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Under banking in descent turns

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Hi is there some one who could please help with a bit of theory on the concept of under-banking during a descending turn and how the inner wing into the turn has a higher angle of attack creating lift to counter the lift created by the higher speed of the outer wing.



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Is the term under banking used often? It WAS called holding aileron ON or OFF. ( The stick or wheel is displaced). While this is taught in aviation theory early, the practical effect is that you don't really know you are doing it when you have been flying for a while. You make the plane do what you want it to and use whatever control input is necessary to make that happen. Balanced flight with ball in centre is important at some critical times. IF the ailerons were required to be displaced in S&L your plane would be misrigged and should be checked or the rudder/ engine offset is wrong. Engine power changes in some planes will change the rudder requirement and if this is not compensated for the ailerons will be required. Sometimes this effect is greater than the climbing and descending effect on wing angles of attack.. Nev



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