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Video: Kingaroy April 2013 - Skyranger Nynja


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Nice, getting into the beautiful Qld autum weather now, perfect for flying like this, gee if Mal puts a GoPro on his Skyranger you could get some Nynja/ Skyranger in flight fun video ( not suggesting any unapproved formation flying of course!)



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Scott,can you post some photos of your video camera setup? I'd love to see how the cameras are mounted.





I don't have a pic of the camera setup, but if you pause the video at about 3:34 you'll see the GoPro on the right strut. I used the base of the box the camera came in and I just tape it to the strut. The GoPro cameras have mounting arms that have ends 90 degrees twist. These can be stacked to quickly chnge a forward view to a side view as I did with this video when I landed at the 'Roy.


I think the secret to the GoPro is to use it at the 720 resolution @ 50fps rather than the 1080. It seem a lot less prone to the rolling shutter distortion at that setting. The other shots done from inside the cockpit were done with a Kodak Zi8 pocket camera also on 720 @ 60fps. At one stage in the video you can see me pick it up for a shot.


I try to give my videos a nice relaxed feel we "easy listening" type music and cross fade transitions. Straight cut transitions give a snappier feel to the video, but take a fair bit more work to synch the cuts to the music.



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Thanks again for all the kind words. The videos I make are my memories of my flying for when the time comes when I'm no longer 'king of the clouds'. It's a real bonus for me that you enjoy them as well.





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