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The RA-AUS Board and RA-Aus direction.

Guest Booker YPMQ

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Guest Booker YPMQ

I know there have been previous threads regarding board actions and performance but I am a new comer to the forums so I'm trying to get a handle on what the forum members think about the current RA-Aus board (constructive comments only please) and any ideas about the current direction of RA-Aus or where we should be going. (If we're not already heading in the right direction).


The development of the recreational aviation movement has been nothing short of astonishing. As it gets larger and more complex the board will have to be on their toes to ensure that it grows in the right direction. What is required in management or policy to give us the best possible outcome?


I know it's a very broad topic. Any starters?


P.S. I'm not normally this serious.......just interested.010_chuffed.gif.c2575b31dcd1e7cce10574d86ccb2d9d.gif



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RAAus direction


Adam, your question is very timely. I believe Paul Middleton is soon to retire so that the new Supremo will need to be carefully chosen and the path down which we go moves in a similar direction. I would also prefer the RAAus and the SAAA to become more closely involved. This would not have been possible a few years ago, but moves in that direction would probably be more successful now. We also need to give some consideration to distributing the magazine electronically, something which Paul has opposed. That might free up some funds for other services for members.


Keep asking questions, they get people to think.





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Guest Andys@coffs
..... I would also prefer the RAAus and the SAAA to become more closely involved. This would not have been possible a few years ago, but moves in that direction would probably be more successful now.....



Why do you believe that RAA and SAAA should be more closely involved?


Specifically what would the advantage be to RAA, and in turn what would be the advatnage to SAAA?







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Guest Booker YPMQ

Hi David,


There are lots of rumours around about who will be taking Middo's job. If I were a betting man I would be having a few dollars on Lee. That would mean Mick would step up to Lee's job and there would be more advertisments for an assistant ops manager.


Anyway whether it goes that way or not I believe Middo will be sorely missed.


Like Andy, I'm not sure what the reason might be to align ourselves more closely with the SAAA. I think the two groups get on pretty well as is and lend a hand where required. Can you elaborate on that more?


I am also apposed to e-maling the magazine. My day to day life is so full of e-mails as is, it's nice to be able to lie in bed of an evening with a coffee and meander through the articles etc. Honestly I would hate to see the Mag as just another e-mail in the inbox.


Also, nominations for the Board Elections close soon. Food for thought.



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Guest brentc

I also heard this rumour recently, however I'd doubt if this could stand as a permanent arrangement until the board next meet.


Personally I think that the position of Ops manager and CEO are entirely different and require vastly differing skill-sets, thus your suggested course of action may not be the one that pans out in th end.



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Guest Booker YPMQ
I also heard this rumour recently, however I'd doubt if this could stand as a permanent arrangement until the board next meet.Personally I think that the position of Ops manager and CEO are entirely different and require vastly differing skill-sets, thus your suggested course of action may not be the one that pans out in th end.

Maybe not. Just what I heard.

I do agree that the two roles requires very different things but from the little I know about Lee I think he would be fine for the job on a permanent basis.


Remeber too that Middo used to be the ops man before Lee.



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Guest Andys@coffs

I too dont want the magazine as an e mail, having a laptop purched on my knees as I sit on the throne just doesnt cut it for me.


As I understand it, the magazine and all that goes into producing it is done through a 3rd party magazine company, if we went to email then the RAA team would either need to grow to take on the communications aspects, or outsource to an editorial staff which will have its own associated costs.


Not too sure what the advertising aspects would be if the mag ended up being produced by the RAA team. Some could perhaps argue conflict of interest, where as the advertising at present I presume is handled soley by the 3rd party magazine producer.





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Emailing Magazine.


I am not suggesting that email should be the only way to receive the mag. It should always be optional as the printed magazine has to be available for those without the email facility as well as to the newsagents. It does cost a lot of money to print and mail it and this cost could be saved.





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I personally hate reading extensive documents on my PC, even though I have an LCD, with brightness adjusted quite far down, it is just too much strain on my eyes. And then, opening a PDF, scrolling down through the ads until your fingers hurt, not nice either.


I prefer a print copy, you can have all your magazines stockpiled in your room on the bookshelf, and if you ever want to show someone something from a past edition, you just go and get it, instead of having to search through a 200gb hard drive.



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I wonder if there is an opportunity for me to develop - with the consent of the RAAus offcourse - a database of the magazine articles etc. Every time the mag comes out I would do an update file where the user imports it into the database program. It would have full search facilities etc and be free for those that receive the mag.


Just a thought but there would probably some copyright things to get over plus some kind of assurance that it be only for those that already get the magazine - all HUGE mountains to fly over though ;)



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Very good idea there Ian. What can be done at the moment without any worries, is to have a database containing article titles and in which magazine they can be found. You would just design the database and the scripts to allow for the full article to be added later on if you do get permission.


To validate whether a person can have access, I think you could just ask them for their membership ID, and then by some way, either interfacing this site with membership records of RAA, you can give a person permissions to access the database.


Just some random ideas. :P



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Shaun - accessing the RAAus database would definitely be a NO-GO but the article titles would be easy to implement not as a database for the user to have themselves but as a database accessed on this site - oh well, there's another job on the never ending pile of things to do and actually my whiteboard doesn't have any more room left on it to add anything else 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif


If anyone remembers the saga of putting the gazebo together for Corrine well here is an update - NOTHING 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif:







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Guest Juliette Lima

Hi Ian,


Great idea...RAAus should grab your generous offer and skills without delay...AT THE RAAus COST, not yours....we have a hugely expanding membership, and therefore, income.


No to electronic mags.


Yes to sourcing a highly skilled CEO who has the vision, drive, management, interpersonal, and yes, industry/technical skills to take this rapidly expanding assoc. forward.


Best wishes to the Board in their search.







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Guest Juliette Lima

Hi again,


On the subject of Board Memebers, it is worthwhile re-reading Pelorus32, post No33 in the RA-Aus Board Forum.


As for "RA-Aus Board members what do we think about them".....we put 'em there,


For mine, the Board members I have dealt with or sought assistance from, have been helpful, prepared to listen, and willing to further raised issues.





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I got the June mag today and there is an interesting suggestion by our Pres. Andrew Hicks that we give him a vision statement.


On another note I wonder if he is related to Terry Hicks of Adelaide, they look similar. No I am not being serious.



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Guest Booker YPMQ



If anyone remembers the saga of putting the gazebo together for Corrine well here is an update - NOTHING 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif:




Mate...what is going on there? If any kind hearted person who knows how to use a screwdriver lives near Ian can you please give him a hand.


These brainy nerds really do have some problems with things like this.006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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Hi Andy


I think will find now that the magazine is already out sourced and the out sourced editor should be only called a cut and paster as he or she doesn't edit any articles just cut and pastes them into the layout. The RA Aus needs an in house editor who knows about flying and aircraft so the editor can really edit and help members write stories. With a membership as big as the RA Aus they could also start getting some regular writers and pay for stories. The RA Aus needs to stop putting out a magazine that relies only on it's members to write the stories. I also believe that black text on white paper is the best format, I wish the cut and paster would stop with all the coloured pages with text on them, it makes reading very hard.


I had better get off my soapbox


What do other members think???



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Coloured paper


I am with you Allan. I have been complaining for years about all the fancy coloured layouts in various magazines. They should fire all the graphic artists and get back to basics.





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Plain Text.


I brought this subject (readable black& white print ) up on another thread, so I am obviously in furious agreement. This magazine is the principal means of communication for operational purposes and the lighter-hearted aspects as well. It is hard to over-estimate its importance to US now and it will become more so in the future, as we grow in numbers and complexity. I am completely against the idea of digital distribution, (except perhaps on a non-discriminatory voluntary basis) as I wouldn't want to alienate even ONE of our members, by so doing. N....



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Personally I am all for digital


There is very little need nowadays for paper publications


I even buy all my fiction as ebooks and unless a magazine is available in electronic format i will only buy it if iabsolutely need it.


My ebook reader is very long lasting with batteries and quick to charge . With a laptop and a reader i have thousands of books and other publications that are easy to carry and read.


If your eyes are not real good at night it is simple to up the print size to suit the light conditions or your mood.



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I use a number of devices


My laptop has all the reader programs installed though i do not actually use it much as a reader. I have a Sony ebook reader which is excellent mainly for its portability and battery life . I also have a HP tablet PC which is probably the most used because of its versatility in also being a PC. I even have a number of books on my pda for reading on public transport etc. The smaller screen of the pda takes a wee bit of getting use to but is an excellent compromise while travelling. its not hard to have a hundred different books and magazines available on your pda sd card to provide entertainment when travelling and it is also your phone and database.



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