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Eurofox Tw


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Hi all, went up in a Eurofox taildragger on the weekend, great fun but man that rudder does not want to be ignored,with full flap the adverse yaw is something to be experienced, looking forward to putting a few more hour in it over the next few weeks!



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Good stuff - what did you do in it?

just turns and stalls, with full flap the adverse yaw is incredible, it's definatly a rudder aircraft ,so touchy I had heaps of drama keeping it in balance.Actually found it easier to do balanced steep turns than 30degturns, Craig reckons it will take a bit to get used to .It will do the most aggressive side slip ,1500fpm desent, quicker than stallling it :) . Did a passable 3 pointer in pretty gusty crosswind (90 deg to the strip) going out again this weekend to do some circuits. Craig and I fill it up pretty much, not a lot of room to breathe! very nicely built airplane though.



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