn't remember the rego from this forum to see if it was you.



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Hi Matt, I am a friend of the new owner of Sport Star 3978. Gregg is having a lot of fun with the aeroplane. I think it would be accurate to say that since he's had it it has only had a couple of days where it has not flown. I've had the opportunity to fly it a few times. A very nice example of what RA-Aus types have to offer. All said and done though I would much rather be flying the CT4. Make sure you give me a call when you're trading up again.

G'day Adam, remember meeting you the day we arrived at Port Mac. Glad to hear Dimples is being looked after and getting plenty of attention. I've just about clocked up 15 hours on the CT4 and very comfortable with it now...and although I love the Sportstar, I love the CT4 even more...hope Dimples isn't reading this :).







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Oh, I was airborne on Saturday at the time cruising out to Melton in ZMX when I heard VH-MCT inbound for Point Cook. From memory it was around 12:50pm.Unfortunately I couldn't remember the rego from this forum to see if it was you.

G'day Brent, probably not us at that time, we were just leaving Canberra around that time. We did overfly Melton on our way to Point Cook from Mangalore (skirting Melbourne airspace) but it would've been around 4.45PM on Saturday.







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aaah - the good ole Point Cook puddle - Matt, did you have any trouble getting allowance into Point Cook?


Say Hi to Kris K at Point Cook for me - we know each other well!



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Great photos and a great aircraft of course...lake looks a little low too...

We were thinking it was actually doing pretty well to have water in it, we've seen it dry more times than wet.



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aaah - the good ole Point Cook puddle - Matt, did you have any trouble getting allowance into Point Cook?Say Hi to Kris K at Point Cook for me - we know each other well!

No troubles getting in at all which surprised us. There's two new Airfield Managers (only started in the last couple of weeks) and they're keen to ensure that all operations, including approvals, are in line with the agreements and procedures which are documented...not based on personal opinions as per some previous field managers.


We also get some special treatment having an ex-RAAF aircraft but effectively all we had to provide was a reasonable reason for using the airfield (a few visits to the RAAF Museum to research our aircraft) and a copy of our insurance policy details - specifically Public Liability...everyone's favourite topic.


I'm not sure the new guys will be able to get to a point where anyone can fly in at any time but they are working to ensure the approval process is clearly defined and that the process is efficient. I'm sure we all wish them well!


I caught up with Kris on Sunday and will be seeing him again tomorrow (Tuesday) and on Thursday for my flight review, will say "g'day" to him for you.


Keep an ear out for a CT4 belting around Melbourne again tomorrow, we're probably going to do a trip around the bay and visit a few of the local airfields...any suggestions welcome if people are going to be around and have a kettle on :)







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Guest brentc

Tooradin is nice. Only about 10 mins from Moorabbin. There's a full-on a-la-carte restaurant there with those gucci late's that everyone likes. I won't be around. I was there today. Not sure if the CFI Eugene is in, however one of the guys should be around.



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Guest Fred Bear

Nice pics Kaz/Matt?? Last one is worthy of the comp methinks? Pics of clouds in rivers/puddles get you places! ;) We were just saying after your departure last time out of our field that we wished you had conducted a low pass at cruise speed :;)2: Would make for awesome video/audio. Maybe next time??? Enjoy your trip. Will miss you at YSCB Thursday then.



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