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Kogalymavia EI-ETJ

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I beg to differ with dr zoos glib one liner about Putin having "decimated the economy" . Putin was dared by the coalition of the killing to go to war in the Ukraine when an elected leader was replaced by a fascist dictator, Poreshenko. He didn't but was rewarded by the West with sanctions similar to those applied to Iraq in the 90's (Madelaine Albright's comment when it was pointed out that restrictions on the import of life saving medicines and baby formula was causing countless innocents to die ," It was worth it". Look it up.) Now Putin is doing the west's declared job of killing the terrorists and well. Read something that doesn't include Murdoch in its masthead. Don



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I beg to differ with dr zoos glib one liner about Putin having "decimated the economy" . Putin was dared by the coalition of the killing to go to war in the Ukraine when an elected leader was replaced by a fascist dictator, Poreshenko. He didn't but was rewarded by the West with sanctions similar to those applied to Iraq in the 90's (Madelaine Albright's comment when it was pointed out that restrictions on the import of life saving medicines and baby formula was causing countless innocents to die ," It was worth it". Look it up.) Now Putin is doing the west's declared job of killing the terrorists and well. Read something that doesn't include Murdoch in its masthead. Don

Some good advice there, Don. With global ADD, and the 24 hour news cycle, we're an easy target for news to be presented in a not so accurate version. If the Western press (or any other, for that matter) want us to believe something for the purposes of sticking to the narrative, it's not hard to do.


Sometimes it's what they don't tell us, as opposed to printing outright untruths. Another disturbing trend of late is to quote 'anonymous sources', 'persons familiar with the matter' or 'according to social media reports'. One recent trend is to state ' We have conclusive evidence'. When challenged to provide that evidence, the standard answer is ' We cannot release the evidence as it would compromise our national security'. What a matrix we now have.


Both sides have professional trolls and bloggers on the payroll. The theory is - throw some mud and it will stick because most people blindly believe the limited news sources that they access. I can guarantee that most people with a hardline stance against Putin have never read one of his speeches, ever. The reason our press doesn't publish them, is that they make a lot of sense. And we can't have that.


As far as decimating the economy, economics is above my head. I guess only time will tell. The Chinese have said that they will back Russia financially, and Russia still has 370 billion US curency reserves. The sanctions are hurting Europe as much as Russia, so maybe they'll pull through it.


Cheers, Willie.



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Interesting to note that the "West" has been bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, parts of Pakistan and areas north-eastern Africa for up to 14 years and no western airliners shot down in punishment. Russia has been in Syria for about 6 weeks and the "terrorists" are suddenly so enraged that they destroy an Airbus. Looks more like a false flag op by the Mossad or CIA hoping to goad Putin into some revenge act. Too cool for that I think.



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This video was an eye opener for me

There it is in a nutshell. The press would have everybody believe that there's all these individual issues causing great concern and a threat to us. But it's all about one thing - independant foreign policy. Any country pursuing an independant foreign policy is by default, demonised. What have Russia, China, Iran, Syria and the former administrations of Iraq, Libya and Cuba have in common. Independant foreign policy. Look at the number of countries around the world that have done things as bad as these countries and worse, and we turn a blind eye because they're part of the team.


Basically, if the puppet won't dance, you smack him. No wonder the world's in a continual state of war.



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In the words of John Mayer in "Waiting on the World to Change".


And when you trust your television


What you get is what you got


Cause when they own the information, oh


they can bend it all they want"


So we just keep waiting, (waiting),


Waiting on the word to change



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Post#54 revisited. The US and its co-conspirators have been slaughtering "arab militants" for years. However it has only been very recent that any credible force (Putin's newly energised Russia) has checked this crushing onslaught. This further atrocity against innocent and helpless members of the public may be designed to justify the West's war crimes against Assad's "barrel bombing" regime by implicating Syrians in the atrocities. Perhaps we will see a link to Russia following the extraordinary moves of the past week against Russia's athletics admin. Remember an American cyclist winning the Tour (many times).



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Post#54 revisited. The US and its co-conspirators have been slaughtering "arab militants" for years. However it has only been very recent that any credible force (Putin's newly energised Russia) has checked this crushing onslaught. This further atrocity against innocent and helpless members of the public may be designed to justify the West's war crimes against Assad's "barrel bombing" regime by implicating Syrians in the atrocities. Perhaps we will see a link to Russia following the extraordinary moves of the past week against Russia's athletics admin. Remember an American cyclist winning the Tour (many times).

It's seems to be a tangled web these days. Who wears the white hats and who wears the black hats is increasingly dertermined by the media. But there appears to be a lot of grey hats there, that no-one on our side will acknowledge the existance of. I would tend to think that if the bomb theory is right, explosive residues would be fairly easy to detect in the wreckage. That still doesn't determine who did it. If it wasn't IS, it would still be in their interest to claim responsibility for it.


There could be a lot of potential candidates if the downing of the airliner was a terrorist act. If it was militants linked to the troubles in Syria and the reason, in theory, was payback for the Russian intervention, then it could only be IS or al-Nusra. It couldn't be any of the other foreign supported groups, as we're told that they are 'moderate' groups and 'moderates' don't do awful things like that. So if it wasn't IS or al Nusra, who else would stand to gain from it, and how would they expect the spin off to harm Russia. If a Russian airliner was brought down, it would be directed at that country and not done to scare infidels in general.



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